Pure evil, this unfit terrorist. America is better than Trump and his band of 🗑


Not a terrorist.
The democrats let in 13000 known murders because they want votes. Not just this election but next.

He is right, and you support people who would trade your safety to remain in power. You are a shill.
WDDT, I am sure you have a credible, note the word credible and not just another clip of a Bonespurs rant lie, that cites 13,000 KNOWN MURDERERS, and some credible documentation that said 'murderers' were brought in specifically to sign them all up to vote. I'll wait for your undeniable proof.
WDDT, I am sure you have a credible, note the word credible and not just another clip of a Bonespurs rant lie, that cites 13,000 KNOWN MURDERERS, and some credible documentation that said 'murderers' were brought in specifically to sign them all up to vote. I'll wait for your undeniable proof.
Somebody posted about it on Reddit and 4 Chan and he saw a tweet about it! What more do you need???

Migrants and the Haitians. In general. Attack a minority group and stoke fear. Textbook authoritarian trash
To do it is one thing, to be continually duped by it is another. That shows you how ignorant the maga cult is. They are like those old bobbleheads in cars where they just keep nodding their head no matter what. Sad.
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Congrats dude. You are an actual piece of shit.
What if he was a multiple time convicted financial felon, had been found legally to be a sexual abuser, was a rampant liar, was a wife cheater, screwed porno prostitutes and paid them off and was over a half a billion $$ in debt in fines for the crimes he had been convicted of? What if he told you Vladimir Putin and KJU were really good guys. Would he still be a piece of shit? Or would you then like him? Just wondering.
This country doesn't begin to heal with Trump around.
You have to remember that Bonespurs the Sexual Abuser does not want the country to heal. He wants to create and foment hate and division. It's the only way he can keep the low IQ cult members in line. Cater to their racist and homophobic tendencies with the gobbldeygook he mumbles. Nary a plan out of his mouth to 'make America great again' and the cult too ignorant to realize it.
You have to remember that Bonespurs the Sexual Abuser does not want the country to heal. He wants to create and foment hate and division. It's the only way he can keep the low IQ cult members in line. Cater to their racist and homophobic tendencies with the gobbldeygook he mumbles. Nary a plan out of his mouth to 'make America great again' and the cult too ignorant to realize it.
This is what I posted in another thread:

That’s why Trump loves the poorly educated. They are just so stupid and easy to dupe.

Get them focused on trannies and people with melanin while sprinkling in some bullshit about your fake Christianity, and you have a pretty solid base to back you.

No one should question why many Europeans think America is a country full of idiots. We are.
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What if he was a multiple time convicted financial felon, had been found legally to be a sexual abuser, was a rampant liar, was a wife cheater, screwed porno prostitutes and paid them off and was over a half a billion $$ in debt in fines for the crimes he had been convicted of? What if he told you Vladimir Putin and KJU were really good guys. Would he still be a piece of shit? Or would you then like him? Just wondering.
Stop. You’re going to make him cum.
Trump will continue to be an assassination target.

You don't screw people like he has for most of his life and not make enemies
White Nationalism.

But not while people like Trump spread fear of anyone not like him!
I don't know man last I checked the country seems pretty diverse. We had a black president, a black VP, and that same black VP may win in November. A gay dude was also Biden's cabinet.

I think you just have a sandy vag.
Do you dispute the official vote count? Are you a denier?
Sometimes I feel bad for punching down on you. God bless you, I know you are trying, but you aren't clever enough to pull this off. Maybe you should go back to posting Russian misinformation? This wasn't a serious attempt at legislation, and your source is a push piece, and not actual journalism.
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