Kamala’s lead keeps dwindling. JFC this is pitiful.

I would guesstimate perhaps 500,000 to max of 1 million per year? Not the 20 million+ in the last 3.5 years. What do YOU think the “right” number should be?
What is your "guesstimate" based on? Please provide a citation for the 20 million+ legal immigrants in the past 3.5 years.

  • 2021: Around 740,000 legal immigrants were admitted, as the country began to recover from the pandemic's impact on immigration.
  • 2022: The number of legal immigrants admitted rose to over 1 million, reflecting the Biden administration's policies on immigration.
  • 2023: Immigration numbers surged further, with approximately 1.6 millionlegal immigrants entering the U.S.(Pew Research Center)(OHSS).

To consistently achieve 2% GDP growth, a combination of population growth (primarily through immigration given the low birth rate in the US) and productivity improvements is required. A typical estimate would suggest that around 0.5% to 1% population growth is needed annually, which equates to 1.6 million to 3.3 million additional people per year, depending on other factors like productivity and labor force participation.
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What is your "guesstimate" based on? Please provide a citation for the 20 million+ legal immigrants in the past 3.5 years.

  • 2021: Around 740,000 legal immigrants were admitted, as the country began to recover from the pandemic's impact on immigration.
  • 2022: The number of legal immigrants admitted rose to over 1 million, reflecting the Biden administration's policies on immigration.
  • 2023: Immigration numbers surged further, with approximately 1.6 millionlegal immigrants entering the U.S.(Pew Research Center)(OHSS).

To consistently achieve 2% GDP growth, a combination of population growth (primarily through immigration given the low birth rate in the US) and productivity improvements is required. A typical estimate would suggest that around 0.5% to 1% population growth is needed annually, which equates to 1.6 million to 3.3 million additional people per year, depending on other factors like productivity and labor force participation.
The United States kills 1.2 million of its future citizens to abortion every year then we turn around to justify illegals by citing low birth rates.
The United States kills 1.2 million of its future citizens to abortion every year then we turn around to justify illegals by citing low birth rates.
Sure - all those clumps of cells are the solution to the labor force.

What is your number for legal immigration per year?

I'm not sure how you do it, but you continue to exceed your previous levels of ignorance and stupidity.
Sure - all those clumps of cells are the solution to the labor force.

What is your number for legal immigration per year?

I'm not sure how you do it, but you continue to exceed your previous levels of ignorance and stupidity.
If it’s just a “clump and of cells” how the **** do you get here then? Did you just spawn in as a 7 year old one day?

250,000 is my number. 70% from Europe. 20% Asia and 10% other.
If it’s just a “clump and of cells” how the **** do you get here then? Did you just spawn in as a 7 year old one day?

250,000 is my number. 70% from Europe. 20% Asia and 10% other.
What is that based on?

I had no doubt that you would support economic decline.
What is that based on?

I had no doubt that you would support economic decline.
If we didn't murder so many babies we wouldn't need to import the third world to subsidize our economy and the ponzi scheme that is social security.
If we didn't murder so many babies we wouldn't need to import the third world to subsidize our economy and the ponzi scheme that is social security.
Scruffy you want to come mow my lawn? I don't think so. Rico would do it for a few pesos.
For the last time that “immigration” bill was a joke…it still allowed too many immigrants in b4 the bill’s provisions kicked in. During the Trump administration 2.5 million immigrants entered the country…that # is much greater during the Biden/Harris administration.
That border bill that your weird girlfriends killed was the best proposed legislation in decades to address US immigration issues despite your dumb opinion on it that you are just parroting from your Trump influenced echo chamber. SAD. Republicans don’t get to speak to immigration issues now because you won’t address it. Put up or shut up. Right now it’s STFU time for y’all.

Your numbers are also false, business as usual for you, can’t trust a damn thing you contribute to these forums. Total new immigrants per year:

2017: 2,583,448
2018: 2,489,901
2019: 2,492,676
2020: 1,298,904

That’s nearly 9,000,000 new immigrants during Trump’s term and it would have been higher if not for the big drop due to Covid policy restrictions.,Department of Homeland Securi...

You’re not fooling anyone here except for the other weirdos here like you who support a convicted felon and sexual abuser.

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