Question for Conservatives and Trump Voters

Gonna send this to my no pics wife so she knows what to expect once I'm off work.
No, to his point, no Dem would go in with the goal of reducing wasteful spending.

The OPs assumptions are also incorrect. Musk has read only access, so he can't "change" programming. He can direct others to.

I believe he'll do too much, cut too deep, and it'll cause problems int he short term, and I'm TOTALLY in favor of it. Its much better to cause some fixable issues while doing the right thing than to not do the right thing for fear of messing something up.

This is absolutely what we've needed for a long time and had Biden or Obama done it, I'd have wanted to vote for them.
Season 2 Hbo GIF by Big Little Lies
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The Democrats did run in there unauthorized and shut down the legit government it was called January 6th

The problem with Democrats is they have one God and it is called communism and government. They let their God and government take the place of the real God... So they believe their God runs everything. Including running our whole lives.

Instead Biden was fake elected and he went in there and totally turned everything upside down... Or his people did. I think he has probably been out of it since way before 2020.

Trying way too hard OIT.
Does anyone, and is cutting chunks of funding in the tens of millions going even scratch the surface of such an unfathomable number?

I don't think a lot of people can scale numbers after a certain point. A 40 million dollar savings is some like .000001% out of 37 trillion.

For example if a company with a 400k budget saved .000001% of through hard work in accounting they would be saving.....40 cents.
Does anyone, and is cutting chunks of funding in the tens of millions going even scratch the surface of such an unfathomable number?
Absolutely! Your attitude is exactly how we got here in the first place! And exactly why it's going to take dramatic action (like we are now seeing) to fix it. Congress has proven completely impotent in this regard.
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Do any Dems have any concept of what $37T represents to this country and its future viability?
Bro, are seriously just going to ignore the fact that DJT #45 added more to that $37 T per year than any other President ever AINEC?

$1.7 T each year on average for Donnie with much more to come I suspect, an astounding 20% of the accumulated amount. Biden $1.2 T each year on average, 13% of the overall total.

Where was your outrage and concern from 2017 to 2020?
I don't think a lot of people can scale numbers after a certain point. A 40 million dollar savings is some like .000001% out of 37 trillion.

For example if a company with a 400k budget saved .000001% of through hard work in accounting they would be saving.....40 cents.
I remember reading something similar from maybe Niel Degrasse Tyson about how for an average person, we may not stop to pick up anything smaller than a quarter, because we don't view anything below that as worth our effort.

In relative terms to what a quarter is to an average person, it would take something close to $25,000 for someone like Bill Gates to stop and consider picking it up.
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Not at all,.. If it were being done with the goal of minimizing government, I'm totally on board,.. But we all know that no Democrat politician short of Joe Manchin is going to do that,.. certainly not Obama or Biden.
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...look at this f'n rube. He's trying to sell us on the idea that this is about "minimizing government"!!!

I'm serious...are you REALLY that deluded by your Trump love?
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I remember reading something similar from maybe Niel Degrasse Tyson about how for an average person, we may not stop to pick up anything smaller than a quarter, because we don't view anything below that as worth our effort.

In relative terms to what a quarter is to an average person, it would take something close to $25,000 for someone like Bill Gates to stop and consider picking it up.

Bill Gates be like I'm not picking up that pile of cash, you don't know what's been on the ground there.
Lots of "ends justify the means" comments here.

The nuance lost by Team MAGA in this discussion, is most people are most upset about the PROCESS used by Trump/Elon/and their minions, not necessarily the end goal of less government waste. Our country since its inception has safeguards, checks, and balances in place to guard against personal intrusion and/or unconstitutional conduct. Elon and his minions are ignoring those. If they actually acted in accordance with protocol/the Constitution to do this work, a lot less people would be howling.

The ridiculous conduct we've seen the last week (basically storming NOAA is beyond absurd) is a real wasted opportunity to get consensus around trimming government fat.
Bro, are seriously just going to ignore the fact that DJT #45 added more to that $37 T per year than any other President ever AINEC?

$1.7 T each year on average for Donnie with much more to come I suspect, an astounding 20% of the accumulated amount. Biden $1.2 T each year on average, 13% of the overall total.

Where was your outrage and concern from 2017 to 2020?
I was a lot less concerned at $21T with -0-% interest rates than I am now with $37T @ 5%...but I was STILL quite concerned.
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Really not sure why the left has a problem with commonsense and ending corruption making sure our tax dollars are spent wisely. Trans comic books? Sending money to leftist media (Politico) it is time to burn USAID down. Musk is a hero.
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Lots of "ends justify the means" comments here.

The nuance lost by Team MAGA in this discussion, is most people are most upset about the PROCESS used by Trump/Elon/and their minions, not necessarily the end goal of less government waste. Our country since its inception has safeguards, checks, and balances in place to guard against personal intrusion and/or unconstitutional conduct. Elon and his minions are ignoring those. If they actually acted in accordance with protocol/the Constitution to do this work, a lot less people would be howling.

The ridiculous conduct we've seen the last week (basically storming NOAA is beyond absurd) is a real wasted opportunity to get consensus around trimming government fat.

Letting Musk evaluate his own conflicts of interest is the latest joke.
No, to his point, no Dem would go in with the goal of reducing wasteful spending.

The OPs assumptions are also incorrect. Musk has read only access, so he can't "change" programming. He can direct others to.

I believe he'll do too much, cut too deep, and it'll cause problems int he short term, and I'm TOTALLY in favor of it. Its much better to cause some fixable issues while doing the right thing than to not do the right thing for fear of messing something up.

This is absolutely what we've needed for a long time and had Biden or Obama done it, I'd have wanted to vote for them.
So it’s okay to take the source of income away from seniors, as well as their health care? So you’re okay with essentially committing genocide on your own people?
The Democrats did run in there unauthorized and shut down the legit government it was called January 6th

The problem with Democrats is they have one God and it is called communism and government. They let their God and government take the place of the real God... So they believe their God runs everything. Including running our whole lives.

Instead Biden was fake elected and he went in there and totally turned everything upside down... Or his people did. I think he has probably been out of it since way before 2020.
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Next I hope Trump turns Musk loose on the IRS and then guts the Department of Education. More money for the states. End the bureaucracy! Minimize the federal government.
The nuance lost by Team MAGA in this discussion, is most people are most upset about the PROCESS used by Trump/Elon/and their minions, not necessarily the end goal of less government waste.
The sooner you stop thinking that's their end goal, the sooner you'll stop thinking like this. The end goal is fvcking power. If you think Elon Musk has ANY interest in govt waste when he runs companies pulling billions out of that same govt, you're an idiot. Are you an idiot?
The sooner you stop thinking that's their end goal, the sooner you'll stop thinking like this. The end goal is fvcking power. If you think Elon Musk has ANY interest in govt waste when he runs companies pulling billions out of that same govt, you're an idiot. Are you an idiot?
We are more than willing to give them the power to eliminate waste in government.
The sooner you stop thinking that's their end goal, the sooner you'll stop thinking like this. The end goal is fvcking power. If you think Elon Musk has ANY interest in govt waste when he runs companies pulling billions out of that same govt, you're an idiot. Are you an idiot?
I don't think I'm an idiot, but it's entirely possible I've been wrong all these years.

From my perspective, yours is a bit of a simplistic view. They already have a lot of power, the proof of that is occurring right now. But I understand your point (particularly that I might be an idiot, as I think I've heard my wife mention that before).
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No, to his point, no Dem would go in with the goal of reducing wasteful spending.

The OPs assumptions are also incorrect. Musk has read only access, so he can't "change" programming. He can direct others to.

I believe he'll do too much, cut too deep, and it'll cause problems int he short term, and I'm TOTALLY in favor of it. Its much better to cause some fixable issues while doing the right thing than to not do the right thing for fear of messing something up.

This is absolutely what we've needed for a long time and had Biden or Obama done it, I'd have wanted to vote for them.
How does he have read only access yet still own all these companies? He now has access to his competitors information. Isn't that a massive conflict of interest?
Do any Dems have any concept of what $37T represents to this country and its future viability?
Democrats are not opposed to eliminating waste in government. However, they take issue with allowing the wealthiest individual, a foreign national who has profited extensively from U.S. government contracts without divesting his interests, and who maintains a lucrative relationship with China, to have access to taxpayers' money and sensitive national information.
I don't understand the question.

If they did it for the same express purpose as the current administration? My reaction would be the same as it is, but with some concern. I am in favor of the reason for doing it, so I would be generally supportive of Obama or Biden doing it, with the same reservations I have about what's going on currently.

Or, does the question mean they did this, but for some other political reason that I don't support? Like tracking down Christians or confiscating guns? Then I would be hollering holy hell just like the libs are now, because, like the libs are currently, I would be opposed to the purposes.

It really is true that liberals simply cannot or will not understand any theory of mind for conservatives. Is it that impossible to believe that people who have for decades been supportive of reducing government spending and especially waste, actually mean it? Just because they've never gotten in from Republicans either, the idea that this decades long desire is somehow false is really weird. It predates Trump for almost everyone. So there's nothing weird about them saying they would have supported Biden doing the same.
Democrats are not opposed to eliminating waste in government. However, they take issue with allowing the wealthiest individual, a foreign national who has profited extensively from U.S. government contracts without divesting his interests, and who maintains a lucrative relationship with China, to have access to taxpayers' money and sensitive national information.

I see,.. So next time your team gets in, you guys can attack government waste your way.
I don't think I'm an idiot, but it's entirely possible I've been wrong all these years.

From my perspective, yours is a bit of a simplistic view. They already have a lot of power, the proof of that is occurring right now. But I understand your point (particularly that I might be an idiot, as I think I've heard my wife mention that before).
They are not even pretending to look for waste. They are redlining programs they personally disagree with. They are firing anyone who investigated or who might threaten to investigate them. There's nothing simplistic about that...the simplistic view is they really are concerned about govt waste.

You think POTUS had power before? They now have unelected, unsupervised, unaccountable Elon gremlins with root access to the computers at Treasury with the power to zero out any program they object to or any department that might stand in their way. They have a Congress that will bend over and take it up the ass rather than question ANYTHING they do. They have a SCOTUS willing to do God knows what. And while morons stand around cheering their pursuit of "waste", they just continue to consolidate and expand their power and they have a minimum of two more years to do it.
I figured I would address this to both groups. Perhaps a Pepsi worth asking many times.

If in their first week in office, if Obama or Biden had sent someone into federal government buildings, locked out the employees and started to access data, information and changed programming, HOW WOULD YOU HAVE REACTED?

I guess I can also add, and targeted republican federal workers who were critical of them...
If it was to cut out government waste and fraud, I would have applauded the move. No go eff off.
So if Hillary Clinton had been elected, then sent a bunch of people from the Clinton Foundation in to various government agencies to fire anyone that wasn't liberal enough for them, firing anyone that didn't support DEI, all while downloading information from private citizens, you would have been absolutely fine with that?

Bull. Shit.
Hillary would have been stealing money instead of cutting spending and rooting out corruption. She is corruption.
So if Hillary Clinton had been elected, then sent a bunch of people from the Clinton Foundation in to various government agencies to fire anyone that wasn't liberal enough for them, firing anyone that didn't support DEI, all while downloading information from private citizens, you would have been absolutely fine with that?

Bull. Shit.
That's where you're wrong, they aren't firing political opponents, they're cleaning up wasteful spending. Our government is 2 trillion dollars over budget every year and has 37 trillion in total debt. After the covid's emergency spending, the government didn't go back to pre-covid budgets, no, they just added more to that huge number again and again. The budget needs to be cut to the bone before our country collapses on itself.

I remember reading, on this very board, lefties saying Republicans cutting spending was just another lie and all the right wanted to do was spend just as much money as possible but on Republican priorities. Well Trump and Elon called your bluff.
That's where you're wrong, they aren't firing political opponents, they're cleaning up wasteful spending. Our government is 2 trillion dollars over budget every year and has 37 trillion in total debt. After the covid's emergency spending, the government didn't go back to pre-covid budgets, no, they just added more to that huge number again and again. The budget needs to be cut to the bone before our country collapses on itself.

I remember reading, on this very board, lefties saying Republicans cutting spending was just another lie and all the right wanted to do was spend just as much money as possible but on Republican priorities. Well Trump and Elon called your bluff.
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