Question for the Rs?

Huey Grey

HR King
Jan 15, 2013
You've been dunking on Biden all day. Fair enough. He deserves it. He was feeble. Old. Hoarse. Weak. But pretty much every analysis I've read says the same thing. Trump won the style points. But Biden won the substance points.

So here's the question? What does it say about Trump that his opponent very likely needs to be in a nursing home, but that same nursing home opponent beat him with straight up policy?
You've been dunking on Biden all day. Fair enough. He deserves it. He was feeble. Old. Hoarse. Weak. But pretty much every analysis I've read says the same thing. Trump won the style points. But Biden won the substance points.

So here's the question? What does it say about Trump that his opponent very likely needs to be in a nursing home, but that same nursing home opponent beat him with straight up policy?
Trump never said one thing of substance, but then his cultists wouldn't have understood it any better than he does.
You've been dunking on Biden all day. Fair enough. He deserves it. He was feeble. Old. Hoarse. Weak. But pretty much every analysis I've read says the same thing. Trump won the style points. But Biden won the substance points.

So here's the question? What does it say about Trump that his opponent very likely needs to be in a nursing home, but that same nursing home opponent beat him with straight up policy?
Sadly I learned NOTHING about what the next four years will be like under either of them. Instead we had a playground argument about felony accusations, "suckers and loser" comment, what the economy was in 2020/21, Jan 6, who the military "likes" better, and my personal favorite, who can golf better. I was honestly preparing myself for one of them to go "Nanny Nanny Boo Boo..."
Joe have an arsenal of facts and figures ready to go. His feeble delivery killed it all. But he still knew it. Same can't be said of Trump. He gave strong delivery. But everything he said was pure nonsense.
I agree with you he had facts in his head but his delivery sucked. I honestly think he got over-worked and just overloaded with info this week and what we saw was a shot and tired old man.
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Joe have an arsenal of facts and figures ready to go. His feeble delivery killed it all. But he still knew it. Same can't be said of Trump. He gave strong delivery. But everything he said was pure nonsense.

Absolutely disagree on this. It wasn’t simply his “feeble delivery”. He was asked an abortion question, started to answer it with about 5 words and then trailed off into a diatribe about immigrants killing women.

His substance is only in your own mind.
You've been dunking on Biden all day. Fair enough. He deserves it. He was feeble. Old. Hoarse. Weak. But pretty much every analysis I've read says the same thing. Trump won the style points. But Biden won the substance points.

So here's the question? What does it say about Trump that his opponent very likely needs to be in a nursing home, but that same nursing home opponent beat him with straight up policy?

Absolutely disagree on this. It wasn’t simply his “feeble delivery”. He was asked an abortion question, started to answer it with about 5 words and then trailed off into a diatribe about immigrants killing women.

His substance is only in your own mind.
Exactly. When Tom Brady is 60, I'm not going to start him on my football team because I just "know it's in there somewhere". There are plenty of other options.

I just can't wrap my head around why Democrats think Joe is their ONLY choice. We saw what Trump was last night--a fictional tale of lies after lies. Sure we can split hairs over did he really say this or really say that (some is true, some isn't), but should the American people really have to have an Orphan Annie decoder ring to figure it out?

IMO, anyone other than Joe could beat Trump. Just put someone up there who can stay on topic with facts, don't get baited into the childish dick measuring crap and they'll be a shoe-in.
You've been dunking on Biden all day. Fair enough. He deserves it. He was feeble. Old. Hoarse. Weak. But pretty much every analysis I've read says the same thing. Trump won the style points. But Biden won the substance points.

So here's the question? What does it say about Trump that his opponent very likely needs to be in a nursing home, but that same nursing home opponent beat him with straight up policy?
So what's new? Trump hasn't ever said anything of substance and has zero interest in anything policy related.

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I agree with you he had facts in his head but his delivery sucked. I honestly think he got over-worked and just overloaded with info this week and what we saw was a shot and tired old man.
The President of the United States of America can't get "over-worked". It's the most stressful job in the country, possibly the world. We're not electing a team of handlers; we're electing a single person to lead the Executive Branch. In contrast, the Legislative and Judicial Branches are composed of multiple members. The Presidency is not like a board of directors.
So every breakdown of this debate has it wrong? Because they all seem to agree. Biden was stronger on substance

Not sure who "they" is, but it wouldn't matter from my perspective,.. Joe could have successfully presented buckets of data to back up his policies and they would still be policies that I don't agree with...
Exactly. When Tom Brady is 60, I'm not going to start him on my football team because I just "know it's in there somewhere". There are plenty of other options.

I just can't wrap my head around why Democrats think Joe is their ONLY choice. We saw what Trump was last night--a fictional tale of lies after lies. Sure we can split hairs over did he really say this or really say that (some is true, some isn't), but should the American people really have to have an Orphan Annie decoder ring to figure it out?

IMO, anyone other than Joe could beat Trump. Just put someone up there who can stay on topic with facts, don't get baited into the childish dick measuring crap and they'll be a shoe-in.
Dems mustn’t be serious about the “threat to democracy” stuff. If this truly is the case why don’t they put the ace on the mound whoever that may be. I don’t get it…
Exactly. When Tom Brady is 60, I'm not going to start him on my football team because I just "know it's in there somewhere". There are plenty of other options.

I just can't wrap my head around why Democrats think Joe is their ONLY choice. We saw what Trump was last night--a fictional tale of lies after lies. Sure we can split hairs over did he really say this or really say that (some is true, some isn't), but should the American people really have to have an Orphan Annie decoder ring to figure it out?

IMO, anyone other than Joe could beat Trump. Just put someone up there who can stay on topic with facts, don't get baited into the childish dick measuring crap and they'll be a shoe-in.

See, the republicans can play that game too. Had you taken, Haley, DeSantis, Scott, or name someone else they would have beaten Joe last night badly and probably worse if we’re being honest because a large percentage of the nation doesn’t hate them.

We all saw when Newsome debated DeSantis, it was much more “normal” but it wasn’t like DeSantis didn’t beat him either.

The issue with the R’s is that most of their presidential candidates lately have been “wet blankets” (McCain and Romney) they were both nice guys who the left called racist. Then comes along bombastic Trump who doesn’t give a F, says what he wants when he wants, how he wants even if their is evidence to the contrary. The left painted R candidates as the devil and the right fell for a guy who would punch back.

Plus I think for about 3 years of Trumps presidency, this country was fine. Covid came along and debilitated us.
You've been dunking on Biden all day. Fair enough. He deserves it. He was feeble. Old. Hoarse. Weak. But pretty much every analysis I've read says the same thing. Trump won the style points. But Biden won the substance points.

So here's the question? What does it say about Trump that his opponent very likely needs to be in a nursing home, but that same nursing home opponent beat him with straight up policy?
Trump crushed him, you derelict.......
You've been dunking on Biden all day. Fair enough. He deserves it. He was feeble. Old. Hoarse. Weak. But pretty much every analysis I've read says the same thing. Trump won the style points. But Biden won the substance points.

So here's the question? What does it say about Trump that his opponent very likely needs to be in a nursing home, but that same nursing home opponent beat him with straight up policy?
Says Trump is horrible and sucks.

Maybe the D's should run someone else.
You've been dunking on Biden all day. Fair enough. He deserves it. He was feeble. Old. Hoarse. Weak. But pretty much every analysis I've read says the same thing. Trump won the style points. But Biden won the substance points.

So here's the question? What does it say about Trump that his opponent very likely needs to be in a nursing home, but that same nursing home opponent beat him with straight up policy?
Show us where it says jo won anything last night but ice cream before bed from Jill?!

See, the republicans can play that game too. Had you taken, Haley, DeSantis, Scott, or name someone else they would have beaten Joe last night badly and probably worse if we’re being honest because a large percentage of the nation doesn’t hate them.

We all saw when Newsome debated DeSantis, it was much more “normal” but it wasn’t like DeSantis didn’t beat him either.

The issue with the R’s is that most of their presidential candidates lately have been “wet blankets” (McCain and Romney) they were both nice guys who the left called racist. Then comes along bombastic Trump who doesn’t give a F, says what he wants when he wants, how he wants even if their is evidence to the contrary. The left painted R candidates as the devil and the right fell for a guy who would punch back.

Plus I think for about 3 years of Trumps presidency, this country was fine. Covid came along and debilitated us.
Your last two paragraphs are right on. We want somebody that will fight back.
It's weird. After the debate he was normal. It's almost like the pressure destroyed his confidence and he quickly sunk after that.
Saw that and I'm not sure what the issue is. I try to use mentally declining instead of Dementia because I'm not a doctor. I know I like to call out Libs who are super loyal to Biden but I honestly feel bad for him. After seeing his first three steps on stage and the look on his face I instantly felt bad. Combine that with the lowlights and I feel no better.

People can laugh at me and that's fine but I honestly think it's elder abuse and have for some time. I used this analogy before but if that was someone's dad and he looked like that, sounded like that, and looked as old as that and was still running the family store people would be like "WTF are you doing to your dad."