Question for the Rs?

The President of the United States of America can't get "over-worked". It's the most stressful job in the country, possibly the world. We're not electing a team of handlers; we're electing a single person to lead the Executive Branch. In contrast, the Legislative and Judicial Branches are composed of multiple members. The Presidency is not like a board of directors.
Agreed. I use overworked in the sense that we all know before this he probably wasn't doing much and they were doing everything possible to not be embarrassed.
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Sure, a majority of media types lean left and would normally be supportive of Biden policy,.. not a surprise.
When I talk about policy I'm not referring to stuff like a difference in tax rates. I'm talking about Trump presenting near zero policy. Whole debate was him calling Biden the worst president ever, a disaster, and saying another Joe term would destroy the country. Almost every answer was this. That's not policy. It's an old man yelling at the clouds.
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Biden’s giving a great speech right now. Even said he doesn’t debate as well as he used to. He’s on point and ripping Trump apart.
To. I DONT WANT TRUMP.. Joe isnt capable. Nor is it right to leave policy to others. Hes gone as a politician. Like Rudolf.....He's gone and he doesnt bounce.
To. I DONT WANT TRUMP.. Joe isnt capable. Nor is it right to leave policy to others. Hes gone as a politician. Like Rudolf.....He's gone and he doesnt bounce.

Why? This is the way our system is set up to work.

Biden is a vegetable, but he's the 46th out of 46 people elected to preside over the executive branch to rely on their cabinet and government professionals for policy ideas.
Dems mustn’t be serious about the “threat to democracy” stuff. If this truly is the case why don’t they put the ace on the mound whoever that may be. I don’t get it…
They seemingly see Trump as zero threat. They're going to wind up...

Why? This is the way our system is set up to work.

Biden is a vegetable, but he's the 46th out of 46 people elected to preside over the executive branch to rely on their cabinet and government professionals for policy ideas.
Not exactly. The public hss been lied to. He is not is not in conttol
You don’t even understand what policies are.
If only he could explain them to us. Instead of his wife having to do it after she walks him down three stairs. He had a two hour opportunity to tell the world them last night and went full potato.
I listened to it on the car radio, but I think I must have been listening to a different debate.

Trump highlighted his refusal to cooperate with Iran and correctly pointed out that Iran did not have the dollars to support their proxies while he was President. He cited his withdrawal from the Paris Accords as a policy success and pointed out inflation did not make its move until Joe was President. He continuously pointed out differences (and the results) in policy between the two. Afghanistan was a biggie; Trump seemed positively angry that Joe screwed that pooch worse than anything else he did.

Overall, Trump was much stronger on policy and Joe forever cited misleading statistics that everyone knows are weak substitutes for the truth.


Everyone should just accept that Joe is close to being an invalid. He still makes policy decisions and certainly understands the ramifications. He still has Susan Rice and Obama at his side, so a second term will look a lot like his first term.

Why is everyone surprised that he is kind of a lame character? That has not changed!

It is kind of late for the Dems to decide to abandon their candidate. He embodies their world view, and he HAS the nomination; they do not.
You've been dunking on Biden all day. Fair enough. He deserves it. He was feeble. Old. Hoarse. Weak. But pretty much every analysis I've read says the same thing. Trump won the style points. But Biden won the substance points.

So here's the question? What does it say about Trump that his opponent very likely needs to be in a nursing home, but that same nursing home opponent beat him with straight up policy?
Why are you defending someone you hope pulls out of the race? Just take the L and move on.
I listened to it on the car radio, but I think I must have been listening to a different debate.

Trump highlighted his refusal to cooperate with Iran and correctly pointed out that Iran did not have the dollars to support their proxies while he was President. He cited his withdrawal from the Paris Accords as a policy success and pointed out inflation did not make its move until Joe was President. He continuously pointed out differences (and the results) in policy between the two. Afghanistan was a biggie; Trump seemed positively angry that Joe screwed that pooch worse than anything else he did.

Overall, Trump was much stronger on policy and Joe forever cited misleading statistics that everyone knows are weak substitutes for the truth.


Everyone should just accept that Joe is close to being an invalid. He still makes policy decisions and certainly understands the ramifications. He still has Susan Rice and Obama at his side, so a second term will look a lot like his first term.

Why is everyone surprised that he is kind of a lame character? That has not changed!

It is kind of late for the Dems to decide to abandon their candidate. He embodies their world view, and he HAS the nomination; they do not.
The dishonesty of the right is staggering. Trump had near zero policy beyond a rash of lies.
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Why are you defending someone you hope pulls out of the race? Just take the L and move on.
It's insane that the Rs support a felon rapist yet can't acknowledge that he is a felon rapist. Joe's problems are irrelevant to Trump being a convicted criminal.
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Felon rapist because of a civil trial? Convict him in a criminal trial and everyone will agree with you.
He was convicted in a criminal trial. He lost. Three separate trials. Two civil. One criminal. And the same result for each one. He did it.
Trump never said one thing of substance, but then his cultists wouldn't have understood it any better than he does.
He would close the border. He would get rid of
Trump never said one thing of substance, but then his cultists wouldn't have understood it any better than he does.
He would close the border and save American lives. He get rid of crippling regulations that inhibit oil production and lower inflation. I think anyone with commonsense would see this was substance.
So then it’s a no on the felon rapist?
He's a felon and a rapist. So yes. He's a felon rapist. Dude commits financial fraud crimes and sexually assaults women as his side hustle. Hopefully he is sentenced to jail where he belongs in two weeks.
He's a felon and a rapist. So yes. He's a felon rapist. Dude commits financial fraud crimes and sexually assaults women as his side hustle. Hopefully he is sentenced to jail where he belongs in two weeks.
Nobody is denying his criminal convictions. You know exactly what you did and it was intentional that phrase would get an author in trouble in an article.
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Oil production would go up more under Trump. Inflation would go down. We wouldn't have tap our oil reserves. Nice try.
Your post makes zero sense. You claim Trump was great at oil. Fair enough. But production went up even more under Biden. So be a man and admit that Biden is better than Trump at something Trump claims to be a MIT genius at.
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He would close the border. He would get rid of
He would close the border and save American lives. He get rid of crippling regulations that inhibit oil production and lower inflation. I think anyone with commonsense would see this was substance.
Common sense tells me to not vote for a felon. But you do what you have to do and prove to yourself that you have the morals of an alley cat.
You've been dunking on Biden all day. Fair enough. He deserves it. He was feeble. Old. Hoarse. Weak. But pretty much every analysis I've read says the same thing. Trump won the style points. But Biden won the substance points.

So here's the question? What does it say about Trump that his opponent very likely needs to be in a nursing home, but that same nursing home opponent beat him with straight up policy?
It says we have two horrible candidates for president.
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It says you read left leaning sources that knew they couldn't convince you it was a great performance so they went for the end around.

Everyone agrees you’ve lost your mind in the last six months.

Is there a feeling that comes with going crazy? Like, do you occasionally catch yourself substituting your own shit for ketchup and think “this isn’t normal” or do you think you’re sane and everyone else is nuts? Is there a physical feeling that accompanies being totally out of your tree? Like do the hairs on the back of your neck stand up when you’re posting the cockamamie horseshit you exclusively post? Does it get you all warm and tingly?

Genuinely curious what it feels like to go completely batshit. You are, you know.
Everyone agrees you’ve lost your mind in the last six months.

Is there a feeling that comes with going crazy? Like, do you occasionally catch yourself substituting your own shit for ketchup and think “this isn’t normal” or do you think you’re sane and everyone else is nuts? Is there a physical feeling that accompanies being totally out of your tree? Like do the hairs on the back of your neck stand up when you’re posting the cockamamie horseshit you exclusively post? Does it get you all warm and tingly?

Genuinely curious what it feels like to go completely batshit. You are, you know.
Here's your answer:

"As a result, first-generation inbred individuals are more likely to show physical and health defects, including: Lower intelligence quotient levels and higher incidence rates of being affected by an intellectual disability. Reduced fertility both in litter size and sperm viability. Increased genetic disorders."
saying another Joe term would destroy the country. That's not policy. It's an old man yelling at the clouds.
That is some delicious irony considering that's all we here on this board about Trump day after day, week after week, month after month.
You've been dunking on Biden all day. Fair enough. He deserves it. He was feeble. Old. Hoarse. Weak. But pretty much every analysis I've read says the same thing. Trump won the style points. But Biden won the substance points.

So here's the question? What does it say about Trump that his opponent very likely needs to be in a nursing home, but that same nursing home opponent beat him with straight up policy?
The authors of these analyses you refer to had to be both blind and deaf to surmise that Joe won anything on Thursday night. The gap between the two couldn’t have been wider.
It's weird. After the debate he was normal. It's almost like the pressure destroyed his confidence and he quickly sunk after that.
Like after the debate when he couldn’t make it down a one-step flight of stairs on his own? Joe sure is an amazing president every time there aren’t any cameras or reporters or audio around.
You've been dunking on Biden all day. Fair enough. He deserves it. He was feeble. Old. Hoarse. Weak. But pretty much every analysis I've read says the same thing. Trump won the style points. But Biden won the substance points.

So here's the question? What does it say about Trump that his opponent very likely needs to be in a nursing home, but that same nursing home opponent beat him with straight up policy?
Just curious how democrats say everything that trump says is a lie but they don’t realize everything every politician says is a lie.
Could you imaging how great of a world we would live in if everything actually happened that politicians claim they will do for our country.
They are all liars and cheaters.
Only thing that matters to most people is what liar and cheater was in office when they were better off financially.
Anyone who isn’t lying themselves would have to admit they were better off when Trump was in office. Not saying I’ll vote for him but those are the facts.

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