Question for the Rs?

You've been dunking on Biden all day. Fair enough. He deserves it. He was feeble. Old. Hoarse. Weak. But pretty much every analysis I've read says the same thing. Trump won the style points. But Biden won the substance points.

So here's the question? What does it say about Trump that his opponent very likely needs to be in a nursing home, but that same nursing home opponent beat him with straight up policy?
Your premise is incorrect, as I (and many others) think that Trump won the debate on both policy and style points. I used to think it would be a fairly close election in November, but now it looks like Trump will comfortably win.
Joe have an arsenal of facts and figures ready to go. His feeble delivery killed it all. But he still knew it. Same can't be said of Trump. He gave strong delivery. But everything he said was pure nonsense.
Certainly wasn’t “pure nonsense” what Trump articulated , for instance, on the southern border, the economy, abortion, and Biden’s abysmal Afghanistan withdrawal, but you have TDS, so you didn’t watch the debate with an open mind.
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Just curious how democrats say everything that trump says is a lie but they don’t realize everything every politician says is a lie.
Could you imaging how great of a world we would live in if everything actually happened that politicians claim they will do for our country.
They are all liars and cheaters.
Only thing that matters to most people is what liar and cheater was in office when they were better off financially.
Anyone who isn’t lying themselves would have to admit they were better off when Trump was in office. Not saying I’ll vote for him but those are the facts.
The truth of the matter, and I know you don't know the truth, or want to hear that truth, is that things were going to hell in a handbasket at the end of the trump administration. That is why and how Biden was elected. And the slide continued for the beginning of the Biden administration. But you wish to go back and let the slide get worse. Those are the facts.
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You've been dunking on Biden all day. Fair enough. He deserves it. He was feeble. Old. Hoarse. Weak. But pretty much every analysis I've read says the same thing. Trump won the style points. But Biden won the substance points.

So here's the question? What does it say about Trump that his opponent very likely needs to be in a nursing home, but that same nursing home opponent beat him with straight up policy?
What policy? Name 1 policy from Joe's performance? Neither talked policy. Don't try to claim some high ground on policy.
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It's weird. After the debate he was normal. It's almost like the pressure destroyed his confidence and he quickly sunk after that.
Yeah, it certainly was a “lie” by his handlers that Joe had a cold. He didn’t seem impacted by that the next day and he went to a waffle host after debate…I guess to spread his germs. 😉
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Who is David Frum and why should we care about his opinion?
Then don't care about him. What about Trump's actual words that he met with Putin in secret and listened to him talking about his dream to take over the entire region centered around Ukraine?
Exactly. When Tom Brady is 60, I'm not going to start him on my football team because I just "know it's in there somewhere". There are plenty of other options.

I just can't wrap my head around why Democrats think Joe is their ONLY choice. We saw what Trump was last night--a fictional tale of lies after lies. Sure we can split hairs over did he really say this or really say that (some is true, some isn't), but should the American people really have to have an Orphan Annie decoder ring to figure it out?

IMO, anyone other than Joe could beat Trump. Just put someone up there who can stay on topic with facts, don't get baited into the childish dick measuring crap and they'll be a shoe-in.
What I don’t understand…if Trump is such an existential “threat to democracy” 🤔 then why do the Dems run such a weak candidate against him?
Hate to break it to you, but even so called “main stream” media is very left leaning.
  1. The New York Times - Lean Left
  2. CNN - Left
  3. Reuters - Center
  4. Wall Street Journal - Lean Right
  5. BBC - Center
  6. NPR - Lean Left
  7. Fox News - Right
  8. NBC News - Lean Left
  9. Washington Post - Lean Left
  10. Google News - Aggregator (Varies)
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So what's new? Trump hasn't ever said anything of substance and has zero interest in anything policy related.

Says who? That’s your biased take on it. Trump certainly has policies on the border, economy, and foreign policy that have already worked before. Where were you during Trump’s first term in office?
Everyone agrees you’ve lost your mind in the last six months.

Is there a feeling that comes with going crazy? Like, do you occasionally catch yourself substituting your own shit for ketchup and think “this isn’t normal” or do you think you’re sane and everyone else is nuts? Is there a physical feeling that accompanies being totally out of your tree? Like do the hairs on the back of your neck stand up when you’re posting the cockamamie horseshit you exclusively post? Does it get you all warm and tingly?

Genuinely curious what it feels like to go completely batshit. You are, you know.
Double down as many times as you would like Flick. It was proven, beyond doubt, our media is covering for the white house this week. The media and the government working together for messaging of a candidate should be a giant red flag for anyone attempting to claim to respect democracy.
Says who? That’s your biased take on it. Trump certainly has policies on the border, economy, and foreign policy that have already worked before. Where were you during Trump’s first term in office?
Only actual policy I saw from him were tax cuts for rich people and near endless love letters to dictators like Putin and Kimmy North Korea.
You've been dunking on Biden all day. Fair enough. He deserves it. He was feeble. Old. Hoarse. Weak. But pretty much every analysis I've read says the same thing. Trump won the style points. But Biden won the substance points.

So here's the question? What does it say about Trump that his opponent very likely needs to be in a nursing home, but that same nursing home opponent beat him with straight up policy?

I think you are projecting here, using Dem sycophants as confirmation bias. Surely you can acknowledge this is at very minimum somewhat true.

How exactly did Joe defeat Medicare?

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If only he could explain them to us. Instead of his wife having to do it after she walks him down three stairs. He had a two hour opportunity to tell the world them last night and went full potato.
Then you haven't been paying attention for 4 years. It's quite clear what he's done positively and continuing to try to do. Far better for Americans than the "policies" of the cult leader.
Sure. Production at an all time high but as soon as Trump gets in it will magically increase significantly. And the tariffs promised won't affect inflation. Neither will tax cuts.

You're an ignorant rube.
Who was it that just announced a bunch of tariffs not too long ago? Oh but that's different.
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Then you haven't been paying attention for 4 years. It's quite clear what he's done positively and continuing to try to do. Far better for Americans than the "policies" of the cult leader.
Don’t compare him to Trump. Trump is awful. Compare him to himself.

And I know you love Kamala, but you’re literally the only one. And that who we are getting if Biden gets re-elected. No thanks.