Random thoughts…..


HB Legend
Sep 17, 2002
I think ISU is ready to beat the Hawks several years in a row.

Kirk playing Cade despite admitting he is not in game shape, and digging in his heels refusing to consider playing Sullivan is coaching malfeasance.

Cade missed seeing several wide open receivers yesterday, made several poor decisions, and his throws were often off target. His mechanics are off. Kirk says he is not in game shape……just when exactly will he be, in November when the season is lost?

Unless there is a major upgrade in QB play, I am struggling to find 6 wins on this schedule.

I like Kirk. He has been a great coach and I am grateful for the wonderful memories. But he has run this offense into the ground and stubbornly refuses to change his philosophy……in fact, he has grown even more ultra conservative. Why?

Bleak times are ahead. Next year Iowa’s schedule becomes significanty more difficult, and they lose a TON of starters.

While Kirk will enjoy a much deserved legacy as one of the best coaches the Hawks have had, he is tarnishing it with what he has done to the offense and the abysmal QB play. When he is gone, and fans reminisce about some of the great wins, it will ALWAYS be punctuated with “Yeah, but remember how he ran the offense into the ground his last several years, and continued to play trash QB’s and never give anyone else a chance”? That’s sad.

ISU was down their top 3 linebackers, which should have made for a field day for Luke Lachey. He didn’t catch a single pass.

Offense matters.

Going back to the bowl loss to Kentucky, yesterday was AT LEAST the 5th loss because of the offense. Offense matters!

The Hawks scored six points in the second half. Six! Offense matters!

After the first quarter Cade threw for 27 yards. Twenty… In three quarters of play. And yet, Kirk stubbornly will refuse to give Sullivan the chance to start next week.

Did I say offense matters?
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