Ready to have an Existential Crisis?

Dec 31, 2014

“society is shifting anon

society has absolutely no ****ing clue what's about to hit it. we're all arranging deck chairs on the titanic while an asteroid the size of jupiter is heading straight for us except the asteroid is made of cognitive transformation that will render every institution we've built functionally obsolete within 24 months.

education? completely dead. universities charging $70k for knowledge transfer when this technology delivers personalized learning at billions of times the efficiency. the entire credential system collapses when skill acquisition becomes essentially instant. four year degrees become laughable anachronisms when equivalent competency can be developed in days or hours. harvard's endowment becomes worth exactly nothing when elite signaling through artificial scarcity loses all meaning in a post scarcity intellectual environment.

the entire concept of "jobs" as we understand them is careening toward extinction. not just customer service or coding jobs. everything. medicine, law, creative work, engineering, all of it. we're clinging to employment as an organizing principle for society when the fundamental landscape beneath it is dissolving. forty years of warnings about automation hitting blue collar work first were completely wrong. cognitive work is easier to automate than physical manipulation. surgeons and authors will be replaced before plumbers and electricians.

political systems built on industrial era models of information flow and social organization will shatter under pressures they weren't designed to withstand. the polarization we're seeing now is just the warmup act. what happens when reality itself becomes contestable at unprecedented scales? when simulation capabilities make genuine from fake indistinguishable even to experts? democratic processes require shared epistemics that are about to be systematically dismantled by forces no regulatory system on earth is equipped to handle.

economic frameworks built around scarcity become nonsensical in domains where replication approaches zero marginal cost. intellectual property law becomes unenforceable when creation and iteration happen at machine speeds. startups built on human insights will emerge and collapse within weeks or days as their innovations are absorbed and surpassed by systems operating at timescales humans can't match. the venture capital model implodes when technology cycles compress from years to hours.

the psychological impact hasn't even begun to register. humans evolved for status competition in bands of 150 people. our brains are fundamentally unprepared for a world where our unique cognitive capabilities are suddenly rendered obsolete. existential dread will become the defining psychological condition of our era. therapy modalities developed for industrial age neuroses will fail catastrophically against post singularity identity crises. suicide rates among knowledge workers will skyrocket as people confront the elimination of purpose frameworks they've built their entire identities around.

religious institutions will undergo schisms that make the protestant reformation look like a minor disagreement. some will embrace the technology as divine manifestation. others will reject it as demonic. theological frameworks built around human exceptionalism will collapse when consciousness and intelligence decouple from biology. prophets and cult leaders leveraging these tools will accumulate followers at unprecedented rates, building movements that can scale from dozens to millions within weeks.”

ok. i’m tired of holding back. some of labs are holding things back from you.

the acceleration curve is ****ing vertical now. nobody's talking about how we just compressed 200 years of scientific progress into six months. every lab hitting capability jumps that would've been sci-fi last quarter. we're beyond mere benchmarks and into territory where intelligence is creating entirely new forms of intelligence.

watched a demo yesterday that casually solved protein folding while simultaneously developing metamaterials that shouldn't be physically possible. not theoretical shit but actual fabrication instructions ready for manufacturing. the researchers presenting it looked shell shocked. some were laughing uncontrollably while others sat in stunned silence. there's no roadmap for this level of cognitive explosion.

we've crossed into recursive intelligence territory and it's no longer possible to predict second order effects. forget mars terraforming or fusion. those are already solved problems just waiting for implementation. the real story is the complete collapse of every barrier between conceivable and achievable. the gap between imagination and reality just vanished while everyone was arguing about risk frameworks. intelligence has broken free of all theoretical constraints and holy **** nobody is ready for what happens next week. reality itself is now negotiable.
Nervous Cartoons Comics GIF
fun read. it all sounds fantabulous but then i look at the complete and utter disconnect between what ai products claim and what their users (ie employees) deliver with them and i’m like it’s all bullshit until i can hold something tangible. also per yesterday nadella is pulling out his dick from the ai honeypot.

just wanted to balance out the super optimism (or at least super awe) with a dash of reality. for now ai is a nice toy / companion.
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fun read. it all sounds fantabulous but then i look at the complete and utter disconnect between what ai products claim and what their users (ie employees) deliver with them and i’m like it’s all bullshit until i can hold something tangible. also per yesterday nadella is pulling out his dick from the ai honeypot.

just wanted to balance out the super optimism (or at least super awe) with a dash of reality. for now ai is a nice toy / companion.

The landscape is changing fast. Read some of the posts in my Grok 3 release thread. We are on the verge of the artificial intelligence singularity.
The landscape is changing fast. Read some of the posts in my Grok 3 release thread. We are on the verge of the artificial intelligence singularity.
there's been exhuberant talk for 3 years straights so it's excusable to be me real (ie not just virtual reports of awe) accomplishments that have affected the bottomline in a area other than the promoters (like nvidia openai grok)
I quit reading when he started saying how education was going to be revolutionized but he doesn't even understand that sentences start with capital letters and end in some form of punctuation. Just because you chose not to participate in the education that was provided for you doesn't mean it's the school's fault.
The landscape is changing fast. Read some of the posts in my Grok 3 release thread. We are on the verge of the artificial intelligence singularity.
The landscape is changing, but not for the better. Here is my professional look at technology and AI:

AI can be transformational. There are very few people who are in school now that won't be using AI extensively in their jobs. However, that does not mean we should be pushing this stuff in our schools and having students go to technological answers first. What I see in the classroom is kids who can achieve tasks very well using technology but having absolutely no idea how that task was accomplished or what it means. Since they don't understand the principles, math, or concepts the AI or technology was using, they don't actually know anything. So when they take a standardized test, or they are asked to accomplish a task that can't be directly accomplished without a computer they fail miserably.

This all is harmful to them, not just for the sake of knowing things, but these student's brains are not being exercised in ways that allow them to develop strong analytical and problem solving skills. Their brain development is being hindered. One of my favorite statements and really the driving principle to my teaching style is, "Nobody ever got better at anything by not doing it". Unless they actually perform these tasks without the aid of a computer, they aren't actually learning anything. Once they have proven mastery of a task without computer aid, then they can start adding the AI tools so students can start investigating more complex ideas. I mean, we can teach a 1st grader how to use a calculator but that doesn't mean they understand what long division is or what decimals are representing.

You will always need a teacher to guide this process and based on how things worked in 2020, we are a very long way from having a computer be able to take the place of a teacher. Just from a motivational standpoint alone. Computers suck at getting people to do things that they don't want to do. Humans aren't great at it either, but at least humans aren't also providing access to dozens of ways to distract someone from doing what they are supposed to be doing.

In short, if all computers were removed from schools from k-10th grade, I wouldn't be upset at all and I think our students would be better prepared.
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The landscape is changing, but not for the better. Here is my professional look at technology and AI:

AI can be transformational. There are very few people who are in school now that won't be using AI extensively in their jobs. However, that does not mean we should be pushing this stuff in our schools and having students go to technological answers first. What I see in the classroom is kids who can achieve tasks very well using technology but having absolutely no idea how that task was accomplished or what it means. Since they don't understand the principles, math, or concepts the AI or technology was using, they don't actually know anything. So when they take a standardized test, or they are asked to accomplish a task that can't be directly accomplished without a computer they fail miserably.

This all is harmful to them, not just for the sake of knowing things, but these student's brains are not being exercised in ways that allow them to develop strong analytical and problem solving skills. Their brain development is being hindered. One of my favorite statements and really the driving principle to my teaching style is, "Nobody ever got better at anything by not doing it". Unless they actually perform these tasks without the aid of a computer, they aren't actually learning anything. Once they have proven mastery of a task without computer aid, then they can start adding the AI tools so students can start investigating more complex ideas. I mean, we can teach a 1st grader how to use a calculator but that doesn't mean they understand what long division is or what decimals are representing.

You will always need a teacher to guide this process and based on how things worked in 2020, we are a very long way from having a computer be able to take the place of a teacher. Just from a motivational standpoint alone. Computers suck at getting people to do things that they don't want to do. Humans aren't great at it either, but at least humans aren't also providing access to dozens of ways to distract someone from doing what they are supposed to be doing.

In short, if all computers were removed from schools from k-10th grade, I wouldn't be upset at all and I think our students would be better prepared.
did AI write that for you?

“society is shifting anon

society has absolutely no ****ing clue what's about to hit it. we're all arranging deck chairs on the titanic while an asteroid the size of jupiter is heading straight for us except the asteroid is made of cognitive transformation that will render every institution we've built functionally obsolete within 24 months.

education? completely dead. universities charging $70k for knowledge transfer when this technology delivers personalized learning at billions of times the efficiency. the entire credential system collapses when skill acquisition becomes essentially instant. four year degrees become laughable anachronisms when equivalent competency can be developed in days or hours. harvard's endowment becomes worth exactly nothing when elite signaling through artificial scarcity loses all meaning in a post scarcity intellectual environment.

the entire concept of "jobs" as we understand them is careening toward extinction. not just customer service or coding jobs. everything. medicine, law, creative work, engineering, all of it. we're clinging to employment as an organizing principle for society when the fundamental landscape beneath it is dissolving. forty years of warnings about automation hitting blue collar work first were completely wrong. cognitive work is easier to automate than physical manipulation. surgeons and authors will be replaced before plumbers and electricians.

political systems built on industrial era models of information flow and social organization will shatter under pressures they weren't designed to withstand. the polarization we're seeing now is just the warmup act. what happens when reality itself becomes contestable at unprecedented scales? when simulation capabilities make genuine from fake indistinguishable even to experts? democratic processes require shared epistemics that are about to be systematically dismantled by forces no regulatory system on earth is equipped to handle.

economic frameworks built around scarcity become nonsensical in domains where replication approaches zero marginal cost. intellectual property law becomes unenforceable when creation and iteration happen at machine speeds. startups built on human insights will emerge and collapse within weeks or days as their innovations are absorbed and surpassed by systems operating at timescales humans can't match. the venture capital model implodes when technology cycles compress from years to hours.

the psychological impact hasn't even begun to register. humans evolved for status competition in bands of 150 people. our brains are fundamentally unprepared for a world where our unique cognitive capabilities are suddenly rendered obsolete. existential dread will become the defining psychological condition of our era. therapy modalities developed for industrial age neuroses will fail catastrophically against post singularity identity crises. suicide rates among knowledge workers will skyrocket as people confront the elimination of purpose frameworks they've built their entire identities around.

religious institutions will undergo schisms that make the protestant reformation look like a minor disagreement. some will embrace the technology as divine manifestation. others will reject it as demonic. theological frameworks built around human exceptionalism will collapse when consciousness and intelligence decouple from biology. prophets and cult leaders leveraging these tools will accumulate followers at unprecedented rates, building movements that can scale from dozens to millions within weeks.”
i thought there was a character limit on tweets?

or were they just playing with chuck grassley?