What's something you have that you bet other HROT members don't?

Cool, so the only time Cade McNamara didn’t suck as QB in a game at Kinnick? Did you mention to Kirk that you thought the bubble screen might catch UM off guard and to run it a few times?
obviously he didn't come up with that genius move all by himself!!
mmm...mine's from the 1993 National Championship
sad batman GIF
I didn't say I was proud of it. I let my son "help". It was for me, but he still picked a blue saber instead of green. So I sacrificed.
My friend got married on May 4th a while back, and someone bought of bunch of light sabers for the wedding party. Pretty cool ones that had light and sound when they hit or were swung plus the humming noise. The way a bunch of 30-something adult men reverted back to ten years old in light saber battles was truly astonishing. I still have mine.
My friend got married on May 4th a while back, and someone bought of bunch of light sabers for the wedding party. Pretty cool ones that had light and sound when they hit or were swung plus the humming noise. The way a bunch of 30-something adult men reverted back to ten years old in light saber battles was truly astonishing. I still have mine.
Sally Kohn Gay GIF by The Opposite of Hate
I've got lots of magnets from goofy places I've been, there are plenty that nobody would have, but for the sake of this exercise I'll pick the one from the Harlan Sanders Cafe And Museum in Corbyn, KY.

I've got the autograph of the Iron Sheik.

And I've got one of these:

Dafuq? You’re a looter?

But seriously. Back 40+ years ago it was all kind of open, this was from one of the non excavated areas, but it was just off on the side of the walkway in the grass. Im actually guessing based on the concrete, that it is from the build knock down cycles after "the event". It's NOT like I jumped a rope and chiseled out a hunk.

Now THAT I did do at the Berlin Wall. Minus the rope.