really good pilot explanation of the plane crash

I thought they were just heading out when the crash occurred,.. with the intention of doing their night vision training outside the city..
Hence why they were passing the airport. That makes sense.
This is why America will fail.

Guy may have prematurely blown the case but everything coming out seems to suggest he knew more than he said and knew what he said when he said it.

If it does link back to a DEI hire, me thinks we will see that "blood on his hands" shit again, which I hate.
Guy may have prematurely blown the case but everything coming out seems to suggest he knew more than he said and knew what he said when he said it.

If it does link back to a DEI hire, me thinks we will see that "blood on his hands" shit again, which I hate.
Which is why him always needing to be in the spotlight is stupid. But we’re going to get some crazies now that blame DEI for anything that goes wrong see PF
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Good explanation by someone who's informed.

Once you all get past the "It's DEI" or "It's the cuts Trump made 8 days ago" idiocy coming from both's becoming apparent that this type of incident has been a concern for a while. There have been other close calls, some recent, But nothing has been done. Why?
Guy may have prematurely blown the case but everything coming out seems to suggest he knew more than he said and knew what he said when he said it.

If it does link back to a DEI hire, me thinks we will see that "blood on his hands" shit again, which I hate.
Me thinks he was riffing. Rule number one of an attention whore. Never skip the opportunity to be the center of attention.
I’m sorry not seeing the DEI angle. Everyone involved was experienced. The air space appears to have been an accident waiting to happen. Predates a couple administrations.
Trump had one job. Prays and condolences. The investigation is beginning. It’s wrong for me to comment until the facts are in.
With the helicopter pilot confirming he had visual a couple times….he was watching the wrong aircraft
With night vision on it can be sort of like looking through a tunnel. With this flight going a little further east to approach the runway it appears the copter had eyes fixed on the plane further out and never saw the incoming flight approaching from the east due to tunnel vision.
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New view of the crash I haven’t seen before.

Looks like the plane was turning to line up with the runway. The plane would’ve tilted away from the approaching helicopter, reducing their view to the right, and I’d imagine they we both focused on lining up with the runway so wouldn’t have been looking to the right.

Just seems like neither saw the other.
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Me thinks he was riffing. Rule number one of an attention whore. Never skip the opportunity to be the center of attention.
I’m sorry not seeing the DEI angle. Everyone involved was experienced. The air space appears to have been an accident waiting to happen. Predates a couple administrations.
Trump had one job. Prays and condolences. The investigation is beginning. It’s wrong for me to comment until the facts are in.
This seems to be the real issue. There have been plenty of close calls. It was a matter of when...not if.
Trump had one job. Prays and condolences. The investigation is beginning. It’s wrong for me to comment until the facts are in.

This,... Unfortunately, Trump loves the sound of his own voice so much that he frequently continues to talk even after he has run out of things to say...
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This seems to be the real issue. There have been plenty of close calls. It was a matter of when...not if.
No different than a blind intersection or other poorly designed traffic hazard. That has had plenty of incidents. But no fatalities. Then finally it happens. Things like this don’t get corrected until a tragedy. It’s just the way things are.
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This,... Unfortunately, Trump loves the sound of his own voice so much that he frequently continues to talk even after he has run out of things to say...
It’s a mental disorder. Not uncommon amongst sales people. Must dominate. In his mind he had a bunch of cameras in front of him. Think how high the ratings are. Time to sell some of my agenda.
If the copter was at or below the 200 foot ceiling, if wouldn’t have mattered which plane he had visual on. This is all on the copter…
It doesn’t take sophisticated technology or aviation training to understand that flying across the path of incoming aircraft is a bad idea. Why? Why would this ever be allowed?
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It’s a mental disorder. Not uncommon amongst sales people. Must dominate. In his mind he had a bunch of cameras in front of him. Think how high the ratings are. Time to sell some of my agenda.


"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt"...

Never a Trump consideration.
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"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt"...

Never a Trump consideration.
During some of the Corona pressers. When Fauci corrected him or clarified some things. Fauci thought afterwards Trump was going to go ballistic on him. Once they got off the stage only conversation they had was how high do you think the ratings are. They must be huge.
Think whatever you want about Fauci left or right doesn’t matter. When in the middle of an unprecedented national emergency. Trump is focused on his ratings. That’s Fubar.
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With the helicopter pilot confirming he had visual a couple times….he was watching the wrong aircraft
What I don't understand is even if he was watching another plane how could they not see the plane they were going to have a head on collision with. I realize they are moving fast but the planes were all lit up.
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What I don't understand is even if he was watching another plane how could they not see the plane they were going to have a head on collision with. I realize they are moving fast but the planes were all lit up.

There are so many possibilities. This is a message board, so anything goes. But everything now is speculation. They haven't examined the recording boxes for crying out loud. Relative altitudes and proximities, the data and information that provides the pieces to the puzzle.

Posters throw darts at the barn a mile away and that's fine. Like conversations on any message board, it won't create damage. But the NTSB is methodical and fact-based in forensic analysis.
There are so many possibilities. This is a message board, so anything goes. But everything now is speculation. They haven't examined the recording boxes for crying out loud. Relative altitudes and proximities, the data and information that provides the pieces to the puzzle.

Posters throw darts at the barn a mile away and that's fine. Like conversations on any message board, it won't create damage. But the NTSB is methodical and fact-based in forensic analysis.

One theory is that the CRJ needed to make a final heading correction to align with runway 33. Note the subtle turn to the left. If the Blackhawk pilot’s eyes were scanning more due south, they would have seen multiple landing lights of aircraft lining up behind 5342 - but missed the much closer CRJ that was turning. The Blackhawk also might have missed the direct glare from the CRJ’s nose gear landing lights if the plane was turning to the NW.

One theory is that the CRJ needed to make a final heading correction to align with runway 33. Note the subtle turn to the left. If the Blackhawk pilot’s eyes were scanning more due south, they would have seen multiple landing lights of aircraft lining up behind 5342 - but missed the much closer CRJ that was turning. The Blackhawk also might have missed the direct glare from the CRJ’s nose gear landing lights if the plane was turning to the NW.


Interesting conversation but everything is speculation. The copter should not have been at the altitude of the airliner in the landing zone, for example. But, this is what the forensic study will supply.
Interesting conversation but everything is speculation. The copter should not have been at the altitude of the airliner in the landing zone, for example. But, this is what the forensic study will supply.
Disagree. This crash is certainly due to a blind, deaf, dwarf, amputee, epileptic, trans, air traffic controller whose application was approved by Pete Buttigieg himself. I have deduced this with my common sense.
Disagree. This crash is certainly due to a blind, deaf, dwarf, amputee, epileptic, trans, air traffic controller whose application was approved by Pete Buttigieg himself. I have deduced this with my common sense.

I have it on good authority that dwarves like to be called midgets these days.

And midget air traffic controllers and pilots are the worst.
If the Blackhawk pilot’s eyes were scanning more due south, they would have seen multiple landing lights of aircraft lining up behind 5342 - but missed the much closer CRJ that was turning. The Blackhawk also might have missed the direct glare from the CRJ’s nose gear landing lights if the plane was turning to the NW.
Makes no difference what he saw if he was maintaining the correct altitude...
What I don't understand is even if he was watching another plane how could they not see the plane they were going to have a head on collision with. I realize they are moving fast but the planes were all lit up.
Saw an interview with a former BlackHawk pilot. Says they didn’t have enough personnel in rear to provide more views. Hence they were only relying on the pilot and co-pilots view and one in the back. Didn’t have a full 360 view point. With multiple planes in air space around them. It’s another potential issue.
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Saw an interview with a former BlackHawk pilot. Says they didn’t have enough personnel in rear to provide more views. Hence they were only relying on the pilot and co-pilots view and one in the back. Didn’t have a full 360 view point. With multiple planes in air space around them. It’s another potential issue.

I did see where someone elsewhere indicated that there would have normally been (4) people on this training mission,.. but it was conducted with (3)...
Saw an interview with a former BlackHawk pilot. Says they didn’t have enough personnel in rear to provide more views. Hence they were only relying on the pilot and co-pilots view and one in the back. Didn’t have a full 360 view point. With multiple planes in air space around them. It’s another potential issue.
There was a post on reddit yesterday from a former navy helo pilot. Said that flying is his 3rd or 4th job and that none of them get enough training time. Said corporate culture has replaced military culture and now it's all about meeting management metrics. Hundreds of other posters from all the other branches chimed in to agree. Said to expect more of this in the coming years.
Good explanation by someone who's informed.

Once you all get past the "It's DEI" or "It's the cuts Trump made 8 days ago" idiocy coming from both's becoming apparent that this type of incident has been a concern for a while. There have been other close calls, some recent, But nothing has been done. Why?

Feb 1, 2024

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