Register Quotes from Girlfriend's lawyer; beyond horrid


Jan 13, 2003
I thought I was actually hallucinating for a little bit while reading the Register this morning on the trial coverage. The Register in quoting an "Iowa employment lawyer" to discuss the verdict, actually f-in quoted as it's only source Brooke Timmer. Um, she is Meyer's girlfriend's lawyer. She of course in her opinion was so happy with the result and the message it says about Iowa and its treatment of people. Jesus DM Register, she is beyond biased personally as representing the girlfriend but obviously financially as she is poisoning the jury for her case which goes to trial in a month. Only 1 of 2 conclusions. Either the Rag is that lazy (doubtful) or totally biased in the coverage. real.
Have not seen the article, but if the DMR did not really know the connection, it's also a little slimy for the lawyer to not point out her connection to the case while providing commentary on it, although if her connection was so well known (don't know if it is), I guess she could have assumed that the DMR was fully aware of it.
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I thought I was actually hallucinating for a little bit while reading the Register this morning on the trial coverage. The Register in quoting an "Iowa employment lawyer" to discuss the verdict, actually f-in quoted as it's only source Brooke Timmer. Um, she is Meyer's girlfriend's lawyer. She of course in her opinion was so happy with the result and the message it says about Iowa and its treatment of people. Jesus DM Register, she is beyond biased personally as representing the girlfriend but obviously financially as she is poisoning the jury for her case which goes to trial in a month. Only 1 of 2 conclusions. Either the Rag is that lazy (doubtful) or totally biased in the coverage. real.

Typical "Fake News" ..... Good to see that people are understanding that it is about what the DM register wants you to read/believe not about the facts and truth..... or 1/2 truths...
I get all the fake news and everything else. Also, get the term journalist ethics is an oxymoron. But how in the hell can the Register print an article with their employment law source being the attorney representing Meyer's girlfriend? Who goes to trial in a month against Iowa. Not to be hyperbolic but that is as bad as it gets. That is beyond unconscionable.
I completely agree... I would guess that the DMR took money to print that article.
or... perhaps somebody there thinks they can make more money by taking sides.

I really don't want to name names... but there are Hawkeye journalists who root for failure just so they can write a story about it...
for some, its not even about greed... its just a sickness within their own soul.
its emblematic of what is going on all around the world...
and another example for why this world will soon come to an end.
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I completely agree... I would guess that the DMR took money to print that article.
or... perhaps somebody there thinks they can make more money by taking sides.

I really don't want to name names... but there are Hawkeye journalists who root for failure just so they can write a story about it...
for some, its not even about greed... its just a sickness within their own soul.
its emblematic of what is going on all around the world...
and another example for why this world will soon come to an end.

Say what now?o_O
I thought I was actually hallucinating for a little bit while reading the Register this morning on the trial coverage. The Register in quoting an "Iowa employment lawyer" to discuss the verdict, actually f-in quoted as it's only source Brooke Timmer. Um, she is Meyer's girlfriend's lawyer. She of course in her opinion was so happy with the result and the message it says about Iowa and its treatment of people. Jesus DM Register, she is beyond biased personally as representing the girlfriend but obviously financially as she is poisoning the jury for her case which goes to trial in a month. Only 1 of 2 conclusions. Either the Rag is that lazy (doubtful) or totally biased in the coverage. real.

Are you just now figuring out the American press has a pronounced bias and has renounced all claims to objectivity and independent thought????

Better late than never. It's been that way for several decades now.
The part I bolded is a little rediculous and dramatic imo.. and I'm a Trump hater even! No matter though, I don't feel a need for an explanation :D
well... look... this world is coming to an end... whether you accept it or not.
I will advise you not to get caught up in political whirlwinds.... they are by design.
well... look... this world is coming to an end... whether you accept it or not.
I will advise you not to get caught up in political whirlwinds.... they are by design.

What sort of timetable are we talking about? We talking about a Christian ascension, the Mayan restart, or just a good ole' secular asteroid?
No Joel I get it. As an attorney who is a senior partner and been practicing and trying cases for over 20 years, my complaint is both what the paper did and with Brooke. This is not simply lazy journalism and biasness. So feel free to keep lecturing me on the press that you have studied for "decades" and being condescending the whole time doing so. Thanks Joel.
No Joel I get it. As an attorney who is a senior partner and been practicing and trying cases for over 20 years, my complaint is both what the paper did and with Brooke. This is not simply lazy journalism and biasness. So feel free to keep lecturing me on the press that you have studied for "decades" and being condescending the whole time doing so. Thanks Joel.

Hypersensitive lawyer . . . well that's a first.
No Joel I get it. As an attorney who is a senior partner and been practicing and trying cases for over 20 years, my complaint is both what the paper did and with Brooke. This is not simply lazy journalism and biasness. So feel free to keep lecturing me on the press that you have studied for "decades" and being condescending the whole time doing so. Thanks Joel.

Sounds like your problem is with Timmer specifically, and as an admitted employment defense lawyer - should anyone be surprised?
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I thought I was actually hallucinating for a little bit while reading the Register this morning on the trial coverage. The Register in quoting an "Iowa employment lawyer" to discuss the verdict, actually f-in quoted as it's only source Brooke Timmer. Um, she is Meyer's girlfriend's lawyer. She of course in her opinion was so happy with the result and the message it says about Iowa and its treatment of people. Jesus DM Register, she is beyond biased personally as representing the girlfriend but obviously financially as she is poisoning the jury for her case which goes to trial in a month. Only 1 of 2 conclusions. Either the Rag is that lazy (doubtful) or totally biased in the coverage. real.

I think you neglected a possibility...instead of an "or", I think it may really be an "and" that you need there. :) But seriously, what a terrible job of journalism.
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Iowa Hawk - you really are not that dumb. I have zero problem generally with Brooke or Paige Fiedler her law partner. Unless I missed something with a substitution of counsel Paige and Brooke were representing Tracey. And you do know that Newkirk and Paige were former partners among other things correct?
Iowa Hawk - you really are not that dumb. I have zero problem generally with Brooke or Paige Fiedler her law partner. Unless I missed something with a substitution of counsel Paige and Brooke were representing Tracey. And you do know that Newkirk and Paige were former partners among other things correct?

So, wait. Paige Fiedler - Brooke Timmer's partner, and who have had their own firm for, what, 15 years, are essentially the same as Newkirk's partners?

Substitution of counsel on what? The claim filed by Newkirk on behalf of Griesbaum?

Maybe Register articles from 2014 naming Newkirk as her attorney?

You claimed to be a partner of an employment defense law firm in Iowa, 20 years of experience, and this entire thread was based on an entirely faulty accusation.

And you just called me dumb.

Good gracious.

But, hell, I'll give you an out. Maybe you got confused. Timmer did represent a male coach not hired by the UI because of a memo wanting to hire a female coach - maybe you mixed them up. Surely something that happens to even the most prestigious of partners.,amp.html

Hell, even that article by an AP writer points out that Newkirk, not Timmer is her lawyer.
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Iowa Hawk - you really are not that dumb. I have zero problem generally with Brooke or Paige Fiedler her law partner.

That is strange, considering you just called out her integrity with a baseless accusation using an anonymous message board name, claiming she is poisoning a jury pool publicly a month before a trial.

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