Remember that year we had a Heisman runner-up

I still stand by the notion that Tory Taylor is Heisman candidate material. He's indispensable to our team.
Having Tory Taylor may have been a bad thing for the Hawks. He’s turned out to be KF’s crutch that allows him to pull his head even farther into the turtle shell. He doesn’t need much offense at all, he’s got Tory.
I do, that was the first season I started watching Iowa football, was in grade school and was late to liking the sport. So what was the reason for Brad Banks not making the NFL? Doug Flutie & Drew Brees were before his time, Russell Wilson & Kyler Murray came later so I never bought into this height thing. Did he just not perform well at the combine or what?
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I do that was the first season I started watching Iowa football, was in grade school and was late to liking the sport. So what was the reason for Brad Banks not making the NFL? Doug Flutie & Drew Brees were before his time, Russell Wilson & Kyler Murray came later so I never bought into this height thing. Did he just not perform well at the combine or what?
League was different back then, although not all that discernable from today in terms of going to bad franchises off the jump.

He went undrafted, which wasn't uncommon for dual threat style QBs even in 2003. The Redskins picked him up and of course they're a dumpster franchise so he didn't stick.
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I do that was the first season I started watching Iowa football, was in grade school and was late to liking the sport. So what was the reason for Brad Banks not making the NFL? Doug Flutie & Drew Brees were before his time, Russell Wilson & Kyler Murray came later so I never bought into this height thing. Did he just not perform well at the combine or what?
His arm was just not strong enough to be an NFL QB.
You won’t recognize these Hawkeyes.

Banks led Iowa, completing 10-10 passes for 197 yards and three touchdowns. He also rushed five times for 54 yards and two touchdowns.

That was one helluva team. Those offensive lineman were unreal, talented dual-threat quarterback and a killer defense. Imagine what we could do now with that offense.
I do that was the first season I started watching Iowa football, was in grade school and was late to liking the sport. So what was the reason for Brad Banks not making the NFL? Doug Flutie & Drew Brees were before his time, Russell Wilson & Kyler Murray came later so I never bought into this height thing. Did he just not perform well at the combine or what?
Honestly he was kind of a system quarterback. In <gasp> a pretty good overall offense. The line was pretty superior at the time, he had good running backs, great wide receivers. And he was far from being a run first quarterback. He had time to make throws and enough speed and elusiveness to make plays out of nothing if guys were covered.

Honestly I doubt Banks would have moved the needle a whole lot if he were here in any recent seasons. I'm becoming even more convinced (if that's possible) that no quarterback in the galaxy could excel at Iowa right now.
We also scored 484 points that year, including 34 in Ann Arbor, while beating their ass 34-9, and put 42 on the Nititty Pussies at Sissy Valley, while winning there. Remember when Iowa got better as the year wore on? We scored 107 points in our last two B1G games that year. Sonny Soft Butt, will be lucky to do that in the conference season this year!
LT - Robert Gallery
LG - Eric Steinbach
C - Bruce Nelson
RG - Andy Lightfoot
RT - David Porter

This was the 2002 OL and it was the best OL probably in Iowa football history, definitely the best OL in my 45 years of watching Iowa football.
Yep, somehow Iowa has fallen off further at offensive line than QB. Much further.

That's the real reason old man KF needs to retire.
Brad Banks.

The guy KF just wasn’t real sure about him at QB. Didn’t know if he had “it” ya know?

He was real sure about Petras for three straight abysmal seasons starting… but Brad as a Junior? Nah, just not real sure on the guy.

How many overthrows did you see?

How many times did he trip over his own feet like Petras did nearly every game?

Remember last season when Petras would overthrow a reciever in the flat so God damned bad, the receiver wouldnt even put his hands up or jump?
How many times did you see that bullshit?

@HawkOn15 how many?????
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I bet you’re goddamn perfect.

Nah but going with the guy that led a 80 yard TD drive his very first drive against a top 10 Michigan defense instead of the other guy that started and went Punt, Punt, Punt his first three drives aint exactly fockin rocket science either.

One guy had no INTs

One guy had two INTs

Which one did coach doofus promote?
That 2001 Michigan team’s Defense was elite. Of all the QBs that defense faced I bet Brad Banks was the only QB all season to throw a TD pass on them on the first drive for that QB. I would put money on it.

Playing at an elite level against an elite defense, not good enough for Kirk. QB position is not a meritocracy for him. It just isn’t and never has been.
You won’t recognize these Hawkeyes.

Banks led Iowa, completing 10-10 passes for 197 yards and three touchdowns. He also rushed five times for 54 yards and two touchdowns.

You are right - unrecognizable.

I don't know how you could watch that film and remember those offenses from '02-'04, and even '08-'10 and think, "Yeah, KF is doing just as good a job now and working as hard as he ever has at QB, WR and OL recruiting and player development, and is still surrounding himself with the best offensive coaching staff possible. Thank God for the stability of still having him around 20 years later..."

2024 is not going to be a good year for Iowa football. I just hope to heck that it is a new regime in year 1 of a rebuild, with some signs of hope for the future, and not a complete '98-esque bottom-out under KF.
You are right - unrecognizable.

I don't know how you could watch that film and remember those offenses from '02-'04, and even '08-'10 and think, "Yeah, KF is doing just as good a job now and working as hard as he ever has at QB, WR and OL recruiting and player development, and is still surrounding himself with the best offensive coaching staff possible. Thank God for the stability of still having him around 20 years later..."

2024 is not going to be a good year for Iowa football. I just hope to heck that it is a new regime in year 1 of a rebuild, with some signs of hope for the future, and not a complete '98-esque bottom-out under KF.
It's been a slow steady decline.

This program is nowhere near where it was 20 years ago, not even in the same ballpark.

The rest of the big ten west being so bad has masked Iowas decline.

Wisconsin is the one reality check in the division. That used to be a game Iowa usually expected to win and Wisconsin was better back then than they are now but Iowa has fallen well below them.
at QB? <and> KF was the Head Coach? Feeling a little nostalgic.
Yah, the guy KF had split time at the position the year before. I guess Banks had a helluva summer before his senior year. LOL

Your observation is just more evidence that KF has NO IDEA what the hell a real QB looks like. And to bookend that fact, he ran Deacon Hill out there for almost an entire season! A guy who was headed to Fordham before the Bud Man snagged him, a guy who was a slow, talentless, turnover machine. A guy who transferred to Utah Tech (look it up). The only hope Iowa has ever had on offense under Ferentz is if he gets the hell outta the way. Lester knows offense and QBs. Leave him alone, and Iowa will be the surprise offense in the country this season.
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Thanks for posting.

Boy that team had a ton of talent! Just fun to watch!
They sure were. While Hayden's 1st Rose Bowl team might be my favorite team of all time just because he made us relevant again, watching that team just steamroll the opposition week after week was just something. The 34-9 victory at Michigan where we just physically whipped them all over the field was so memorable. I still find it interesting that after that we never really could either recruit another so called duel threat guy or just stopped trying. Talent all over the field.

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