I did overreact to the Iowa State loss.
I would say most games, though, I’m pretty much like…whatever.
I don’t know why you think I’m overreacting to last night’s win at Nebraska or earlier wins over cupcakes. My comments have always been in the context of potential, and that is certainly what I’m saying about the possibilities come tournament time. Again, we’ll see. But it’s fun to speculate and debate on a message board where none of our opinions really matter.
In terms of firing Fran, yes, I thought the end of the 2017-2018 season was the perfect time to cut ties with Fran. I have been on record many times since then stating my preference that Iowa go a different direction with the men’s basketball head coaching position. Fans are welcome to not only disagree with that but dislike it as well. It’s my opinion and that’s all it is.
Additionally, I still believe Iowa would be best served letting Fran go. That doesn’t mean I think it’s feasible to do so. You can’t fire a coach after the past couple seasons and certainly not after this one. That’s ridiculous. As I stated yesterday, I genuinely didn’t recall stating Fran should be fired after this particular season. Kudos to you for digging up that post from three months ago. However, me wanting Fran to go was not as much about the Iowa State loss as it was my Fran fatigue—as I have felt for years Fran’s ceiling has already been reached.
With all of that said, Fran has had his best coaching job of his Iowa tenure no matter what happens with the rest of the season. Something recently that stands out was the start of the second half of the Bitchagain State game. When Bitchagain State came out of the locker room with a quick run, Old Fran wouldn’t have called a timeout until Bitchagain State had something like a 14-2 run going and the lead had completely evaporated. New Fran called a timeout right away and stymied the momentum Bitchagain State was gaining. As a result, the game never became in doubt after that. That’s huge.