Reminder: It’s always good to check in on folks from time to time.

FAUlty Gator

HB Legend
Oct 27, 2017
Doing my cafeteria walk by this morning and popped my head in to say hi to the ladies and asked “everyone have a good weekend?” All said yes except one who gave me a look. I pulled her aside and she tells me that her nephew does on a bad car wreck Saturday. We hugged it out and she started talking about how she has all these people coming into town to say all over the place and she was a wreck.

We rallied the troops and now she has about $1500 in Publix gift cards because of the great staff and community I’m part of.

But that sweet lady would not have said a damned word about any of this and just struggled through all of it with none of us knowing the wiser.

And while none of this will bring her nephew back, it takes one big thing off her plate to allow her to focus on grieving and family, etc. and lets her know she is loved here. There’s no downside in being nice to people and letting them know you care.
