Replace Republican Party?

Fiscaly conservative and socially liberal. Keep government small, but not too small and stop trying to win votes through hate and fear. There are plenty of Dems who like republican fiscal policies but can't stomach their social agenda. You can sign me up today for that.
Fiscaly conservative and socially liberal. Keep government small, but not too small and stop trying to win votes through hate and fear. There are plenty of Dems who like republican fiscal policies but can't stomach their social agenda. You can sign me up today for that.
and I bet there are as many, if not more Republicans who support the Democratic social agenda but fear the wrath of their supporters. Social Security, MediCare, Planned Parenthood, unemployment.....those kinds of things.
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and I bet there are as many, if not more Republicans who support the Democratic social agenda but fear the wrath of their supporters. Social Security, MediCare, Planned Parenthood, unemployment.....those kinds of things.
Yep, I've been thinking for a long time that this is the party of the next generation. People under 40 aren't as likely to care about the social issues, but still want a fiscally conservative government. The republicans should dump the far right and go after independents and moderate Dems.
Yep, I've been thinking for a long time that this is the party of the next generation. People under 40 aren't as likely to care about the social issues, but still want a fiscally conservative government. The republicans should dump the far right and go after independents and moderate Dems.
Seriously? Not what I have seen. Fiscal responsibility ios very important to was for "us
" too.......But my kids generation thrives on tolerance and acceptance of all kinds of people for who they are and not so much as too their color, their religion or their sexual preferences...My bride and I have commented much upon this over the years as how the "youngers generation" seems to have itself together in many ways.
Seriously? Not what I have seen. Fiscal responsibility ios very important to was for "us
" too.......But my kids generation thrives on tolerance and acceptance of all kinds of people for who they are and not so much as too their color, their religion or their sexual preferences...My bride and I have commented much upon this over the years as how the "youngers generation" seems to have itself together in many ways.
I think you read it wrong....I'm pretty sure we agree. I meant that young people are ok with gay marriage, gun control, etc, and are also fiscally conservative....but I've had a long day, so maybe I'm not making sense.
Isolationism means that you don't deal with anyone in anything, including trading. Non-interventionism means that you don't intervene in their politics.

Are you sure? Because we where considered isolationist prior to WW2 and I'm pretty sure we traded with other countries. We just where not in any hurry to join the fight against Hitler.