Republicans about to turn on Condi??

Jared Cohen is the founder and CEO of Jigsaw at Alphabet Inc. He also serves as an Adjunct Senior Fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations. Prior to Alphabet, he was Google's first Director of Ideas and chief advisor to Google's executive chairman Eric Schmidt. From 2006 to 2010 he served as a member of the Secretary of State's Policy Planning Staff and as a close advisor to both Condoleezza Rice and Hillary Clinton.

Google's Jigsaw Was Supposed to Save the Internet. Jared Cohen, the founder and CEO of Google's Jigsaw
In 2010, then-Google CEO Eric Schmidt tapped Cohen to be the leader of Google Ideas, a "think / do tank" to research problems at the intersection of technology and geopolitics.

Jigsaw Bought a Russian Troll Campaign as an Experiment
To attack the site it had created, Jigsaw settled on a service called SEOTweet, a fake follower and retweet seller that also offered the researchers a two-week disinformation campaign for the bargain price of $250. Jigsaw, posing as political adversaries of the "Down with Stalin" site, agreed to that price and tasked SEOTweet with attacking the site. In fact, SEOTweet first offered to remove the site from the web altogether fraudulent complaints that the site hosted abusive content, which it would ostensibly send to the site's web host. The cost: $500.
Jigsaw declined that more aggressive offer, but green lit its third-party security firm to pay SEOTweet $250 to carry out its social media campaign, providing no further instructions.
Two weeks later, SEOTweet reported back to Jigsaw that it had posted 730 Russian-language tweets attacking the anti-Stalin site from 25 different Twitter accounts, as well as 100 posts to forums and blog comment sections of seemingly random sites, from regional news sites to automotive and arts-and-crafts forums.
Strangely, neither Jigsaw nor the security firm hired for the experiment said they were able to provide WIRED with more than a couple of samples of the campaign's posts, due to a lack of records of the experiment from a year ago.
Is she still on the playoff committee? Is she trying to keep Bama out of the top 4? Does she oppose multiple SEC teams?
Yeah - Condi baby is deeply troubled by the US intervening in the affairs of sovereign nations......wait, what?

The hypocrisy is breathtaking. Nice to see her able to forgive herself for the lies she told on behalf of Curious George. Hope she never had to endure even one sleepless night over that little, uhhhh, war crime?

There probably weren't any tee times at Augusta due to frost on the greens so she had some free time to lecture us heathens on morality? :rolleyes:
Yeah - Condi baby is deeply troubled by the US intervening in the affairs of sovereign nations......wait, what?

The hypocrisy is breathtaking. Nice to see her able to forgive herself for the lies she told on behalf of Curious George. Hope she never had to endure even one sleepless night over that little, uhhhh, war crime?

There probably weren't any tee times at Augusta due to frost on the greens so she had some free time to lecture us heathens on morality? :rolleyes:
I despise Rice. She's lying trash. She's one of those people who make me question what the hell God is doing. Clearly her lies helped get thousands killed. Yet she keeps going through life having great things happen to her...or being rewarded. First female member at Augusta and on the CFB playoff committee to name two.
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