House Republicans overwhelmingly vote to support a Confederate monument at Arlington National Cemetery

I think most people understand this. In an alternative universe, where the Confederacy won, the confederates are the patriots.

But we don't live in that alternate universe, do we? We live in the USA: the country that declared independence in 1776, not 1860.

I'm not suggesting that confederate soldiers should be vilified. I realize that most had little choice in the matter. And I don't think regular German soldiers who fought against us in WW2 should be vilified. But, I think it would be wrong for the federal government to build monuments to honor them.

This not a place for moral relativism. The Confederacy was a morally-flawed slave empire. They fought a war to preserve their slave empire, and lost. We don't need to honor them.
I never once said the Confederacy should be honored.
What is that percentage?

You are yet again saying that slaves really didn't want freedom and they had it at least as good with slavery as they did without. You, are a moron.
No! that's not what I stated at all. Keep wallowing in your woke bed of lies.

Not having lived in that era I can only guess that alleged slaves preferred freedom, what I do know is a large percentage stayed working where they were at as that was home to them.

So despite being free they preferred to stay on the plantation.
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No! that's not what I stated at all. Keep wallowing in your woke bed of lies.

Not having lived in that era I can only guess that alleged slaves preferred freedom, what I do know is a large percentage stayed working where they were at as that was home to them.

So despite being free they preferred to stay on the plantation.
What is that percentage. Please include your citations.

You're saying that the slaves had it so good being slaves that they chose to stay on the plantation.

You certainly are consistent in demonstrating your ignorance.
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So despite being free they preferred to stay on the plantation.
They had no money and very few possessions due to being slaves. They were promised 40 acres and a mule, although Andrew Johnson overturned that order. Where do you think they were going to go? At least if they stayed where they were they knew the area. They knew where they could find resources food, shelter, sympathizers, etc.
No finished as in done! The vast majority of those alleged slaves were more than happy to stay where they were working for the same families. Put down your "woke" books and see things as they really were.
Let me see if i have this right. In the south slaves preferred to be slaves while non-slaves couldn’t handle following federal laws, to the point they started the civil war because they were so upset about following rules. You really can’t be serious with your viewpoint. I’m guessing you think the Israelis being held by hamas are happy and want to be hostages.
You forgot the figures and citation.

The ignorance it takes to believe the reason some slaves went back to work for their previous owners is because they had it so good they didn't want to leave is astonishing. Even for you.
Just proves what an absolute moron rico is. Yep, them slaves loved their lives so much they never wanted to leave. Wow. Total stupidity.
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You forgot the figures and citation.

The ignorance it takes to believe the reason some slaves went back to work for their previous owners is because they had it so good they didn't want to leave is astonishing. Even for you.
Once again you have an enormous problem with reading comprehension, I assume you are a product of the Iowa Public School System.
Nobody I know said they were in love with their lot in life but they were not as ignorant as you attempt to make them out to be.
You're the one claiming they liked their life so much as slaves that they didn't want to leave their owners. That's as ignorant as it gets.
Nobody I know said they were in love with their lot in life but they were not as ignorant as you attempt to make them out to be.
The only ignorant one in the house is the one trying to sell the absolutely unbelievable take that the slaves were so enamored with being SLAVES and forced to work and live in depravity and squalor that they chose to stay in that life and enjoyed it. Wow. Absolutely a moron.
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The only ignorant one in the house is the one trying to sell the absolutely unbelievable take that the slaves were so enamored with being SLAVES and forced to work and live in depravity and squalor that they chose to stay in that life and enjoyed it. Wow. Absolutely a moron.
And they were far from ignorant, as you are suggesting. They knew their plight, being SLAVES. But hey... according to you they decided to remain in that situation by choice. Yep, according to you they just loved life. Keep on digging your hole deeper rico. or whatever handle you're using tonight
The only ignorant one in the house is the one trying to sell the absolutely unbelievable take that the slaves were so enamored with being SLAVES and forced to work and live in depravity and squalor that they chose to stay in that life and enjoyed it. Wow. Absolutely a moron.
Looking pretty happy to me!

Congress authorized the burial of Confederate troops in Arlington. It was an act of reconciliation. Just let them rest in peace.
Jesus H Christ Northern. Read the title. That's what the discussion is about. I'm not talking about the people buried there. I'm talking about Republicans wanting to put a confederate monument in Arlington NATIONAL cemetery. Give me some kind of defense as to why that's anywhere close to reasonable. I do not understand how it is this difficult and why we have to go on all these tangents
Let the goddam red state toothless hillbillies celebrate their traitor heroes. They don't know any better any will never understand different When the learned champion the idea we've got a real problem.

The Confederate states decided to not be a part of this country so, they revolted against our government. Not the British. Or any other country. It was a revolution against the U.S. Government. This sounds romantic in the Orange Turd's reality, but these are traitors in the 1st degree who have been memorialized primarily for racist reasons in the Jim Crow era. We can never forget, recognize and admit how racist we still are. I see and hear it in the small town I live in constantly. Remarkable since few of the people harboring this hatred likely were ever exposed to issues causing their resentment. It's social conditioning fueled by inherent bigotry. A human pastime.

The Confederate States issue is a part of American history and culture, but it can be recognized without being celebrated.

It really is a waste of time trying to get through to these racists but it’s even worse if you ignore them and try to live your life as if they don’t exist. The hateful brainwashed idiots will destroy everything.
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And what was their way of life?

The upper eschelons of southern society controlled a primarily agrarian economy that was built on the extensive use of slave labor, while middle and lower class southerners, typically not as directly involved in the slave trade, also derived benefit from the continued practice,.. Even prior to the US Civil War, slavery was being viewed by most Americans as an embarrassment...
The upper eschelons of southern society controlled a primarily agrarian economy that was built on the extensive use of slave labor, while middle and lower class southerners, typically not as directly involved in the slave trade, also derived benefit from the continued practice,.. Even prior to the US Civil War, slavery was being viewed by most Americans as an embarrassment...
Yes... we all know it was rich ****s who built their life on the backs of slaves and that they were fighting do be able to continue to do so. Do you think this was ok? Again it's ok to say they were wrong. It baffles me people continue to try and defend the indefensible
Yes... we all know it was rich ****s who built their life on the backs of slaves and that they were fighting do be able to continue to do so. Do you think this was ok? Again it's ok to say they were wrong. It baffles me people continue to try and defend the indefensible

Who is defending anything?,.. The question was, what was the south fighting for?,.. My response was that they were fighting for their way of life,.. Is this incorrect?
Who is defending anything?,.. The question was, what was the south fighting for?,.. My response was that they were fighting for their way of life,.. Is this incorrect?
So you are just trying to educate us? That's cool I guess but I just assumed everyone already knew this.
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Who is defending anything?,.. The question was, what was the south fighting for?,.. My response was that they were fighting for their way of life,.. Is this incorrect?
not incorrect...but a euphemism

and one you could apply to basically any group that ever fought a war