Republicans think Donald Trump is trustworthy, empathetic, and well suited to presidency

He's a reality TV star running a reality TV star campaign. Literally the only good thing about him is he has so much money that he doesn't have to answer to special interests or big campaign donors.
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Thanks. Joe's Place also linked Trump being anti-TPP.

I'm not convinced we have really seen his stance on TPP. He seems more negative toward it than his GOP brethren. That's good. But is it really true?

Unfortunately, while the currency thing is a good issue, it's not a good complaint against the TPP. He's basically criticizing it for something that isn't in there. It's sort of like criticizing the Iran deal because it didn't get Iran to release prisoners - a criticism Trump and many in the GOP make. Sure, it would be nice if Iran released prisoners. But that wasn't the point of the Iran deal.

It's also unclear what Trump means by that. Is he calling for a Tobin tax? Probably not. So what does he want? He probably wants China and a few others to stop manipulating their currency to our disadvantage. Sounds good. How do you do that?
I think you are wise to question the believability of Trump on most issues. Like the Bible you can find quotes from him supporting most any position. It's really hard for me to guess what his actual beliefs or concerns are beyond adulation and winning.
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