Repubs- On a scale of 1-10, how helpful was the debate last night

I watched probably 20-25 total minutes of it, but not all at one time, so I by no means saw everything...but, what I did see was overall pretty disappointing. I think the formats for these TV, ahem, "debates" are a made for TV pile of crap to begin with, and that goes for the both parties. And then last night was little more than insult-fest and zinger parade with little substantive material presented in a comprehensible fashion.

Having said that, I guess I can see why particularly Cruz and Rubio were so feisty with Trump, as I think they are shifting their strategy to a "fight fire, with fire" mentality. People these days make too many important decisions based on their emotions, and the campaigns AND TV channels know this well, and we now see "debates" geared to set up conflict and appeal to people's emotions. So who can be surprised that this is what we get these days?
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It was a total joke. It did nothing to establish anything more on policy. Partly because the Republican candidates all really want to win the nomination, they were a mess of attacking each other and looking foolish. SNL should do a skit of a moderator that has totally lost control and three candidates just yelling at the same time. Oh wait, that wouldn't be funny either.
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It reaffirmed by intention to vote for Rubio. Cruz was actually better than my existing impression of him. Trump was the same ol', same ol'. However, I did laugh when he said to the Latina moderator that he doesn't believe anything Telamundo says....
Last night was the first time Trump was truly attacked by his opponents. I heard one of the talking heads on Morning Joe say that opposing candidates had never done oppo research on Trump until now because the popular thought was he'd flame out. Last night you saw really pointed criticism on specific things about Trump's background, and they had responses ready for him. Trump University should have been brought up a long time ago. The tax returns and the number of times he's been sued should have been brought up. Specifics on the wall and is his plan to start a trade war all needed to be addressed.
It may be too late, though.
It made me like Rubio even more. Of the three at the top of the republican polls, Rubio would make the best president and it's not even close. A lot of people don't want to admit it, but it's true. I think he's genuinely a good person and last night I saw the side of him that was willing to fight.

Although it wasn't the most professional way of going about it, it was what needed to be done. Trump needed to be called out on his BS. Trump did not handle himself very well last night, IMO.
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again Kasich looked like the only adult let alone presidential candidate.

Why - because he wanted to lock the kids in their room and not let them out unless they made up with each other?

Kasich needs to get out - he doesn't have a snowball's chance and he's just helping Trump, nothing more. He didn't have enough guts to say one negative thing about the Donald. My guess is that he's holding on and hoping for a shot at Trump's VP slot.
Why - because he wanted to lock the kids in their room and not let them out unless they made up with each other?

Kasich needs to get out - he doesn't have a snowball's chance and he's just helping Trump, nothing more. He didn't have enough guts to say one negative thing about the Donald. My guess is that he's holding on and hoping for a shot at Trump's VP slot.

More so because he has actually governed and has intelligent ideas that he articulates. Unfortunately it's drown our by the carnival barker screaming about "winning" again and increasing the height of the border wall every time Mexico refuses to pay for it. Seriously, at this point the wall is going to reach space.
Why - because he wanted to lock the kids in their room and not let them out unless they made up with each other?

Kasich needs to get out - he doesn't have a snowball's chance and he's just helping Trump, nothing more. He didn't have enough guts to say one negative thing about the Donald. My guess is that he's holding on and hoping for a shot at Trump's VP slot.
He needs to stay in the race. He's the only GOP candidate I would consider at this point. He actually responded to questions as opposed to negative attacks against other candidates. Crap like that is for the immature knuckleheads. His comments about religious liberties were the best of the bunch. Cruz's comments about 'sanctity of marriage' are getting old. Nobody is taking away the rights of heterosexuals to get married. SCOTUS has ruled on it; get over it.
How many debates have there been now, about 20? It seems like there's another debate just about every week. I watched parts of two of them and that was about all I could stomach. Are they breaking any new ground with these repeated debates? Cruz takes a swipe at Trump. Trump calls everyone a loser. Rubio rails against ISIS. Kasich gets 14 seconds to say something that sounds fairly reasonable. And then the cycle repeats. Am I missing anything?
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How many debates have there been now, about 20? It seems like there's another debate just about every week. I watched parts of two of them and that was about all I could stomach. Are they breaking any new ground with these repeated debates? Cruz takes a swipe at Trump. Trump calls everyone a loser. Rubio rails against ISIS. Kasich gets 14 seconds to say something that sounds fairly reasonable. And then the cycle repeats. Am I missing anything?

Then Ben Carson gets a question and mumbles softly about bunnies for 5 minutes
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It reaffirmed by intention to vote for Rubio. Cruz was actually better than my existing impression of him. Trump was the same ol', same ol'. However, I did laugh when he said to the Latina moderator that he doesn't believe anything Telamundo says....

I laughed at that too. ^ It is those moments that I really like Trump. I like that he doesn't mince words on some subjects, but the flip side of that is that he has no sense of decorum or respect when he is dealing with other, meatier subjects. Overall, I really don't want him to become president though.