Required Military Service

I served my country for 30 years, Including supporting the military without serving in it.

Look through a slot and get a single vision.
Look through a prism and get proper views of the issue.
I agree. Military may have been a bad title. Was just curious on a debate of automatic Civil service, no matter who you are or where you were raised, may bring this county together. Clearly sounds like socialistic, maybe even communist idea, I was just bored. Had 10-12 cocktails golfing, 3-6 at dinner with wife and sitting at a 40-80 table at Canterbury and that is what the table is talking about so need to pass time
You had a good day 🤣
If you ask the folks in the military, they'll likely tell you f' no. Having a bunch of people that don't want to be there doesn't work.

I had to deal with a bunch of people who didn't want to be there, and that was without mandatory service.

We don't need mandatory service. We need a smaller military, a government that puts diplomacy ahead of "We'll wipe you out", and a sane foreign policy.
It highly depends if you are in a war time / peace time environment. We didn't have many people bitching about getting drafted for WWII. But then look at Vietnam and the clusterfux that was. If you are compelling service, you have to provide a good damn reason.
Read more books about WW2. Lots of people avoided service. The Army had a goal of 100 divisions and never reached their goal because of resistance to an expanded draft, too many young men who could not meet the physical qualifications, and a whole lot of men who gamed the system. As with Vietnam there were lots of outs if you knew how to play the game, or had access to powerful people.
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A lot of countries still do this and most, obviously not all, are pretty solid overall. Would help solve a lot of equitable situations the US has if it was enforced. I know both sides of poor and rich would figure a way to dodge; but, would give a lot of kids a purpose and insurance.

I think it would be amazing if we required two years of service.
A lot of those countries do not mirror US demographics. I don't think we need mandatory service, the manpower requirements just aren't there. However, I wouldn't be opposed to some form of hybrid program to boost military recruitment and resurrect something akin to the CCC, or to boost AmeriCorps.
Read more books about WW2. Lots of people avoided service. The Army had a goal of 100 divisions and never reached their goal because of resistance to an expanded draft, too many young men who could not meet the physical qualifications, and a whole lot of men who gamed the system. As with Vietnam there were lots of outs if you knew how to play the game, or had access to powerful people.
There were also limits as to the number of men per family, sons of single mothers, etc…
Dad and two brothers signed up, the eldest brother stayed home to run the essential family business, a pharmacy.
On mom’s side, two of three brothers signed up later for Korea. My grandad blistered the admin with letters about bringing his sons home and later cast his once in a lifetime vote for a republican, as he held Ike to his promise to bring our men home.

As to physical qualifications, etc… The US would struggle to field a WW2 number of peeps, even with a much greater population. Fatties, druggies, felons, and so on would thin the ranks of those eligible right out of the gate.
Next, we talk about the privileged MF who would not serve, but whose folks would push for others to do so.
Then we get to those with genuine factors causing them to be ineligible.
Nationwide, 77 percent of youth between the ages of 17 and 24 cannot qualify for military service, an increase from 2017's already-troubling ineligibility rate of 71 percent.
Jan 24, 2023
Wow, that’s a huge percentage. I knew young people were unhealthy, but that is an alarmingly high percentage.