Resilient U.S. Economy Fuels Best January For Stocks in 30 Years

How much more to go til get back to heights of 2017 I wonder?
Almost recovered the losses from last year Should be completely recovered and then some next month if the trend continues.

As for whoever the president is on these things. He gets too much of the blame and too much credit when things go right or wrong.
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Tradition, Obama inherited the worst economy since the recession since the, “Great Depressionn”, the economy rebounded and has performed better than a current Oranged hair conman.
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Me too. I was blasted on this site by a certain someone for my buying opportunity comments. Morons.

Anyway. It’s coming back down. Probably pretty soon.

Then up, then down, then up, then down, then up, guessed it...down again. Damn Killary and her emails.

It's just nice Trump fans have something to trumpet right now. I was beginning to feel sorry for them. Of course, then I realized Trump fans don't need actual facts anyway, as they usually just make up their own when Donnie has a bad week. Or, to borrow a line from Rudy "There were no major attacks on the US until Obama took office" Giuliani: "Truth is not truth."

It's a beautiful system. If it's good, "Yay, Trump! Wahoo! MAGA!" If the news is bad, that's okay, it's fake anyway. You can't lose. That's the genius of 30 % of the brain-washed Trump cultists. The Kool-Aid always tastes delicious.
Then up, then down, then up, then down, then up, guessed it...down again. Damn Killary and her emails.

It's just nice Trump fans have something to trumpet right now. I was beginning to feel sorry for them. Of course, then I realized Trump fans don't need actual facts anyway, as they usually just make up their own when Donnie has a bad week. Or, to borrow a line from Rudy "There were no major attacks on the US until Obama took office" Giuliani: "Truth is not truth."

It's a beautiful system. If it's good, "Yay, Trump! Wahoo! MAGA!" If the news is bad, that's okay, it's fake anyway. You can't lose. That's the genius of 30 % of the brain-washed Trump cultists. The Kool-Aid always tastes delicious.

Dayum! You're feisty tonight, and it's not even the weekend yet!
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Then up, then down, then up, then down, then up, guessed it...down again. Damn Killary and her emails.

It's just nice Trump fans have something to trumpet right now. I was beginning to feel sorry for them. Of course, then I realized Trump fans don't need actual facts anyway, as they usually just make up their own when Donnie has a bad week. Or, to borrow a line from Rudy "There were no major attacks on the US until Obama took office" Giuliani: "Truth is not truth."

It's a beautiful system. If it's good, "Yay, Trump! Wahoo! MAGA!" If the news is bad, that's okay, it's fake anyway. You can't lose. That's the genius of 30 % of the brain-washed Trump cultists. The Kool-Aid always tastes delicious.

Yeah, ok.

Look, I really don’t give a f*** about your politics, or the other sides. Both sides are complete trash as far as I am concerned. But, as long as I continue to make money off dumbf*** that make decisions based off emotions and politics, the better.
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Yeah, ok.

Look, I really don’t give a f*** about your politics, or the other sides. Both sides are complete trash as far as I am concerned. But, as long as I continue to make money off dumbf*** that make decisions based off emotions and politics, the better.

I think you're being too nice and mincing words. You should learn to be more of a dick like me. It's a lot of fun.

But, okay, so you're a selfish son of a b**** who only cares about what's in it for him and prefers rectal cranial inversion to being informed. Yes, resorting to false equivalencies that they both suck sure beats thinking for yourself. Brilliant.

Well, it's all good, because I don't give a f*** about you, your money, or your goddamn sensibilities. So we are on the same page with not giving a f***. And when the shit really hits the fan, and your precious money is affected, guess how many f***s I'm going to give about that? LMAO.

Are we having fun yet? :D
I think you're being too nice and mincing words. You should learn to be more of a dick like me. It's a lot of fun.

But, okay, so you're a selfish son of a b**** who only cares about what's in it for him and prefers rectal cranial inversion to being informed. Yes, resorting to false equivalencies that they both suck sure beats thinking for yourself. Brilliant.

Well, it's all good, because I don't give a f*** about you, your money, or your goddamn sensibilities. So we are on the same page with not giving a f***. And when the shit really hits the fan, and your precious money is affected, guess how many f***s I'm going to give about that? LMAO.

Are we having fun yet? :D

Bitch please. My ability to think for myself is precisely the reason why I am able to make decisions based on fundamentals over politics and emotions. Do you get this? The rest of the nonsense you posted is dumb AF. Seriously, majority of your post is just dumb.

I recommend you don’t get into an argument with me over the market. You are in over your head.
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Bitch please. My ability to think for myself is precisely the reason why I am able to make decisions based on fundamentals over politics and emotions. Do you get this? The rest of the nonsense you posted is dumb AF.

I recommend you don’t get into an argument with me over the market. You are in over your head.

Lol. We are having fun.

And no, bitch, you please. Trying to go all gangsta on me then busting out your Alex Keaton credentials. That's funny.

But you are right, I don't know shit about the market. But my woman does, as that is exactly what she does for a living.

So, no, hombre it's you who are dumb AF. And you ain't hard either, pimp. So GTFO. You're just a little twat waffle with delusions of granduer on an anonymous message board. Lol. Get bent, bitch. You're weak and dumb AF. Lmao.
Lol. We are having fun.

And no, bitch, you please. Trying to go all gangsta on me then busting out your Alex Keaton credentials. That's funny.

But you are right, I don't know shit about the market. But my woman does, as that is exactly what she does for a living.

So, no, hombre it's you who are dumb AF. And you ain't hard either, pimp. So GTFO. You're just a little twat waffle with delusions of granduer on an anonymous message board. Lol. Get bent, bitch. You're weak and dumb AF. Lmao.

Bwahahahahahahaha......... you go in the bag of losers with Huey and Mitch. Not good company my friend. Seriously.

Again. I recommend you don’t argue the market with me. You are in over your head. Which is becoming more and more clear. Lol.
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Bwahahahahahahaha......... you go in the bag of losers with Huey and Mitch. Not good company my friend. Seriously.

Thank you for selecting me to be in with such esteemed company. I'm honored. Wait, who are Huey and Mitch?

Seriously, though, do you not get what's happening? I thought you knew me better than that. I've been LMAO this whole time.

I don't know why you thought I was trying to challenge you about the stock market. My response to you was never about that. It was about being flippant and sarcastic. That's great that you do well in the stock market. I was just talking about how selfish you came across not caring about other political issues besides your money. Granted, I don't care if you are selfish and the most vile human being on the planet, this is an anonymous message board, but at the same time, lol, have some perspective.

Seriously, though, when you tried to talk gangsta at me then busted out your inner Alex Keaton (you might not be old enough to remember that show), I about died laughing. And lol, yeah, I couldn't help but respond the way I did. LMAO.

In other words, you took the bait, man. And you came across sounding incredibly pathetic and insecure. But, yes, I get it, you're the font of genius when it comes to the stock market. Kudos to you. Good night, man. Lol.
Again. I recommend you don’t argue the market with me. You are in over your head. Which is becoming more and more clear. Lol.
Never meet a single person who made statements like this that had a clue about what they were talking about, not a single one...
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