Reynolds takes aim at AEAs

You've proven your point - pine wants to judge the salary of others but withers when challenged with stating his own occupation. He's a coward.
It's what he does best.

Imagine spending all of your time here criticizing public schools and teachers without being willing to tell anyone what you do for a living.

What a loser. Please give me my laugh react, @Pinehawk . That's how I know I'm right.
Dumbasses who don’t understand the job. Again, ignorant people talking shit about things they don’t have a clue about.
He also espoused, during the initial passes of the voucher scam, that public schools received per pupil funding for resident students attending private schools.

He's clueless on school operation, especially from a finance perspective.
He also espoused, during the initial passes of the voucher scam, that public schools received per pupil funding for resident students attending private schools.

He's clueless on school operation, especially from a finance perspective.
For sure. Basically everything we told him that would happen, has. He just laughs it off instead of owning that he’s been wrong from the start.
Wow, do you guys have short fuses. You go straight to full on hysterics if someone has a different viewpoint. And, I even disagreed with the AEA cuts. Doesn’t matter much though, you’re going to go even crazier with what’s to come from Reynolds I suspect.
Wow, do you guys have short fuses. You go straight to full on hysterics if someone has a different viewpoint. And, I even disagreed with the AEA cuts. Doesn’t matter much though, you’re going to go even crazier with what’s to come from Reynolds I suspect.
Yeah, no one's blowing up at you.

We're simply pointing out how little you know about all of this. That would be okay, of course, except you seem so willfully ignorant about it all. Or maybe your just oblivious, I don't know.

Oh well, enjoy the further deterioration of education in this once great state, I guess. That's cool
Wow, do you guys have short fuses. You go straight to full on hysterics if someone has a different viewpoint. And, I even disagreed with the AEA cuts. Doesn’t matter much though, you’re going to go even crazier with what’s to come from Reynolds I suspect.
Lol - who's in hysterics? You're simply getting called out again for your position on this matter.
Wow, do you guys have short fuses. You go straight to full on hysterics if someone has a different viewpoint. And, I even disagreed with the AEA cuts. Doesn’t matter much though, you’re going to go even crazier with what’s to come from Reynolds I suspect.
Because this BS isn’t funny. It affects thousands of kids and what I do for a living. So yeah, ignorance about education irritates me.
Wow, do you guys have short fuses. You go straight to full on hysterics if someone has a different viewpoint. And, I even disagreed with the AEA cuts. Doesn’t matter much though, you’re going to go even crazier with what’s to come from Reynolds I suspect.
Yeah, the crazy people are the ones who object to Reynolds's efforts (abetted by her spineless toadies in the state legislature) to run Iowa's public school system into the ground to satisfy her donors and the religious zealots in her base.
Some wonderful demonstrations and arrogance in this thread from our Iowa educators. Exactly the reason for the voucher program. True fafo.

Look at them claiming the governor doesn't have the right to review a state agency especially one that has run so inefficiently and which the left in particular has turned into their political playground.
Some wonderful demonstrations and arrogance in this thread from our Iowa educators. Exactly the reason for the voucher program. True fafo.

Look at them claiming the governor doesn't have the right to review a state agency especially one that has run so inefficiently and which the left in particular has turned into their political playground.
How has the AEA been run inefficiently? Cite some examples, please.

And of course she has the right to review state agencies. We're all just smart enough to know what she means by "review".

But hey, rich people get to pay less in taxes so all is well. Screw the programs that help those in need.
Some wonderful demonstrations and arrogance in this thread from our Iowa educators. Exactly the reason for the voucher program. True fafo.

Look at them claiming the governor doesn't have the right to review a state agency especially one that has run so inefficiently and which the left in particular has turned into their political playground.
You know damn well what's happening here.

For political reasons, she's cutting taxes to help her get more Republicans elected to continue to push her agenda, specifically the voucher program.
So she has to replace that revenue by gouging other departments and the area Republicans have always targeted is public education.
She's not even bothering to be discreet.

Everyone sees it.
Just watch how many rural school districts are FORCED to close/consolidate in the next 5 years
because they lack the resources.
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You know damn well what's happening here.

For political reasons, she's cutting taxes to help her get more Republicans elected to continue to push her agenda, specifically the voucher program.
So she has to replace that revenue by gouging other departments and the area Republicans have always targeted is public education.
She's not even bothering to be discreet.

Everyone sees it.
Just watch how many rural school districts are FORCED to close/consolidate in the next 5 years
because they lack the resources.
No that is what you think is happening.

If consolidation happens in rural areas it is because there aren't enough students in an area to justify a school system. You want to read more into it that is on you.

Why is it educators think they are a kingdom unto themselves? It is truly stunning to listen to you all constantly whine and complain and truly believe you are above reproach. No accountability and very little self reflection. Take a hard look at how your colleagues behave at the next staff meeting. The conduct is worse than the students and the chip on the shoulder of most is unreal. Let me clue you in....everyone outside of Education has t8 make sacrifices for their job and the vast majority don't have the guarantees or salaries with benefits you do.

The governor absolutely gets a say in how the state agency with the highest expenditures and allocations is run.
No that is what you think is happening.

If consolidation happens in rural areas it is because there aren't enough students in an area to justify a school system. You want to read more into it that is on you.

Why is it educators think they are a kingdom unto themselves? It is truly stunning to listen to you all constantly whine and complain and truly believe you are above reproach. No accountability and very little self reflection. Take a hard look at how your colleagues behave at the next staff meeting. The conduct is worse than the students and the chip on the shoulder of most is unreal. Let me clue you in....everyone outside of Education has t8 make sacrifices for their job and the vast majority don't have the guarantees or salaries with benefits you do.

The governor absolutely gets a say in how the state agency with the highest expenditures and allocations is run.
First off, I'm retired and never was an educator.

No one has stated the Governor doesn't have the right to "oversight". In fact, if she didn't it would be dereliction of duties.

But the current controversy is directly tied to the voucher program because the cost estimates when she proposed the program were never close to accurate. Terrace Hill had no reasonable way to predict participation, so cost estimates for the first three years were only "wild guesses".

Whether intentionally misleading to get Iowa Senate support was the motive or if it was intentional misrepresentation to convince Iowa's clear the cost of the program is going to monumentally exceed estimates.

That means Reynolds needs to steal $$$ elsewhere to pay for it.

If she seriously wants to improve education in Iowa...cutting Agencies and budgets seems counterproductive to me.
First off, I'm retired and never was an educator.

No one has stated the Governor doesn't have the right to "oversight". In fact, if she didn't it would be dereliction of duties.

But the current controversy is directly tied to the voucher program because the cost estimates when she proposed the program were never close to accurate. Terrace Hill had no reasonable way to predict participation, so cost estimates for the first three years were only "wild guesses".

Whether intentionally misleading to get Iowa Senate support was the motive or if it was intentional misrepresentation to convince Iowa's clear the cost of the program is going to monumentally exceed estimates.

That means Reynolds needs to steal $$$ elsewhere to pay for it.

If she seriously wants to improve education in Iowa...cutting Agencies and budgets seems counterproductive to me.
If you want to place blame on vouchers look no further than the attitudes and approaches by educators in this state. They think they are an entity unto themselves and have truly come to believe they know better than the parents of the children they are supposed to serve.

If you need an example look at the language from Linn Mar surrounding the exclusion of parents from information and decisions regarding their own children. It isn't an isolated attitude or actions within education but rather is a rot that needs ti be eradicated completely. Vouchers provides parents that would otherwise be trapped options to take the funding that the schools get for their child and move their child to a different school including private schools. Let me clue you in on this people already have that option and always will. The poor kids you are whining about and rural areas are simply trapped by the education power structure that seeks to eliminate all decisions from parents.

Let me clue you in more ... this thread and a multiple of others are wonderful examples of educators putting their opinions and agendas above those they are supposed to serve. The contempt they regularly display towards anything that holds them accountable or regulates their power is truly disgusting.

And yes....plenty of people in this thread have indicated the governor should not have oversight or like you have maligned her intent. It is the same control measure that gets trotted out anytime the governor exerts control or oversight
First off, I'm retired and never was an educator.

No one has stated the Governor doesn't have the right to "oversight". In fact, if she didn't it would be dereliction of duties.

But the current controversy is directly tied to the voucher program because the cost estimates when she proposed the program were never close to accurate. Terrace Hill had no reasonable way to predict participation, so cost estimates for the first three years were only "wild guesses".

Whether intentionally misleading to get Iowa Senate support was the motive or if it was intentional misrepresentation to convince Iowa's clear the cost of the program is going to monumentally exceed estimates.

That means Reynolds needs to steal $$$ elsewhere to pay for it.

If she seriously wants to improve education in Iowa...cutting Agencies and budgets seems counterproductive to me.
And the estimated costs were still enormous. The vouchers might increase private school attendance by 10% (on the high side) - that's about 4000 new students. $300M earmarked for this fiasco comes out to $75,000 per new student to attend private school. It's a complete farce that only serves to subsidize religious entities and well to do families.
No that is what you think is happening.

If consolidation happens in rural areas it is because there aren't enough students in an area to justify a school system. You want to read more into it that is on you.

Why is it educators think they are a kingdom unto themselves? It is truly stunning to listen to you all constantly whine and complain and truly believe you are above reproach. No accountability and very little self reflection. Take a hard look at how your colleagues behave at the next staff meeting. The conduct is worse than the students and the chip on the shoulder of most is unreal. Let me clue you in....everyone outside of Education has t8 make sacrifices for their job and the vast majority don't have the guarantees or salaries with benefits you do.

The governor absolutely gets a say in how the state agency with the highest expenditures and allocations is run.
Why does she insist on making the decision strictly political then? Having the Leguskature “ investigate” is pure politics…She had a duly elected State Auditor who has a professional staff as well as his expertise at her disposal. The reason is simple and we BOTH know why.
Kim wants a desired result and it’s a sure get the legislature will give ur to her. Whereas the Auditor might uncover some facts and figures the Governor does not want made public.
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If you want to place blame on vouchers look no further than the attitudes and approaches by educators in this state. They think they are an entity unto themselves and have truly come to believe they know better than the parents of the children they are supposed to serve.

If you need an example look at the language from Linn Mar surrounding the exclusion of parents from information and decisions regarding their own children. It isn't an isolated attitude or actions within education but rather is a rot that needs ti be eradicated completely. Vouchers provides parents that would otherwise be trapped options to take the funding that the schools get for their child and move their child to a different school including private schools. Let me clue you in on this people already have that option and always will. The poor kids you are whining about and rural areas are simply trapped by the education power structure that seeks to eliminate all decisions from parents.

Let me clue you in more ... this thread and a multiple of others are wonderful examples of educators putting their opinions and agendas above those they are supposed to serve. The contempt they regularly display towards anything that holds them accountable or regulates their power is truly disgusting.

And yes....plenty of people in this thread have indicated the governor should not have oversight or like you have maligned her intent. It is the same control measure that gets trotted out anytime the governor exerts control or oversight
"Maligned her intent"?

I form my opinions on observing actions.

You should try it, sometime.
If you want to place blame on vouchers look no further than the attitudes and approaches by educators in this state. They think they are an entity unto themselves and have truly come to believe they know better than the parents of the children they are supposed to serve.

If you need an example look at the language from Linn Mar surrounding the exclusion of parents from information and decisions regarding their own children. It isn't an isolated attitude or actions within education but rather is a rot that needs ti be eradicated completely. Vouchers provides parents that would otherwise be trapped options to take the funding that the schools get for their child and move their child to a different school including private schools. Let me clue you in on this people already have that option and always will. The poor kids you are whining about and rural areas are simply trapped by the education power structure that seeks to eliminate all decisions from parents.

Let me clue you in more ... this thread and a multiple of others are wonderful examples of educators putting their opinions and agendas above those they are supposed to serve. The contempt they regularly display towards anything that holds them accountable or regulates their power is truly disgusting.

And yes....plenty of people in this thread have indicated the governor should not have oversight or like you have maligned her intent. It is the same control measure that gets trotted out anytime the governor exerts control or oversight
You must be pretty upset that private schools are given state tax dollars with no oversight or accountability. The fact that such is the case should be disturbing to anyone who cares about good governance. So I will ask that you forgive me if I (and others) are skeptical that the governor's goals are oversight and accountability.
You must be pretty upset that private schools are given state tax dollars with no oversight or accountability. The fact that such is the case should be disturbing to anyone who cares about good governance. So I will ask that you forgive me if I (and others) are skeptical that the governor's goals are oversight and accountability.
This does not fit hawkdeoff’s agenda!
There has always been school choice. I am against public money being used to fund private schools.

You're a moron.
I'm with you, but am OK with public money being given to parents to choose where to send their kid to school, even if they choose to spend it at a private school.

I just don't think private schools should be funded directly.
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I'm with you, but am OK with public money being given to parents to choose where to send their kid to school, even if they choose to spend it at a private school.

I just don't think private schools should be funded directly.
Well, if you're going to give $7600 for every student the price tag is going to go even higher.

If every parent wants to send their kid to the one "best" school, how do you determine who gets in? There's only room for so many.

Parents don't get to choose, the schools choose.
Well, if you're going to give $7600 for every student the price tag is going to go even higher.

If every parent wants to send their kid to the one "best" school, how do you determine who gets in? There's only room for so many.

Parents don't get to choose, the schools choose.
I do think there's some validity to what you're saying, because some schools will take advantage in that manner, but that view by the school is short-sighted. Given time, you'll have public schools upping their game and new private options popping up (expanded capacity of existing plus new startups).

Where the state may not have started a "science academy" before, a private entity now could.

Seems it has real potential to increase the quality of education kids receive in ways 'throwing more money at it' never has.
I do think there's some validity to what you're saying, because some schools will take advantage in that manner, but that view by the school is short-sighted. Given time, you'll have public schools upping their game and new private options popping up (expanded capacity of existing plus new startups).

Where the state may not have started a "science academy" before, a private entity now could.

Seems it has real potential to increase the quality of education kids receive in ways 'throwing more money at it' never has.
The schools are using this to increase their tuition. They get more money from people already attending, maybe a few more students and the families that have been there pay less for the education than before. It's a subsidy.

New private schools are not going to be built to get $7600 per student. This isn't a new business opportunity - it's a grift to benefit religious organizations and those who support them.
In her "State of the State" address, apparently Reynolds doesn't want AEA handling the funding for special education students.

Not sure the majority of school districts are gonna be happy with that approach.
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How has the AEA been run inefficiently? Cite some examples, please.

And of course she has the right to review state agencies. We're all just smart enough to know what she means by "review".

But hey, rich people get to pay less in taxes so all is well. Screw the programs that help those in need.
This is the first thing my wife, who despises Kim, has ever agreed with her on. She says the AEA is very bloated and at a recent PD day they sent two AWA people to do a training on writing an outline that was a total waste. She said all her school’s interactions with the AEA have been ridiculous. They need to cut back and focus on special needs students. That is her take anyway.
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