You keep popping in these threads to gloat that nothing happened like I said it could, trying to warn you of the dangers and keep trying to hit me with some sort of "told ya so". Though in reality it's more like nothing happened as far as you know....yet. If you're not upset that the vaccine isn't what they said it was like most other people then sorry I can't help you. I'm happy you haven't had any serious negative reactions. In the end though I was trying to help you, I'm not convinced that's something that needs an "I told ya so" especially since overall I was right.You have it backwards. I was told I would have life-altering adverse reaction(s) to the COVID vaccination, and would regret my decision. We all would. I never once made a similar claim to @naturalbornhawk. Upset about it? Again, you got it flipped (see triggered response #302 and subsequent quackery from Twitter posted). It’s obvious I’m laughing at their expense.