RFK JR is on Rogan today if you want to check out his brand of crazy

RFK Jr. is a whack job! He's mentally ill. He abused his first wife and she ended up killing herself. Her family so blamed RFK Jr. for her suicide that they didn't show up to the Kennedy funded funeral for her.

People that work with him say he's a douche.

Vaccines are safe and effective. They've been proven so time and time again by science. I'm vaxxed with Moderna 5 times myself. I got covid on Easter and was very weak for 3 days.

Without the vaccines, it could have been much worse. Like dead worse.

Anti-vaxxers are ignorant idiots.

Full stop.
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I’ve listened to some of his recent social media posts and the Rogan podcast. The only take away is that I’m not comfortable with Big Pharma having their liability waived in vaccine development.
I’ve listened to some of his recent social media posts and the Rogan podcast. The only take away is that I’m not comfortable with Big Pharma having their liability waived in vaccine development.
Finally someone admits here that that's a bad thing.
I’ve listened to some of his recent social media posts and the Rogan podcast. The only take away is that I’m not comfortable with Big Pharma having their liability waived in vaccine development.
You wouldn't have any vaccines, if that legislation didn't exist.

Which is why we have testing and clinical trials standards for the vaccines.
You wouldn't have any vaccines, if that legislation didn't exist.
Can't argue with the irrational.

Arguing with anyone about anything is pointless. It took me about 38 years and 10 message board bannings before I understood this. :)

All arguing/debating does is solidify other people's previous held positions.

It never works and just wastes time.
All debunked, cupcake.

You and your anti-vaccines morons just Gish Gallop on to the next thing the idiots tell you to push.
Never actually conduct any studies that would support your tripe.

You are wasting your time, Joe.

You and I know vaccines work. 99% of doctors in America know it. I like to ask anti-vaxxers: "what medical school did you attend?" :)

My cousin is an anti-vaxxer and I debated him for an hour 2 years ago about vaccines. I debunked all his nonsense.

It didn't change his mind.

Arguing is pointless.