RNC panel approves new Trump-backed platform softening abortion and same-sex marriage language

Optimism with a rapist felon. That's rich.
Schitts Creek Ok GIF by CBC
He's completely anti gay.

So are Obama and Biden remember?

“I believe that marriage is the union between a man and a woman. Now, for me as a Christian — for me — for me as a Christian, it is also a sacred union. God’s in the mix.” -Barack Obama

“I’ve voted, and others have said, look, marriage is between a man and a woman and states must respect that. Nobody’s violated that law, there’s been no challenge to that law. Why do we need a constitutional amendment? Marriage is between a man and a woman.” - Joe Biden
So are Obama and Biden remember?

“I believe that marriage is the union between a man and a woman. Now, for me as a Christian — for me — for me as a Christian, it is also a sacred union. God’s in the mix.” -Barack Obama

“I’ve voted, and others have said, look, marriage is between a man and a woman and states must respect that. Nobody’s violated that law, there’s been no challenge to that law. Why do we need a constitutional amendment? Marriage is between a man and a woman.” - Joe Biden
Try a quote within the past 5 years.

Do you believe this is still their position?

Only an idiot right winger would believe the Democrats are not proponents of gay marriage.
Lol The Rs are changing their tune. Evil as hell.

The Ds changed their tune. Evolution my man!
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Conservatives do through social norms shifting over time.

See: opinions on gay marriage polling over the years
LOL - these opinions? You're naive, at best.

Republican support for gay marriage noticeably declined over the past two years as LGBT activists have increasingly focused their efforts on advocating medical transition for gender-confused youth and the teaching of gender ideology in schools.

After peaking at 55 percent in 2021 and 2022, Republican support for gay marriage is down to 46 percent overall, dropping 9 points in just two years, according to new Gallup polling. Gay-marriage support among Democrats remained steady at 83 percent compared to 74 percent support among independents.
LOL - these opinions? You're naive, at best.

Republican support for gay marriage noticeably declined over the past two years as LGBT activists have increasingly focused their efforts on advocating medical transition for gender-confused youth and the teaching of gender ideology in schools.

After peaking at 55 percent in 2021 and 2022, Republican support for gay marriage is down to 46 percent overall, dropping 9 points in just two years, according to new Gallup polling. Gay-marriage support among Democrats remained steady at 83 percent compared to 74 percent support among independents.

I clearly stated that republican (or conservative) opinions do shift over time, and often in a positive direction. They just don't lead on social change issues.

See: doubling of support for gay marriage as compared to 20 years ago. (only 23% approx 20 years ago)

Go be ignorant somewhere else.
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I think he's completely uninterested in items like judicial philosophy and the like. He's happy to outsource all that. Intellectual stuff.

Except when he think's it's not in his best interest. The more simplified, tangible, headline making an item is, the more likely he's to render an opinion.
Bottom line, he’s not in it for the best interest of the country, he’s in it for himself.
To sum this up. Trump's team invented 25, he cheered it on, and now that it's tanking in the polls, suddenly he pretends he's against it?
If Rs were able to think critically even a tiny bit they would be like..."hey these ****s aren't looking out for us." But they don't get it. They are so stuck on owning the libs they don't even pay attention to how their policies will actually hurt them. And the R politicians know it. They know they don't have to do anything. Bunch of got damn morons.
Totally agree. Just one of the many reasons I'm a never Trumper.
But he won’t bring anyone into his administration that will challenge him. I bet within the first six months, God forbid, of a Trump presidency that he tries to get rid of the two terms limit…and no one will stop him, including the courts.
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I clearly stated that republican (or conservative) opinions do shift over time, and often in a positive direction. They just don't lead on social change issues.

See: doubling of support for gay marriage as compared to 20 years ago. (only 23% approx 20 years ago)

Go be ignorant somewhere else.
LOL - sure, sure. Given enough time they shift - they have no choice. The point remains that republicans are leading the charge to try to repeal gay marriage and other social progress that has been made through the years.

Your inability, or simply being unwilling, to recognize the issues presented by the republican party is one of the reasons you can't be taken seriously.
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LOL - sure, sure. Given enough time they shift - they have no choice. The point remains that republicans are leading the charge to try to repeal gay marriage and other social progress that has been made through the years.

Your inability, or simply being unwilling, to recognize the issues presented by the republican party is one of the reasons you can't be taken seriously.
Most democrats disfavored it as well. This is just human nature. Certain personality types are going to be out front, is all. (and they tend to sync up with political party in America)

As for the rest of your commentary... you have no reading comprehension ability.
Most democrats disfavored it as well. This is just human nature. Certain personality types are going to be out front, is all. (and they tend to sync up with political party in America)

As for the rest of your commentary... you have no reading comprehension ability.
GTFO with "human nature". Fact is, republicans are moving backward on this topic.

Why are you so desperate to minimize the fact that republicans are trying to take away the social progress that has been achieved?
GTFO with "human nature". Fact is, republicans are moving backward on this topic.

Why are you so desperate to minimize the fact that republicans are trying to take away the social progress that has been achieved?
The reason I don't usually talk to you is you're a really dumb and or disingenuous debate partner.

I don't support the social conservatives you're talking about, or their policies.

A plain, honest reading of what I've been saying in this thread clearly shows that I was attempting to delineate Donald Trump (his views on said issues and actions pertaining to) from the social conservatives he surrounds himself with.

Enjoy being a stupid person.
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The people he answers to do though and he will do what they want in a heartbeat.
That's the question. Even if he drops their agenda during his run for presidency, does he capitulate to them once he's office? Does he feel he owes them something? Does he care enough about public opinion once elected to not capitulate?

I'm not holding my breath... but I'm also not convinced he gives them everything they want
That's the question. Even if he drops their agenda during his run for presidency, does he capitulate to them once he's office? Does he feel he owes them something? Does he care enough about public opinion once elected to not capitulate?

I'm not holding my breath... but I'm also not convinced he gives them everything they want
Lol there's no normalizing Trump. He's not worthy of office. End of discussion
Lol there's no normalizing Trump. He's not worthy of office. End of discussion
For a myriad of reasons I'm not voting for the man.

In this thread I'm simply pontificating about how he may behave politically in relation to social conservatives.

It's more along the lines of analysis and contemplation. There's nothing wrong with doing this. Not everything thing needs to be angry attacks and criticism.

In fact, that's a rather poor information diet.
GTFO with "human nature". Fact is, republicans are moving backward on this topic.

Why are you so desperate to minimize the fact that republicans are trying to take away the social progress that has been achieved?
you keep saying "social progress" like it's getting an extra inch inside another dude's rectum. Not everyone agrees with every tenant of the LGBTQ agenda. While the vast majority of the population doesn't care if two dudes or two girls are in love, that doesn't mean they support the grooming of kids into these alternative lifestyles.
The reason I don't usually talk to you is you're a really dumb and or disingenuous debate partner.

I don't support the social conservatives you're talking about, or their policies.

A plain, honest reading of what I've been saying in this thread clearly shows that I was attempting to delineate Donald Trump (his views on said issues and actions pertaining to) from the social conservatives he surrounds himself with.

Enjoy being a stupid person.
You don't engage because I call out your bullshit. It's not "human nature" to hate. And it's always been Progressives that have been out front on social change regardless of party. It just so happens that the republicans have abadoned their association with anything progressive and are working very hard to pull back on the progress made.

You are known for throwing out nonsensical garbage like this and then scrambling when challenged on it. This time is no different and you aren't any better at it.
The people he answers to do though and he will do what they want in a heartbeat.
As do many of his actions. But the numpties will fall back on arguments like "but he doesn't gay bash" as some sort of redeemining feature. It's nonsense.

From ChatGPT:

Donald Trump's record on LGBTQ+ rights has been mixed and often controversial. Here are some key points that illustrate his stance over time:

Campaign Promises and Statements​

  • 2016 Campaign: During his 2016 presidential campaign, Trump made several statements that appeared supportive of LGBTQ+ individuals. For example, he mentioned being "fine" with the Supreme Court's decision to legalize same-sex marriage and highlighted LGBTQ+ issues in his acceptance speech at the Republican National Convention .

Actions During His Presidency​

  • Transgender Military Ban: In July 2017, Trump announced a ban on transgender individuals serving in the military via Twitter. This policy, which reversed an Obama-era decision, faced significant backlash from LGBTQ+ advocacy groups and was seen as a major setback for transgender rights .
  • Judicial Appointments: Trump appointed numerous conservative judges to federal courts, including the Supreme Court. Many of these judges have histories of ruling against LGBTQ+ rights, which has raised concerns about the long-term implications for LGBTQ+ protections under the law .
  • Regulatory Changes: Under Trump's administration, several regulatory changes were made that negatively impacted LGBTQ+ rights. For instance, protections for transgender individuals in health care and education were rolled back, and religious exemptions were expanded, allowing for potential discrimination against LGBTQ+ individuals based on religious beliefs .

Overall Impact​

  • Advocacy Group Ratings: LGBTQ+ advocacy groups like the Human Rights Campaign have consistently rated Trump's presidency poorly in terms of advancing LGBTQ+ rights. The organization's annual report highlighted numerous actions taken by the Trump administration that were seen as harmful to LGBTQ+ individuals .


Overall, while Donald Trump has occasionally made statements or taken actions that appear supportive of LGBTQ+ rights, his administration's policies and judicial appointments have generally been viewed as detrimental to the advancement of these rights.
That's the question. Even if he drops their agenda during his run for presidency, does he capitulate to them once he's office? Does he feel he owes them something? Does he care enough about public opinion once elected to not capitulate?

I'm not holding my breath... but I'm also not convinced he gives them everything they want
If the past is any indication of the future, the answers are yes.
you keep saying "social progress" like it's getting an extra inch inside another dude's rectum. Not everyone agrees with every tenant of the LGBTQ agenda. While the vast majority of the population doesn't care if two dudes or two girls are in love, that doesn't mean they support the grooming of kids into these alternative lifestyles.
Putting your flaming bigotry aside let's focus on your ignorance. Being gay is not a "lifestyle" and discussing it or any other forms of love is not "grooming".

If you're really against "grooming" start attacking the religious schools. That is the definition of "grooming".
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The reason I don't usually talk to you is you're a really dumb and or disingenuous debate partner.

I don't support the social conservatives you're talking about, or their policies.

A plain, honest reading of what I've been saying in this thread clearly shows that I was attempting to delineate Donald Trump (his views on said issues and actions pertaining to) from the social conservatives he surrounds himself with.

Enjoy being a stupid person.
You're believing Trump not so hidden lie that he will do anything but make people like mes lives harder. That's the real stupidity.
I think we're seeing a more focused Trump (doesn't take much) which is kind of alarming.

I think the prospect of going to prison should he lose has him more focused on winning than bloviating.
I think we're seeing a more focused Trump (doesn't take much) which is kind of alarming.

I think the prospect of going to prison should he lose has him more focused on winning than bloviating.
We're not. Trump isn't capable of being focused. He did the same thing right before the 2016 convention. He behaved himself for two weeks. Then after becoming the nominee, went off on a bender again.
We're not. Trump isn't capable of being focused. Let's get real.
Focused by Trump standards :)

You have to admit him going silent while the focus has been on Joe is not standard Trump procedure. He was previously pretty reliable in doing something to put the focus back on himself.
GTFO with "human nature". Fact is, republicans are moving backward on this topic.

Why are you so desperate to minimize the fact that republicans are trying to take away the social progress that has been achieved?
Maybe if every parade celebrating the lifestyle didn't end up with naked dudes spanking each other and saddling giant dildos like Seabiscuit, in front of children, they'd be a little more open to the agenda. How about having a meeting amongst yourselves to get a handle on that shit so you can be taken seriously when you say "we just want to be left alone". Jussayin.
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Focused by Trump standards :)

You have to admit him going silent while the focus has been on Joe is not standard Trump procedure. He was previously pretty reliable in doing something to put the focus back on himself.
See my above post. He went silent right before the 2016, convention, too. It's temporary. Very temporary.
Maybe if every parade celebrating the lifestyle didn't end up with naked dudes spanking each other and saddling giant dildos like Seabiscuit, in front of children, they'd be a little more open to the agenda. How about having a meeting amongst yourselves to get a handle on that shit so you can be taken seriously when you say "we just want to be left alone". Jussayin.
The bigotry is insurmountable with you and your ilk. Just have to hope the majority who are enlightened will step up and prevent the backward ass measures those of you are pursuing.

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