RNC panel approves new Trump-backed platform softening abortion and same-sex marriage language

Maybe if every parade celebrating the lifestyle didn't end up with naked dudes spanking each other and saddling giant dildos like Seabiscuit, in front of children, they'd be a little more open to the agenda. How about having a meeting amongst yourselves to get a handle on that shit so you can be taken seriously when you say "we just want to be left alone". Jussayin.
Cool. A post based entirely on myths and stereotypes instead of reality. Gfy with stuff like this.
You can't say that and also say the Republicans are racist. Pick one.
Why? Republicans have moved from being the party advocating Civil Rights to the party of bigotry. They are the southern democrats of the 50s and 60s now and the Democrats are the social progressives. The base of the republican party has ideology that refuses to evolve.
Cool. A post based entirely on myths and stereotypes instead of reality. Gfy with stuff like this.
You’re right, no gay pride parade has ever involved any perversion at all. Cheap Deep fakes I guess. 30 years worth.
Putting your flaming bigotry aside let's focus on your ignorance. Being gay is not a "lifestyle" and discussing it or any other forms of love is not "grooming".

If you're really against "grooming" start attacking the religious schools. That is the definition of "grooming".
I am not defending them or their practices
The bigotry is insurmountable with you and your ilk. Just have to hope the majority who are enlightened will step up and prevent the backward ass measures those of you are pursuing.
What I read is, I enjoy those parades and dudes spanking my ass. Good for you
The fact that Trump is trying to walk back the Republican platform that marriage is defined as being between one man and one woman frankly scares the shit out of me. One, why was it in there to begin with? And two, what moron would believe that Trump won't go right back to gay bashing just as soon as he gets back in power?
Maybe he, and the party, are evolving.

Your problem is, if they are actually evolving, is that it takes away something you can bash them for. On the bright side, it will narrow your focus.
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Maybe he, and the party, are evolving.

Your problem is, if they are actually evolving, is that it takes away something you can bash them for. On the bright side, it will narrow your focus.
Evolving from what? Gay marriage is established and has been widely supported for years. The republican base is trying to DE-volve from that. Your suggesting that maybe some are seeing that move as unpopular so they are backing off and you are trying to sell that as evolving. That's bullshit.
Just an FYI, clarifying and simplifying the mission statement and platform has been a focus from the county level up for the republican party. The meetings I've attended have basically all been voting for wording in the platform. This isn't a "trump" thing as much as the response to the dems calling us the party of Trump for 4 years and having to use a 22 page document to try to clarify our stances.

Hope this helps.

Enjoy your bitch fest.
The real Republican base doesn't have animosity towards gay marriage,.. get over yourself.
If repubs would get over gay marriage, pot, and abortions foe health, rape, incest, there would be no democratic party. It is a big push from inside, Republicans hating gays isn't what you have to over come. Hard-core Christian," the good book says it's wrong," people are what you have to over come.
If repubs would get over gay marriage, pot, and abortions foe health, rape, incest, there would be no democratic party. It is a big push from inside, Republicans hating gays isn't what you have to over come. Hard-core Christian," the good book says it's wrong," people are what you have to over come.

Identify the extreme and then smear the entire group as extremists,... Common tactic.
The real Republican base doesn't have animosity towards gay marriage,.. get over yourself.
Look no further than Project 25 and it's backing.

The initiative is backed by a coalition of over 100 organizations and individuals, at least two-thirds of which receive funding from the Koch network or conservative philanthropist Leonard Leo. The project is also heavily promoted by MAGA-connected media figures such as Steve Bannon, who has called it the “blueprint” for Trump's second term on his War Room podcast.

The Trump campaign has attempted to distance itself from efforts to promote or speculate about “future presidential staffing or policy announcements.” However, Project 2025 is significantly more developed than the Trump campaign’s analog initiative, called Agenda47. And given that the Heritage plan has the backing of virtually the entire conservative movement and links to numerous former Trump officials and advisers, it appears all but inevitable that Trump and his allies will rely on the policies and personnel assembled by Project 2025 if he is reelected in November.
Look no further than Project 25 and it's backing.

The initiative is backed by a coalition of over 100 organizations and individuals, at least two-thirds of which receive funding from the Koch network or conservative philanthropist Leonard Leo. The project is also heavily promoted by MAGA-connected media figures such as Steve Bannon, who has called it the “blueprint” for Trump's second term on his War Room podcast.

The Trump campaign has attempted to distance itself from efforts to promote or speculate about “future presidential staffing or policy announcements.” However, Project 2025 is significantly more developed than the Trump campaign’s analog initiative, called Agenda47. And given that the Heritage plan has the backing of virtually the entire conservative movement and links to numerous former Trump officials and advisers, it appears all but inevitable that Trump and his allies will rely on the policies and personnel assembled by Project 2025 if he is reelected in November.
What size tin foil hat do you wear?
Look no further than Project 25 and it's backing.

The initiative is backed by a coalition of over 100 organizations and individuals, at least two-thirds of which receive funding from the Koch network or conservative philanthropist Leonard Leo. The project is also heavily promoted by MAGA-connected media figures such as Steve Bannon, who has called it the “blueprint” for Trump's second term on his War Room podcast.

The Trump campaign has attempted to distance itself from efforts to promote or speculate about “future presidential staffing or policy announcements.” However, Project 2025 is significantly more developed than the Trump campaign’s analog initiative, called Agenda47. And given that the Heritage plan has the backing of virtually the entire conservative movement and links to numerous former Trump officials and advisers, it appears all but inevitable that Trump and his allies will rely on the policies and personnel assembled by Project 2025 if he is reelected in November.
Well then, good thing Trump just put out his own focuses so you don't have to worry about that any more.'s the only thing the dems have to sell at this point.
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Identify the extreme and then smear the entire group as extremists,... Common tactic.
  • Project 2025 aims to put Christianity at the center of American government and society by turning a biblical worldview into federal law, often employing Christian nationalist talking points and narratives to support its right-wing policy proposals. In his foreword to the book, for instance, Heritage Foundation President Kevin Roberts claims that “the Left is threatening the tax-exempt status of churches and charities that reject woke progressivism,” adding that “they will soon turn to Christian schools and clubs with the same totalitarian intent.” Project 2025 is partnered with the Center for Renewing America, the primary Christian nationalist political organization in the U.S., led by former Trump official and Heritage alumnus Russ Vought.
    • Vought’s Center for Renewing America, headed by one of Project 2025’s top advisers, reportedly listed “Christian nationalism” as one of the major priorities of a second Trump term. The CRA is listed among Project 2025’s advisory board member organizations. [Politico, 2/20/24; Project 2025 Advisory Board, accessed 3/18/24]
    • In discussing plans for the “well-being of the American family,” Project 2025 claims that centralized government “subverts” families by working to “replace people’s natural loves and loyalties with unnatural ones,” utilizing the biblical language of natural versus the unnatural. Roberts’ foreword for Project 2025 attacking the “noxious tenets” of “gender ideology” similarly argues, “These theories poison our children, who are being taught … to deny the very creatureliness that inheres in being human and consists in accepting the givenness of our nature as men or women.” [Salon, 3/1/24; Project 2025, Mandate for Leadership, 2023]
    • In the chapter on the Department of Health and Human Services, former Trump HHS official Roger Severino advocates for a future conservative executive to “maintain a biblically based, social science-reinforced definition of marriage and family,” while arguing that “families comprised of a married mother, father, and their children are the foundation of a well-ordered nation and healthy society.” Severino specifically objects to “nonreligious definitions of marriage and family as put forward by the recently enacted Respect for Marriage Act,” claiming that “all other family forms” apart from “heterosexual, intact marriage … involve higher levels of instability.” [Project 2025, Mandate for Leadership, 2023; MSNBC, 9/8/23]
    • Former Trump official Jonathan Berry’s chapter on the Department of Labor states that “the Judeo-Christian tradition, stretching back to Genesis, has always recognized fruitful work as integral to human dignity, as service to God, neighbor, and family” and claims that Biden’s administration is “hostile to people of faith.” [MSNBC, 9/8/23]
  • Project 2025 aims to put Christianity at the center of American government and society by turning a biblical worldview into federal law, often employing Christian nationalist talking points and narratives to support its right-wing policy proposals. In his foreword to the book, for instance, Heritage Foundation President Kevin Roberts claims that “the Left is threatening the tax-exempt status of churches and charities that reject woke progressivism,” adding that “they will soon turn to Christian schools and clubs with the same totalitarian intent.” Project 2025 is partnered with the Center for Renewing America, the primary Christian nationalist political organization in the U.S., led by former Trump official and Heritage alumnus Russ Vought.
    • Vought’s Center for Renewing America, headed by one of Project 2025’s top advisers, reportedly listed “Christian nationalism” as one of the major priorities of a second Trump term. The CRA is listed among Project 2025’s advisory board member organizations. [Politico, 2/20/24; Project 2025 Advisory Board, accessed 3/18/24]
    • In discussing plans for the “well-being of the American family,” Project 2025 claims that centralized government “subverts” families by working to “replace people’s natural loves and loyalties with unnatural ones,” utilizing the biblical language of natural versus the unnatural. Roberts’ foreword for Project 2025 attacking the “noxious tenets” of “gender ideology” similarly argues, “These theories poison our children, who are being taught … to deny the very creatureliness that inheres in being human and consists in accepting the givenness of our nature as men or women.” [Salon, 3/1/24; Project 2025, Mandate for Leadership, 2023]
    • In the chapter on the Department of Health and Human Services, former Trump HHS official Roger Severino advocates for a future conservative executive to “maintain a biblically based, social science-reinforced definition of marriage and family,” while arguing that “families comprised of a married mother, father, and their children are the foundation of a well-ordered nation and healthy society.” Severino specifically objects to “nonreligious definitions of marriage and family as put forward by the recently enacted Respect for Marriage Act,” claiming that “all other family forms” apart from “heterosexual, intact marriage … involve higher levels of instability.” [Project 2025, Mandate for Leadership, 2023; MSNBC, 9/8/23]
    • Former Trump official Jonathan Berry’s chapter on the Department of Labor states that “the Judeo-Christian tradition, stretching back to Genesis, has always recognized fruitful work as integral to human dignity, as service to God, neighbor, and family” and claims that Biden’s administration is “hostile to people of faith.” [MSNBC, 9/8/23]
Riley, we get it, you think Project 25 represents Trump.

Trump just put out his own statement.

Project 25 represents Trump the way BLM represents Biden. They can put out whatever focuses they want, they don't mean shit.

You are being distracted and it's getting to thr point where even the movable middle is waking up to the dems nonsense.
What size tin foil hat do you wear?
Wait, are you saying Project 25 isn't real? That it isn't backed by the Heritage Foundation and funded by the Koch network or supported as a "blueprint" by Steve Bannon?

You've been known to lie when your bullshit gets exposed. I see that is still the case.
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Well then, good thing Trump just put out his own focuses so you don't have to worry about that any more.'s the only thing the dems have to sell at this point.
And you're exactly the gullible rube that Trump caters to that will believe his lies. Some things don't change.
Riley, we get it, you think Project 25 represents Trump.

Trump just put out his own statement.

Project 25 represents Trump the way BLM represents Biden. They can put out whatever focuses they want, they don't mean shit.

You are being distracted and it's getting to thr point where even the movable middle is waking up to the dems nonsense.
So you believe Trump when he says he doesn't know what Project 25 is?
I really don't think you guys understand Trump properly.

How I see him:

He's relatively amoral and uninterested in many moral questions. That's in part because he's a rather uninterested unintellectual person with low empathy. There's not much there at all. This in part likely stems from the fact that he is extremely narcissistic. His opinion of gay marriage, for example, is decided by how it affects him personally -- not his moral philosophy, which basically doesn't exist in an intellectual sense.

While his narcissistic amorality allows for him to keep terrible company, the silver lining is that it also allows him to ditch said company (or values emanating from said company) if it doesn't suit his own personal interest.

Which is why I think he could quash some of the extreme social conservative stuff.
I agree to a certain extent. That said, once in office the only crowd he's shown he would cater to is his MAGA base because they are the party... therefore we will see most, if not all, of this become reality if he wins election.

Never in my life did I think anyone with who has bankruptcies, multiple divorces, mail order bride, an incessant liar, anti-military, draft dodging, wife cheating, porn star banging, non-religious, c-list celebrity, con man would become the conservative party hero. It's astonishing to witness.
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I believe he doesn't know what they are in the sense that they certainly don't represent his focuses, work for him, or work through him.
So he was lying when he said he didn't know anything about them? After which he talked about agreeing with some of their positions and disagreeing with others which would be hard to do if he doesn't know anything about them.

You are the rube of rubes.
Outstanding input.
Every single one of the long list of members are from his team. Many worked very closely with him. He knows exactly who they are and what these goals are... it received a negative reaction so he's denying he knows them (where have we heard that before?) and now putting out a different list that feeds his base. If he's elected those same folks will be around him in important positions putting all or most of these things into play. At least be honest about it.
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Wait, are you saying Project 25 isn't real? That it isn't backed by the Heritage Foundation and funded by the Koch network or supported as a "blueprint" by Steve Bannon?

You've been known to lie when your bullshit gets exposed. I see that is still the case.
what bullshit? I don't lie, I just expose other's lies and hypocrisies.
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So you believe Trump when he says he doesn't know what Project 25 is?
If this is the question you're asking my answer is, I don't believe anything Trump says. I believe even if what he says he thinks is true, he's only going to give an answer or follow through on any action if he thinks it's to his benefit.
We wondered what the Republican party was about anymore. Reaganism on the decline.

You could argue beating the Dems was about it.

It seems the extreme social conservatives have stepped up to the plate.

Trump is mostly about grievance politics and brawling with the Dems. Toss in a dash of nationalism around immigration and a bit of economic fiddling and that's about it.

Seems like a lot of the people around him, the best ass kissers, are the extreme social conservatives.

It'll be interesting to see how much he capitulates to their ideas. Whether or not he does draw a hard line in the sand with some of their ideas.

Maintain he's not cut from the same cloth as them.

The problem they are going to have is that Trump ultimately isn't that interested in their goals.

That's the thing with a lot of the more extreme stuff. If it isn't about 1. Increasing Trump's power, 2. Immigration 3. Trade than Trump really doesn't care all that much. He showed this when he was president. He wasn't willing to be part of any of the negotiations on the healthcare bill. He basically let Paul Ryan and Co. write the tax cut bill.

If it doesn't have anything to do with those things, he's not going to put the effort in to get something passed. The most he might do is be willing to sign a bill if his people in congress comes up with something. But he isn't going to do the work to hammer out the details or secure the votes.
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