Ross' Restaurant closes


HR King
Feb 11, 2013
Quad Cities
Serving the Quad City area since 1940, Ross' was a great local spot for breakfast 24 hours per day.
Founded by Harold Ross, Harold's family ran the business throughout it all.
Multiple Presidential candidates and sitting presidents have eaten there including: Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Ron Paul and Newt Gingrich.

It was the home of the magic mountain.
That culinary climb features a slice of grilled Texas toast covered in loose ground beef and piled with a mountain of French fries or hash browns and smothered with cheddar cheese sauce.

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Lived in the QC until i was in 4th grade.

Still remember going to Ross’ as a kid
Ate many Magic Mountains through out my days. Nothing like eating breakfast while watching the Bett PD officers arrest drug users at The Traveler Motel.

Kind of enjoyed the new location for awhile but then the quality started to fade. I don't think it was managed very well in the end.

Big fan of Jimmy's and QC Pancake House, so we haven't gone much in the past 5 years or so.
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The charm of the place was the scuzzy old building and its proximity to I-74. It was fun for a cute family to eat sitting next to grizzled truck driver with tattoos.

They should have kept the old building and moved it to an empty lot in downtown Bettendorf.
It was in the path of the new bridge. Eminent domain.
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I managed to never once eat at that place. Can I even call myself a Quad Citian?
People talk about the Magic Mountain, but the most memorable thing I remember getting at a restaurant at the quads was the Reuben "sandwich" at Belgian Village. Damn thing is bigger than a plate.

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