This doesn't change anything. The refs always had the discretion to hit either guy for stalling or make no call. The problem is that they usually make no call.After watching how it was called in that event, members of the NCAA Wrestling Rules Committee determined that when wrestling is stopped in the neutral standing position for going out of bounds, the referee can make one of the three following calls:
- Stalling on one or both wrestlers for leaving the wrestling area.
- Stalling for pushing or pulling the opponent out of bounds.
- Wrestling action is taking place. (It should be noted that a tie-up, including an under hook with no attempt to initiate an offensive move, is not considered an offensive or defensive attack).
I can't wait to see them try to implement this. What a convoluted mess this will be.
The refs don't need more defined rules to call stalling. They just need to start calling it. And actually the more rules that are put in place to define stalling the less it will be called because the wrestlers will do 1000 things that we all know are stalling tactics while the refs will be pigeon holed to only consider calling the 5 defined stall situations in the book and only if they take place exactly as written.