Rule of Law is dying quickly...

Here is what I cannot figure out: Adams contended that he simply forwarded an E-Mail to the New York Fire Department Commissioner from a constituent The E-Mail supposedly asked him to find out what was going on with the occupancy permit ... which I would think would be a reasonable request given that you had just spent a few million bucks building a beautiful new embassy. He says he did not talk to anyone; that he simply forwarded the E-Mail.

It also sounds as if slow walking these permits was a normal activity for the inspector. Has anyone else bothered to inquire why all of the other applications were not being acted on either. Was there a union or union boss waiting for his cut? Or perhaps the Fire Commissioner himself?

Airline seat upgrades? Once the ticket sales have been closed, the value of upgrades is exactly zero, as there is no official market. I am wondering why no other information has been released other than that these were "worth" hundreds of thousands of dollars. What other politicians were getting free upgrades on Turkish Airways?

Based on this fact set, I cannot imagine a jury convicting the mayor. This sounds like a situation where the prosecutor would be better served digging into what the usual practices were. Who else was getting upgrades, etc. Has Schumer ever been to Turkey? or anyplace they fly to from Kenedy?
They were about to add more charges. A grand jury brought the case to trial. He was ****ed if nor for Trump.
Congrats. What does that have to do with your idiotic attempt to compare our current situation with late 30s Germany?

This is Team Blues problem. You are 100% in the right here. Where you lose people is hyperbole, emotion, and condescension. The very important discussion is lessened by the childish way it is presented. Of course, you are the absolute far ending of that spectrum Jojo , but still………
It's not idiotic as it's a valid comparison. The only idiots are those like yourself who are too stupid to get it.
It's a valid comparison. You are too stupid to process facts. Dummies gonna be dumb.

It’s not even close. You keep calling me stupid without giving any actual details. Feel free to try as 1930’s Germany could not be further from 2020s America. Or if it makes you feel better to just run around spouting hyperbole, have at it.
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