Rush Limbaugh just announced

Rush goes on the radio everyday and pushes hate and discord. Destroys confidence in the media, promotes hatred of different opinions. He's done it for a couple decades and is a big part of why we find ourselves with an unintelligent reality tv show President and a heavily divided country.
Rush goes on the radio everyday and pushes hate and discord. Destroys confidence in the media, promotes hatred of different opinions. He's done it for a couple decades and is a big part of why we find ourselves with an unintelligent reality tv show President and a heavily divided country.
Utter bullshit. But entirely predictable.. And for the record, iti's over three decades. He went national in August of '88.
liberals burn down ferguson and cheer the shooting of cops in dallas and take a knee and all that. and they protest wars and such. yeah, I don't think that's mean at all. just historical facts. I think it would be mean if I said something that wasn't a part of history. which is what liberals do with trump and rush. they make up crap that never happened. that's pretty mean.
You provided the info and thank you. But you're feeding some fires right now, and if it were me, I'd shut it down now.
That is as an idiotic of a statement as for me to say conservatives don't give shite about marines because they send them to war on false premises.
besides... liberals do say this all the time about trump and the iran deal and the head injuries. they say trump doesn't give a crap about soldiers because putin blah blah distract from impeachment blah blha...I think we need to watch and read what liberals say and do more often around here. then when we point it out as historically having happned, we cannot retroactively go back and say it did not
You provided the info and thank you. But you're feeding some fires right now, and if it were me, I'd shut it down now.
ok probably true but man, what on earth? it's like ferguson never happened . how short the memories. I did not realize this was off limits. ok, I shut down now. good day.
besides... liberals do say this all the time about trump and the iran deal and the head injuries. they say trump doesn't give a crap about soldiers because putin blah blah distract from impeachment blah blha...I think we need to watch and read what liberals say and do more often around here. then when we point it out as historically having happned, we cannot retroactively go back and say it did not

Everyone needs to tone down the rhetoric.
Rush goes on the radio everyday and pushes hate and discord. Destroys confidence in the media, promotes hatred of different opinions. He's done it for a couple decades and is a big part of why we find ourselves with an unintelligent reality tv show President and a heavily divided country.
He's a racist POS who got rich by saying racist things that other racists love hearing because to them it justifies the way they think. Eff him, and good riddance.

Good grief. Are you going to say the same thing about Rachael Maddow when she croaks?
Slightly different things, but still yes. Eff her too.
so you think "conservative republicans" who believe in God, { talent on loan from God] you think these folks can never show sympathy and kindness to humans?

I believe he certainly has the ability show sympathy and kindness to humans.

However for some reason or another he more often than not has chosen not to do so.

While I don't believe in returning evil for evil and so I will say that I pray God has mercy upon him, at the same time it is entirely hypocritical to be angry that a group of people to which the person has routinely shown no charity or empathy to would show none in return upon that person's death.
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For all the nasty and derogatory stuff he said about Michelle Obama when she was FLOTUS, Rush can go to hell. I'm sure he has a spot already reserved.
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You provided the info and thank you.

This in response to an oit post?

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I realize posters get nasty at times b/c we're all Internet tough guys and all that. Maybe I'm overly positive, but I don't honestly think most posters wish actual real-world harm on others.

The problem is you are talking about a person who has spent his entire career on the radio wishing that harm on others and for no other reason than to make a dollar spent his time attacking unfairly the character and motivations of others.

This is not a person that I can honestly say that his intentions and motivations where good. He harmed others with the intent to harm others because it furthered the goal of making him money.
Lung cancer is a terrible way to go. I enjoyed Limbaugh for what he was, an entertainer who mixed in his conservative principles extremely effectively. Obviously, he didnt always hit the mark, sometimes went over the line, and had his share of hypocrisy. Haven't listened to him for years, so I dont know if he has maintained consistency, but you really cant argue against the impact he has had. He is going to leave a pretty large void in the conservative media, that is for sure.
Cancer sucks and having so many people close to me go through this I wish him all the best. I hope he makes it through this and is able to manage it with as much dignity and comfort as possible.

At the same time, I despise his hate mongering rhetoric. While I wish he would have been able to retire in dignity on his own terms, I am glad that we get a break from his BS.
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so you think "conservative republicans" who believe in God, { talent on loan from God] you think these folks can never show sympathy and kindness to humans?
You dumb ass, there is no God, Republicans are stupid, capitalism has destroyed mankind, rich people suck unless they are actors or singers, late term abortions don’t matter because only the woman’s body matters, and freedom of speech hurts the cause, so fvck that too.

Get your head out of your stupid ass OiT. You disgust those of us who know we have superior intellect. :mad:
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Count me as someone who couldn't identify Rush's voice if heard, not even sure I could point him out in a lineup. Lets just hope someone worse doesn't spring up to fill the gap or Alex Jones doesn't become even more popular.
Cancer sucks and having so many people close to me go through this I wish him all the best. I hope he makes it through this and is able to manage it with as much dignity and comfort as possible.

At the same time, I despise his hate mongering rhetoric. While I wish he would have been able to retire in dignity on his own terms, I am glad that we get a break from his BS.
Stated with dignity. But when has Rush ever been hateful?
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The problem is you are talking about a person who has spent his entire career on the radio wishing that harm on others and for no other reason than to make a dollar spent his time attacking unfairly the character and motivations of others.

This is not a person that I can honestly say that his intentions and motivations where good. He harmed others with the intent to harm others because it furthered the goal of making him money.

I'm not defending him, I'm just not someone who delights when others in pain.
Stated with dignity. But when has Rush ever been hateful?
I assume you are being at least a little sarcastic with your question, but since you asked . . . the below took me all of 2 mins to find :p

“Socks is the White House cat. But did you know there is also a White House dog?”

Comments made while displaying a picture of Chelsea Clinton, then a 13-year-old, on his TV show in 1994. (Source: TIME)

“When a gay person turns his back on you, it is anything but an insult; it’s an invitation.”

Comments made on his radio program in the summer of 1994. (Source: The Most Dangerous Man in America: Rush Limbaugh’s Assault on Reason by John K. Wilson)

”Feminism was established so as to allow unattractive women easier access to the mainstream of society.”

Another of Limbaugh’s “Undeniable Truths” (updated version), also said on his radio program on August 12, 2005. (Source: Media Matters)

“He is exaggerating the effects of the disease. He’s moving all around and shaking and it’s purely an act. … This is really shameless of Michael J. Fox. Either he didn’t take his medication or he’s acting.”

Comments made on his radio program in October 2006 after Fox, who has Parkinson’s Disease, appeared in a series of ads for candidates who supported government-funded embryonic stem cell research. (Source: Washington Post)

“Look it, let me put it to you this way. The NFL all too often looks like a game between the Bloods and the Crips without any weapons. There, I said it.”

Comments made on his radio program on January 19, 2007. (Source:

“Moochelle Obama”

”Moochelle” is the term Limbaugh often uses to refer to First Lady Michelle Obama, especially when he is discussing her efforts to fight childhood obesity. He used the phrase on his radio program on August 8, 2010, and many many times since. (Source:

“Liberals should not be allowed to buy guns, nor should they be allowed to use computer keyboards or typewriters, word processors or e-mails, and they should have their speech controlled. If we did those three or four things, I can’t tell you what a sane, calm, civil, fun-loving society we would have. Take guns out of the possession, out of the hands of liberals, take their typewriters and their keyboards away from ‘em, don’t let ‘em anywhere near a gun, and control their speech. You would wipe out 90% of the crime, 85 to 95% of the hate, and a hundred percent of the lies from society.”

Comments made in the wake of the Gabby Giffords shooting on his radio program on January 18, 2011. (Source:

“ ‘Ching cha. Ching chang cho chow. Cha Chow. Ching Cho. Chi ba ba ba. Kwo kwa kwa kee. Cha ga ga. Ching chee chay. Ching zha bo ba. Chang cha. Chang cho chi che. Cha dee. Ooooh chee bada ba. Jee jee cho ba.’ Nobody was translating, but that’s the closest I can get.”

Semi-indecipherable comments made on his radio program while “translating” Chinese President Hu Jintao on January 19, 2011. (Source: Media Matters)
You dumb ass, there is no God, Republicans are stupid, capitalism has destroyed mankind, rich people suck unless they are actors or singers, late term abortions don’t matter because only the woman’s body matters, and freedom of speech hurts the cause, so fvck that too.

Get your head out of your stupid ass OiT. You disgust those of us who know we have superior intellect. :mad:

Forget to take your Midol today, Herk?