
Yup, he pulled the same shit with Brock as well. He needs to shut his pie hole and work on his own game……
I was surprised to see Sandfort actually yelling at Freeman like that. Instead of supporting the freshman, he’s screaming at him. I had to replay it and it looked even worse the 2nd time. Thought it was kind of a prick move by Sandfort.
Sandfort is a mid-major player. But besides that, he can't play defense, he is not a leader, he can't do anything but shoot.
Yeah, I have finally come to the same conclusion. He tries hard at all aspects you mentioned, but just does not have them inherently. Not to mention he makes way too many bone-head decisions in games.
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Sandfort is the best player on the court for Iowa. Other teams know that. It's the lack of help. He is the most solid Big player on the team but he is a solid role player. Iowa lacks a legit playmaker. End of story. Sandfort has solid D skills. CMac made the offense 4.5 on 5. Teams wanted him to shoot.

Iowa wasted 3 NBA players by not using them together. Oft 1 at a time
You are watching a different game than I have seen this year. When Sandfort is "hot", which happens several games each year, he seems to be an incredible shooter. He flat out sucked against Mary Land. He also had several wide open chances to make the Purdue game interesting down the stretch, but didn't get it done. The guards have been playing well this year, but Payton hasn't come through most of the time. He is an awful man-to-man defender. Watch the final play where he does his best imitation of a statue, as Young drives in for an easy layup.
Sandfort should have stayed teammates with Devries.
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I didn't mind PS getting on Freeman for that foul but he then proceeded to have the worst 5 minutes of his career. Both of the last two buckets were on him as well.
Need to emphasize Dix rather than Sandfort
Or perhaps Sandfort is the poster boy for the players who are willing to play for Iowa.
Meed to run more plays for Dix and less for Sandfort.
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It’s a trainwreck. Might as well just enjoy the carnage until the end of the season at this point. If I’m Fran, I almost don’t want to make the NCAA tourney. It’d just be another 10 or 11 seed, where you play a coin flip game first round, and if you win you get boatraced in the next round by a top team.
Yeah why even play the games? What's the point? We're all going to die one day anyway...

"If I'm Fran, I almost don't want to make the NCAA tourney." Top notch thinking right there, folks.
Yeah why even play the games? What's the point? We're all going to die one day anyway...

"If I'm Fran, I almost don't want to make the NCAA tourney." Top notch thinking right there, folks.
Almost as top notch as, “Well, I’m not going to play my best players, because screw it, I’m the coach.”
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Perkins should have been the double team man.
As I recall, the man Sandfort was guarding set a pick on Dix, who was the best player to be guarding Young. It has been a while since I played BB, but the guy who was guarding the player setting the pick, then is supposed to switch on to Young. Sandfort was WAY too slow, and obviously didn't consider that Young is left handed. You are right that Perkins is our second best perimeter defender but he was not in the play. Really good play run by MaryLand, knowing Payton had no chance to stay with Young.
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You are applauding him for improving to shooting 33% from three and 38% from the field?!?
My point is that by starting him two years earlier he hampered any chance for Iowa to do anything in the Big Dance, especially with Keegan and Kris on the bench.
Actually it appears the 3 point improvement was from junior year (27%) to senior year (34%), final year was 33% as you noted. He was never known as a shooter, but 33/34% is respectable (better than Perkins this year). I agree that the Murray’s should have played sooner and more minutes.
I don't think I have seen them run ANY plays for either guy this year. They just run around in the motion offense or whatever it is and hope someone gets open.
Not true. In the Purdue game, for example, they ran the same play to get Payton an open wing 3, at least 3 times down the stretch. Unfortunately, he missed every time.
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Young could have gone to the hole anytime he wanted, with any player on our team guarding him, but he was trying to keep his other players involved. He had his toughest time while Harding was on him. Last five minutes he took over like he has done most of the year. You don't try to matchup with a guy like that with Dix or Sanfort. Fran just doesn't understand that you need Bowen or Harding in the game against teams with quick fast point guards to stand any kind of a chance of staying in front of them.
Young could have gone to the hole anytime he wanted, with any player on our team guarding him, but he was trying to keep his other players involved. He had his toughest time while Harding was on him. Last five minutes he took over like he has done most of the year. You don't try to matchup with a guy like that with Dix or Sanfort. Fran just doesn't understand that you need Bowen or Harding in the game against teams with quick fast point guards to stand any kind of a chance of staying in front of them.
Disagree to some extent, but I thought Dix did an outstanding job guarding Young, when he was on him. Young went off when Dix was out of the game, or when Dix was forced to guard taller players, because Freeman wasn't on the court. Young is quicker than anyone on the Iowa team, including Harding, who he could have gone over, but Dix's length helped keep him contained.
Disagree to some extent, but I thought Dix did an outstanding job guarding Young, when he was on him. Young went off when Dix was out of the game, or when Dix was forced to guard taller players, because Freeman wasn't on the court. Young is quicker than anyone on the Iowa team, including Harding, who he could have gone over, but Dix's length helped keep him contained.
Harding is tougher to go around untouched, like he did in that last possession. Not saying he wouldn't get around him, but that last possession was way to easy to go from 30 feet almost untouched to the rim.
Disagree to some extent, but I thought Dix did an outstanding job guarding Young, when he was on him. Young went off when Dix was out of the game, or when Dix was forced to guard taller players, because Freeman wasn't on the court. Young is quicker than anyone on the Iowa team, including Harding, who he could have gone over, but Dix's length helped keep him contained.

Dix is our best guard defender---he stays with his guy and his length makes smaller guards have to adjust their shot or not take the shot when they do get to the basket. Perkins is athletic, strong enough to be a great defender--he is right up there with Dix. Perhaps he tries more for the show boat blocked shot or steal.

I think Krikke is our worst defender---and PMAC is right up there with or down there with krikke, but Krikke shows up more because he's guarding guys inside the paint and giving up points....whereas PMAC wonders the perimeter and loses his guy or gets beat off dribble and then it is someone elses problem. Sandfort is also not good defender, but he's the one guy on the team capable of going off from 3pt line and this team needs 3pt shooting.

Coming off this Michigan win---they played pretty well in 2nd half defensively...gave up34 points.