Satanists are simply Christians. They are petulant children throwing a tantrum like teenagers do sometimes. Lashing out at their father the lord by bringing around a bad boyfriend named Lucifer. Lucifer is like totally smart and stuff and has all the cool anti-establishment piercings to let you know. We already have Christian displays and don't neef any more. Your satan shrine just didn't make the cut based on its nonsense.
Atheists have the most displays of any religion in every government building. Lots of empty corners
We totally do need to respect the holidays of other actual religions in the state though at the time. If Islam wants to display something relative to their religion during Ramadan have at it. Jews can do the same for passover. Whatever.
Atheists have the most displays of any religion in every government building. Lots of empty corners
We totally do need to respect the holidays of other actual religions in the state though at the time. If Islam wants to display something relative to their religion during Ramadan have at it. Jews can do the same for passover. Whatever.