Seems likely SCOTUS will rig the election for Trump

NY sentencing delayed so Trump can file motion to vacate the jury verdict. I guess they'll claim these were all official acts and see how far they can take it.
Because you’re stupid I’ll explain the point of OP.
Trump will lose.
Trump will challenge in court
The SCOTUS will hear the case
The SCOTUS will find for Trump
"because you're stupid ill explain", followed by a ridiculously childish and stupid prediction. Awesome.
Unless this thing is a blowout, it looks probable that the Supreme Court will find some way to get Trump back in office. After yesterday I have zero confidence this will be a fair election.
Biden electing justices who cant define a woman disqualifies them from any serious merit. Bummer.
Let people vote when it's convenient for them

How novel. Why don't republicans embrace it? Oh. Right.
When it’s convenient? Heck most employers give you time off to go vote. If we want to go by convenience we better change a lot of things in life. How convenient was the republican caucus in iowa in January. It was cold and snowy.