Seems likely SCOTUS will rig the election for Trump

The president can't pass a piss test and you can't show up on time....... talk about reinforcing stereotypes.
Republicans are so short sighted about absentee voting. Older people are the most likely to take advantage of mail in ballots. Typically older voters lean Republican. Proposing in person voting for everyone is "cutting off your nose to spite your face." Think about it, mail in voting was never an issue for Republicans until DJT.
God I hope so please please please! 🙏
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When it’s convenient? Heck most employers give you time off to go vote. If we want to go by convenience we better change a lot of things in life. How convenient was the republican caucus in iowa in January. It was cold and snowy.

What employers give you time off to vote?

In fact my employer's wife told me about how back in the day the biggest employer in town Studebaker used to make all their workers do overtime on election day so they could influence the local elections.
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Thought I made an error but you just couldn’t quote me properly. Anyway you’re stupid also. I’m secure in the fact I know more than you.
It's not an error that made you look stupid, it's your logic. It's that of a child having a temper tantrum. Unfortunately for you that's a lot tougher to fix.
What employers give you time off to vote?

In fact my employer's wife told me about how back in the day the biggest employer in town Studebaker used to make all their workers do overtime on election day so they could influence the local elections.
I bet that old bag loves sending email fwds to avoid bad luck.
So none of any such cases will automatically not have merit and shouldn't be heard?
Too many double negatives for me to figure out WTF you were trying to say.

But I'll try. The court itself decides which cases to hear. Most legal scholars couldn't believe they were even hearing the immunity case.

It's a loaded court.
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What employers give you time off to vote?

In fact my employer's wife told me about how back in the day the biggest employer in town Studebaker used to make all their workers do overtime on election day so they could influence the local elections.

Pretty sure every job I’ve had, the company has given me paid time off to go vote.
Good try though.
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lol at you laughing like you’re not actually given time off from work to go vote.
lol at your only come back is to point out a grammar error when someone is quickly typing something up on a cellphone.
lol at you being a hard core liberal.
Oh no, the Breitbart bitch boy thinks I’m a hard core liberal! How dare he! Maybe you should pray to your little god to become a better speller, or not be a dumbass on 88% of the things you comment on. Now go cry to the mods you twink.
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Absentee ballots are dropped off early.

We all know the answer but I’ll ask it rhetorically: you feeling alright?
Just sat down for my favorite lunch, Gyro w/Feta from Ted's west, never better.

Flick I know you really felt good out on your edges with your version of the "you've lost your mind comment" but basically since the moment you said that every single thing that could have proven me correct has done so.

I've thought about this and I'll try a shitty analogy because I do think you are a decent dude and more importantly I think you truly do try to be honest and speak truth.

Shitty analogy incoming:

4 weeks ago you saw an old girlfriend, just a passing situation, caught up for a few minutes, wished her well, as you walked away you took 10 seconds to think about that thing she used to do. Pretty harmless, by itself, not a big deal. Did you cheat on your wife? No.

3 weeks ago you're in Tulsa. Guys at work decide to check out the local gentlemen club and have a nightcap across from the hotel. Hell, those girls need money also right? Just looking. By itself was that a big deal? Probably not. Did you cheat? No.

2 weeks ago you are out eith friends. It's "small iowa" right, so you happen to be with your friends that includes your buddies sister who is there with her spouse also. You know she has always had the hots for you and jokingly pass off something just to see how she responds and if that fire still burns.... did you cheat? No. By itself, probably not a big deal, you've known of her for years now shes harmless right?

Now, the question that has been asked has been "did you cheat" and you can with 100% honesty say no you did not.

But what if I asked you if you had been faithful to your wife for thr last 4 weeks?

That's where you are at.

When A literal actor showed up Trump's trial, and I said it was a weaponazation of the DOJ, when Jack Smith brought documents to paint a picture in the media of Trump's guilt again it wasn't "cheating" when the media was proven to be covering for a clearly disabled man, ( that's right you read that right the media and a political party in bed together) when it was found the bidens are hiding Joe from the dem party..... all of this was "it isn't cheating", but flick, you know in your heart, he is breaking rules and bending laws to go after his opponent at this point.

Look at Indiana

"No Voting Leave Statute"

No job I've ever had gives you time off to vote.

And lets be honest if everyone had to show up on election day the lines, especially in urban areas would be ridiculously long.

Which is why the right wants everyone to just show up at the polls. Because people will decide that waiting in line for 9 hours isn't worth it.
Oh no, the Breitbart bitch boy thinks I’m a hard core liberal! How dare he! Maybe you should pray to your little god to become a better speller, or not be a dumbass on 88% of the things you comment on. Now go cry to the mods you twink.
Do your liberal friends know you are making fun of the group you so passionately support?
You have to either be a little toddler or you have some serious attitude issues.
Were you the one going at it with torbee on the golf course the other day?
Look at Indiana

"No Voting Leave Statute"

No job I've ever had gives you time off to vote.

And lets be honest if everyone had to show up on election day the lines, especially in urban areas would be ridiculously long.
Well good thing this is an iowa board where you get time off.
Just keep the excuses coming. It will be fine.
Do your liberal friends know you are making fun of the group you so passionately support?
You have to either be a little toddler or you have some serious attitude issues.
Were you the one going at it with torbee on the golf course the other day?
Loose…”Hey don’t make fun of my typos, it’s obviously not my fault. Blame it on the phone!” Thank you for the comedy you provide…loose.
Loose…”Hey don’t make fun of my typos, it’s obviously not my fault. Blame it on the phone!” Thank you for the comedy you provide…loose.
You can make fun of them all you want. I just find it funny when it’s the only come back you and others can come back with at times.
Most people, especially in 2024 don’t care about a little grammar mistake. Hell take a look at a news article sometime. They are littered with spelling and grammar errors.
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