Senate Dems shirk Constitutional Duty and just Dismiss Mayorkas Impeachment

Hi! I know you must have been blackout drunk or something but did you know there is a bipartisan bill sitting in the House right now that Johnson won't bring to a vote? And he won't bring it up for a vote because he knows it will pass! So, I know you've been on an 8 month border crisis bender here but it's time for an intervention. At the very least understand that it isn't Democrats holding up action at the border. It's Republicans. If you truly cared about this issue and actually wanted to do something about it you would be posting daily about how Johnson and Republicans are preventing anything being done about it. Instead, you are on here daily just trying to blame Democrats which has convinced me you really don't give two flying F**ks about immigration or the border. You just don't want to defend how your party has nominated an 85 time felony indicted rapist con man as their nominee for President.
I know, like many others in this thread, you only read things that trigger you, but if you paid attention, you would have found that I have been shitting all over the GOP about not bringing up that border bill since the day it happened. Sorry.
Hi! I know you must have been blackout drunk or something but did you know there is a bipartisan bill sitting in the House right now that Johnson won't bring to a vote? And he won't bring it up for a vote because he knows it will pass! So, I know you've been on an 8 month border crisis bender here but it's time for an intervention. At the very least understand that it isn't Democrats holding up action at the border. It's Republicans. If you truly cared about this issue and actually wanted to do something about it you would be posting daily about how Johnson and Republicans are preventing anything being done about it. Instead, you are on here daily just trying to blame Democrats which has convinced me you really don't give two flying F**ks about immigration or the border. You just don't want to defend how your party has nominated an 85 time felony indicted rapist con man as their nominee for President.
Post #22. Apology accepted. I don't know why I need to continue to keep talking about stuff that happened months ago and am not allowed to comment on things that happened hours ago. Why would you think that is what should happen?

No offense but you probably need to take a break from this issue, OP.
I'm already done with it, Huey. However...
They Pull Me Back In Al Pacino GIF by The Godfather
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Hi, the border bill you refer to never passed the Senate, so it's not at the House, and speaker Johnson isn't holding it up,.. There is however a House passed border bill labeled HR2 sitting on Chuck Schumer's desk that he refuses to touch...
The Langford (R) Oklahoma, bill is a better bill that will pass the Senate and will be signed by Biden...ONLY if Trump says it's okay to bring it forward. A guy, who isn't even in our government, is holding up a bill that is the best bill we will ever see...said by Republicans.
The Senate can pass a partisan bill passed by the house,.. The House cannot pass a bipartisan bill that never got out of the Senate..
Why not pass a bill written by both parties instead of a hack bill produced by morons?
No. For what?

Whoops. Post 14 from a thread back in 2018. @theiacowtipper can take a look too.

“Garland was screwed over by the GOP.” You couldn’t have been much clearer than that.

The “You must respect our institutions” people.
Don't be a moron. The senate sets its own trial procedures in how it processes impeachments received from the house, and a dismissal process is a perfectly acceptable mechanism consistent with 'normal' trial procedures.
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The senate sets its own trial procedures in how it processes impeachments received from the house, and a dismissal process is a perfectly acceptable mechanism consistent with 'normal' trial procedures.

Unfortunately, I suspect this will become quite normal in the future...
Please elaborate how each of these orders turned the border into a mess. I looked this up after you brought it up another time and I would love for you to explain how each of these orders made things worse. Or were you just enthralled with Safari Ted Cruz making shit up 2 weeks into the Biden presidency?

Sometimes you should look at who likes your posts and maybe rethink your board personality. It’s generally the
02/24/2021ImmigrationProclamationYesRevokes a Trump-era proclamation that limited legal immigration during the Covid-19 pandemic
Trumpers whose cult leader you say you despise.
01/20/2021CensusExecutive OrderYesRequires non-citizens to be included in the Census and apportionment of congressional representatives
02/02/2021ImmigrationExecutive OrderYesRevokes Trump’s order justifying separating families at the border and creates a task force that recommends steps to Biden to reunite separated families
02/02/2021ImmigrationExecutive OrderYesAims to address economic and political causes of migration, works with organizations to provide protection to asylum seekers and ensures Central American asylum seekers have legal access to the United States. Rescinds Trump administration policies and guidelines and also initiates a review of policies “that have effectively closed the U.S. border to asylum seekers”
02/02/2021ImmigrationExecutive OrderYesRescinds Trump’s memo requiring immigrants to repay the government if they receive public benefits. Elevates the role of the executive branch in promoting immigrant integration and inclusion, including reestablishing a Task Force on New Americans. Requires agencies to review immigration regulations and policies
02/04/2021ImmigrationExecutive OrderYesExpands the United States Refugee Admissions Program and rescinds Trump policies that limited refugee admissions and required additional vetting
02/04/2021ImmigrationMemoYesDirects relevant agencies to ensure LGBTQI+ refugees and asylum seekers have equal access to protections, requires the Department of State to lead a standing group to respond quickly to international LGBTQI+ human rights abuses and to report annually to Congress on global LGBTQI+ abuses, directs agencies to review Trump administration policies and rescind those that are inconsistent with this memo within 100 days
02/24/2021ImmigrationProclamationYesRevokes a Trump-era proclamation that limited legal immigration during the Covid-19 pandemic
01/20/2021ImmigrationMemoNoFortifies DACA after Trump’s efforts to undo protections for undocumented people brought into the country as children
01/20/2021ImmigrationProclamationYesReverses the Trump administration’s restrictions on US entry for passport holders from seven Muslim-majority countries
01/20/2021ImmigrationExecutive OrderYesUndoes Trump’s expansion of immigration enforcement within the United States
01/20/2021ImmigrationProclamationYesHalts construction of the border wall by terminating the national emergency declaration used to fund it
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The ems reminded the GOP/MAGA wing-nuts who te adults in the room are…..are again. Talk about a phuquin’ waste of time……but ten what do you expect fron the Republicans leads House.,…,.who takes their marching orders from The Traitor? I bet Marjorie is pissed! 🤐
01/20/2021CensusExecutive OrderYesRequires non-citizens to be included in the Census and apportionment of congressional representatives
02/02/2021ImmigrationExecutive OrderYesRevokes Trump’s order justifying separating families at the border and creates a task force that recommends steps to Biden to reunite separated families
02/02/2021ImmigrationExecutive OrderYesAims to address economic and political causes of migration, works with organizations to provide protection to asylum seekers and ensures Central American asylum seekers have legal access to the United States. Rescinds Trump administration policies and guidelines and also initiates a review of policies “that have effectively closed the U.S. border to asylum seekers”
02/02/2021ImmigrationExecutive OrderYesRescinds Trump’s memo requiring immigrants to repay the government if they receive public benefits. Elevates the role of the executive branch in promoting immigrant integration and inclusion, including reestablishing a Task Force on New Americans. Requires agencies to review immigration regulations and policies
02/04/2021ImmigrationExecutive OrderYesExpands the United States Refugee Admissions Program and rescinds Trump policies that limited refugee admissions and required additional vetting
02/04/2021ImmigrationMemoYesDirects relevant agencies to ensure LGBTQI+ refugees and asylum seekers have equal access to protections, requires the Department of State to lead a standing group to respond quickly to international LGBTQI+ human rights abuses and to report annually to Congress on global LGBTQI+ abuses, directs agencies to review Trump administration policies and rescind those that are inconsistent with this memo within 100 days
02/24/2021ImmigrationProclamationYesRevokes a Trump-era proclamation that limited legal immigration during the Covid-19 pandemic
01/20/2021ImmigrationMemoNoFortifies DACA after Trump’s efforts to undo protections for undocumented people brought into the country as children
01/20/2021ImmigrationProclamationYesReverses the Trump administration’s restrictions on US entry for passport holders from seven Muslim-majority countries
01/20/2021ImmigrationExecutive OrderYesUndoes Trump’s expansion of immigration enforcement within the United States
01/20/2021ImmigrationProclamationYesHalts construction of the border wall by terminating the national emergency declaration used to fund it
You didn't follow the directions. You just copy and pasted the orders which I already saw. You did NOTHING to explain/elaborate, in your own words, how these things have our border worse. Having said this, you did actually put in more effort than one of my students taking the ISASP LA/writing test yesterday.
It'll be just as normal as it has been in the past. And frankly, we need fewer impeachments, not more.

I don't believe it's ever happened before,.. And my comment was pointed towards the fact that no future government office holder will ever again fear impeachment as long as his or her party controls the Senate,.. Your wish has been granted.
Unfortunately, I suspect this will become quite normal in the future...

Pesky Constituion.

See Nixon v US (and not that Nixon but a federal judge who was impeached).

Supreme Court basically says Senate can do essentially whatever it wants and call it an impeachment trial.
You didn't follow the directions. You just copy and pasted the orders which I already saw. You did NOTHING to explain/elaborate, in your own words, how these things have our border worse. Having said this, you did actually put in more effort than one of my students taking the ISASP LA/writing test yesterday.
And much like (I assume) you think about that student, it would be a waste of time having to explain things which are obvious because it's also obvious that student has no intention of caring or paying attention or learning.
Pesky Constituion.

See Nixon v US (and not that Nixon but a federal judge who was impeached).

Supreme Court basically says Senate can do essentially whatever it wants and call it an impeachment trial.
Looks like I will be in St. Louis next year for the same thing I went to Cleveland for this year. I expect, ribs and vodka.
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They did this because they know if they allowed themselves to rehash all of the nonsense happening at the border that they’d look like horseshit when they ignored it…right before the election. So, they’d rather just take the shit for doing this because it makes them look less terrible.
OK. You should probably read the thread first as I have documented my displeasure on several occasions with the GOP doing that dumb shit. I'm never amazed to learn that so many people can only think one group at a time can be bad at their jobs.