Senator Warnock Confirms Comrade Harris will seek Mandatory Gun Confiscation Laws on NBC

Dec 31, 2014
Comrade Harris is Anti-First Amendment.
Also Anti-Second Amendment.

Her office falsely imprisoned over 1,000 persons violating their Eighth Amendment rights.

Are there any American Rights she does believe in?

He certainly 100% did not say no. There’s a reason for that. He doesn’t want to lie.
That isn't the same as saying yes. The tweet presented it the conversation as though he said yes. Which is misleading. Say he dodged the question. Shitty job by Trump War Room

Yes it could be he dodged because he believed that we should. Or maybe because he thought it would go against what Kamala or other fellow party members desired and he didn't want to cause trouble needlessly. A number of reasons for a dodge
That isn't the same as saying yes. The tweet presented it the conversation as though he said yes. Which is misleading. Say he dodged the question. Shitty job by Trump War Room

Yes it could be he dodged because he believed that we should. Or maybe because he thought it would go against what Kamala or other fellow party members desired and he didn't want to cause trouble needlessly. A number of reasons for a dodge

That’s all well and good but when you say

"We're not going to be able to get where we need to go without action(confiscation)."

That tells us exactly where he stands.
That’s all well and good but when you say

"We're not going to be able to get where we need to go without action(confiscation)."

That tells us exactly where he stands.
Of course he also cited the bit of gun control legislation passed a few years back. He was seemingly speaking of gun control actions in general.

You were just bellyaching days ago about a misleading Harris clip and how it should be removed (PS, he still said those words). Here you are posting a Trump War Room clip where the "quotes" don't match anything being said.

You double down on the fear mongering and lying about what he said and means. Action does not mean confiscation. Action can me harsher penalties, more background check, required safety courses to purchase, mandatory security devices for legally owned firearms, enhanced devices on firearms for security, revert to assault rifle bans (that seemed to have worked), etc etc. Plenty of action can be taken, not taking action is the problem Ts&Ps don't fix anything.

You are just full of shit and troll posting like a champ. Fully off the deep end at this point.
A violent democrat known for spousal abuse basically admits he would want to take other people's right to self defense. Fascinating optics from the left per usual.
You were just bellyaching days ago about a misleading Harris clip and how it should be removed (PS, he still said those words). Here you are posting a Trump War Room clip where the "quotes" don't match anything being said.

You double down on the fear mongering and lying about what he said and means. Action does not mean confiscation. Action can me harsher penalties, more background check, required safety courses to purchase, mandatory security devices for legally owned firearms, enhanced devices on firearms for security, revert to assault rifle bans (that seemed to have worked), etc etc. Plenty of action can be taken, not taking action is the problem Ts&Ps don't fix anything.

You are just full of shit and troll posting like a champ. Fully off the deep end at this point.
You're repeating a hoax and are clearly fully off the deep end.
You are a liar.

I pulled the show and watched that exchange. Before and after.

Stop making shit up.
All he had to do was say that he dodged the question. That itself would be useful to his position on the matter. But no... he had to link to something that misrepresented what was actually said and then stupidly defended it.

Which only made people on the message board he's sharing the link think less of him and his message.

Just stupid all the way around.
All he had to do was say that he dodged the question. That itself would be useful to his position on the matter. But no... he had to link to something that misrepresented what was actually said and then stupidly defended it.

Which only made people on the message board he's sharing the link think less of him and his message.

Just stupid all the way around.
There’s no way I could think less of him than I already do. Zero respect.
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All he had to do was say that he dodged the question. That itself would be useful to his position on the matter. But no... he had to link to something that misrepresented what was actually said and then stupidly defended it.

Which only made people on the message board he's sharing the link think less of him and his message.

Just stupid all the way around.
I wonder where he got the idea to do this from.. perhaps comrade Kamala was his inspiration as she is constantly lying and misrepresentating statements.
There’s no way I could think less of him than I already do. Zero respect.
I have a feeling that your sentiment is mutual. After seeing what makes you cheer I wouldn't be surprised if someone couldn't care less about your judgement tbh
I wonder where he got the idea to do this from.. perhaps comrade Kamala was his inspiration as she is constantly lying and misrepresentating statements.

I have a feeling that your sentiment is mutual. After seeing what makes you cheer I wouldn't be surprised if someone couldn't care less about your judgement tbh
I give less of a **** about you. You’re a liar as well.
I wonder where he got the idea to do this from.. perhaps comrade Kamala was his inspiration as she is constantly lying and misrepresentating statements.

I have a feeling that your sentiment is mutual. After seeing what makes you cheer I wouldn't be surprised if someone couldn't care less about your judgement tbh
Yeah, I'm sure it was Kamala Harris.

Look, this isn't hard. Just pay attention to your content and sources. Like I said above, you could have still taken a shot at Warnock over this, but he had to retweet some dumb take. He's being lazy and stupid.
Not even worthy of discussion,.. an open mandatory buy back could never proceed without a constitutional amendment.
Dodge and bob this one too >

20,000 Haitians will have Ohio looking like this in no time.

Haitians are dirty scum that's why the Dominican Republic want's none of them to cross over.
You know we already have more than 20,000 Haitians here right?

Weird that Ohio doesn’t look like that.
It will in time, just wait.
The evolution of Phenom turning from someone who disliked Republicans, and didn't really like Dems and seemed somewhat intelligent to someone that is 100% against Dems, posting fake stuff on a daily basis to the point he's now just another one of the alt right insane board truly fascinating.

It's certainly an impressive change of heart OR a very long con. Either way, impressive and fascinating.

But perhaps he (Phenom) agrees that it isn't unreasonable for Kamala to have a change in position on some topics (aka flip-flopping). Although most of her changes seem to be a refining vs a complete 180 we have observed from him.....
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The evolution of Phenom turning from someone who disliked Republicans, and didn't really like Dems and seemed somewhat intelligent to someone that is 100% against Dems, posting fake stuff on a daily basis to the point he's now just another one of the alt right insane board truly fascinating.
I’m convinced he’s getting paid somehow. Money is the only possible reason for willingly falling on his face time after time after time. Even on an anonymous message board you’d think people would have some pride.
A mandatory weapons buy back program - Harris knows that this would never pass in the Senate with the 60 votes required. She would never offer such a program. Hell, the Senate won't even pass a simple universal background check program even though polling shows the American people overwhelmingly support it. And why, because Senate and House Republicans will never cross their most financially supporting benefactors, the NRA and the gun manufacturers.