Senile Idiot Staying in the Race

And the article below the linked one says they’ve spent $37m on ads since the debate.
At risk of sounding like a trumptard. Consider this.

The dems have already plastered Roe V Wade in the media. The Dems have done everything they are going to do before the election in the courts. The guy had his name drug through the mud because he nutted on a pornstars face. The fanny thing isn't going anywhere

And at the end of the day he is leading in the polls.

I don't see where the dems can point to gain ground with Biden and I don't know how much more meat is left on the "he is a rapist" bone for main street America. We have short attention spans.
I heard an interview with I think a House member from Texas on Biden's campaign committee who had some "interesting" things to say.

She said she thought the media this morning would be reporting on trump's confusion and lack of clarity. No, really she did. Guess the irony escaped her.

She also blamed the media for using unnamed sources claiming that none of this retirement talk can be coming from within the White House because they are all still in. She may be being lied to or incredibly naive. Or maybe just making stuff up.
There are some real idiots in the Texas Democrat party and they are usually from Houston
Most people noticed it in 2015 and that's why Hillary ran instead of him. He said he was still upset over his son passing away which is okay. But a lot of people thought that was screwing with his mind which it probably was.
You are right but things in that illness accelerate and he has looked horribly unwell in the last 18 or so months.
Then he would be no better or less selfish than Trump.

Frankly, given Biden’s recent rhetoric about “being the guy” that did this, that, and the other, as if no one else is as competent as him to run the country, is pretty much paralleling the same bullshit Trump spews.

By jove Odin’s beard, what a mess!

Good day, Scrud Man. Love the shit posting! Keep up the good work. 😊

It will be Trump / Vance versus

I wonder if Kamala actually wants the job?

How appealing is it to imagine yourself as the first major-party black woman presidential candidate - who then went down in flames against one of (if not the) worst presidents in US history?
I wonder if Kamala actually wants the job?

How appealing is it to imagine yourself as the first major-party black woman presidential candidate - who then went down in flames against one of (if not the) worst presidents in US history?
There's still a chance though. She needs to think about the future. Think about how she'd go down in history as the first woman and minority woman President. If I was giving her advice I'd tell her she needs to think about what can be, unburdened by what has been.
The people who surround this guy are, I think, Republican operatives. Who the hell is voting for this guy? These 6 people? I think I need to switch party affiliations.
The people around him are trying to keep their jobs so they are a little bit biased leaning toward Biden staying in the race and winning.

Listen, Trump is garbage and if the same 80+ million people vote for Biden, even as a negative vote against Trump, then Biden or any Dem can win.

I would frame everything as a vote for the Dem is a vote against Trump and continued Dem progress
The people around him are trying to keep their jobs so they are a little bit biased leaning toward Biden staying in the race and winning.

Listen, Trump is garbage and if the same 80+ million people vote for Biden, even as a negative vote against Trump, then Biden or any Dem can win.

I would frame everything as a vote for the Dem is a vote against Trump and continued Dem progress
Biden cheated last time he didn't get any of those votes. They know it everybody knows it. There's no covid this time. Covid was an excuse to put all these drop boxes everywhere and all these pre-printed ballots. Dems are screwed without covid this time. They should have invented some virus real quick some new China virus
Dude served his country. Your guy got his daddy to buy his way out. Come to think of it, has 1 person in the entire Trump family ever served? No wonder he thinks they're suckers & losers.
First of all he’s not “my guy”.
Second, I’m happy to laud Barack Obama for his service in the military.
Can you share that with us? Joe’s son Beau served, and we should as Americans be grateful for any among us who have served.
No offense but I have been calling his cognition in question, for minimally a year.
Fair point - but nearly all democrats denied it. Look at the pre-debate thread here.

Simply amazing how the party covered it up and are “only” calling for him to step down after he was exposed. If the debates didn’t happen - they would be championing Biden as a great leader at the top of his game. I have no doubt the republican cult would do the same exact thing - but right now it’s the dem cult that is fully exposed for what they want - Power.
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Fair point - but nearly all democrats denied it. Look at the pre-debate thread here.

Simply amazing how the party covered it up and are “only” calling for him to step down after he was exposed. If the debates didn’t happen - they would be championing Biden as a great leader at the top of his game. I have no doubt the republican cult would do the same exact thing - but right now it’s the dem cult that is fully exposed for what they want - Power.
Republicans might yet do the same. Give em time.
Fair point - but nearly all democrats denied it. Look at the pre-debate thread here.

Simply amazing how the party covered it up and are “only” calling for him to step down after he was exposed. If the debates didn’t happen - they would be championing Biden as a great leader at the top of his game. I have no doubt the republican cult would do the same exact thing - but right now it’s the dem cult that is fully exposed for what they want - Power.
You're totally right. I still think whomever set up this early debate could be viewed as a Democratic whistleblower. If the debates had happened in October, there would be no time. Some, ok many, knew this guy ain't right in the head. Literally. The CNN debate, in that sense, did its job.
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Biden cheated last time he didn't get any of those votes. They know it everybody knows it. There's no covid this time. Covid was an excuse to put all these drop boxes everywhere and all these pre-printed ballots. Dems are screwed without covid this time. They should have invented some virus real quick some new China virus
I gave it a chance but now that your back to full moron politics mode, back on ignore you go.

I still urge you to get the mental help you are in dire need of.

Joe Biden has been a total wreck for almost a decade... Or more. For anybody to say it just happened recently is just not really being honest or not really looking at the facts over the last decade.
1000% this.

Look at how he acted while he was VP. He was an idiot then and has been in another universe during his presidency.

Dumbass hasn't met with his cabinet in over NINE MONTHS! What business doesn't meet with their leaders at the very minimum weekly? A piss poor one.

It's a bunch of malarkey! C'mon man!
You're totally right. I still think whomever set up this early debate could be viewed as a Democratic whistleblower. If the debates had happened in October, there would be no time. Some, ok many, knew this guy ain't right in the head. Literally. The CNN debate, in that sense, did its job.
They almost have to go with Kamala as a replacement. But that creates a challenge as she emphatically claimed several times after the debate how sharp he was. If they ditch her, that doesn’t bode well for the first female of color narrative. Your thoughts?
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Joe Manchin would win if the Dems would nominate him. If Kamala remained on as his VP candidate, they could take over the funds that have been raised without issue.
They almost have to go with Kamala as a replacement. But that creates a challenge as she emphatically claimed several times after the debate how sharp he was. If they ditch her, that doesn’t bode well for the first female of color narrative. Your thoughts?
I know they know they can't win with her on the top of the ticket. At her best, she was polling at 1 to 3 percent. She has done 0 in the past 4 years. Like zilch. If she's at the top of the ticket, they'd be wiser to roll with Joe.
First of all he’s not “my guy”.
Second, I’m happy to laud Barack Obama for his service in the military.
Can you share that with us? Joe’s son Beau served, and we should as Americans be grateful for any among us who have served.
You've voted for Trump a few times correct? How is he not your guy?
Did Obama dodge the draft like Trump did? Apples to oranges comparision.
We should be grateful for any among us who serves, except apparently Pete Buttigieg, who you said was wearing a Halloween costume.
Then he would be no better or less selfish than Trump.

Frankly, given Biden’s recent rhetoric about “being the guy” that did this, that, and the other, as if no one else is as competent as him to run the country, is pretty much paralleling the same bullshit Trump spews.

By jove, what a mess!

Good day, Scrud Man. Love the shit posting! Keep up the good work. 😊
Was thinking the same thing, people are correct that Trump is selfish and only cares about himself. Biden seems similar in his thinking