Seth Wallace


HB All-State
Dec 16, 2012
Did we just see the future head coach of the Hawks lead Iowa today?

He seems to have the "it" factor. I know when KF retires, there is going to be a bunch of opinions about the next HC.

Phil: will he want it or will he ride off with KF?
Woods: seems to be in a great position, but no OC, DC, or HC experience. Much loved by players and fanbase
Lester: obviously has the HC experience under his belt, but newly arrived. Could catapult himself up with a great offensive season.
Wallace: has respect of players; no DC or HC experience.
Bell/Betts/Barnett: no idea if they want it; highly respected by players but haven't heard much buzz about HC material

Say Kirk goes another 2-3 years and things end on relatively good / successful terms. Seth would be a strong contender for sure as would LeVar, assuming LeVar doesn't leave for elsewhere in the meantime. Seth doesn't seem to be going anywhere.

Phil isn't going to do it, he's said multiple times he's happy in the role he's in until he calls it a career.

Lester I see Iowa being more of a stepping stone assuming things turn around. If he can bring Iowa even back to a moderate level of success, I imagine he'll be highly sought after.

None of the other assistants stand out to me as realistic contenders, but some could potentially stay on staff if Seth is selected.

That said, if the next 2-3 years end up being more of a decline, I could see Beth cleaning house entirely. There would be a lot of names interested in a high paying Big Ten head coaching job.

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