No it does not. Still its my thought, (maybe incorrect) that people who have a national platform (as Swoopes does) have a responcibility to use it factually, and without obvious bias. I don't hold Joe blow to the same expectation because he doesn't have the same audience. I'd agree that we should try to limit the racial overtones to all of this. Its not helpful in anyway. Still there is a major problem, and its seems split right down racial lines. Thats simply an observation by the way. Why do you think when Reese did her thing in 2023 championship game to Clark (when I believe this whole thing got kicked off), that pretty much every person of color came directly to Reese's defense? Anyone who is involved in sports could see just how bad sportsmanship that was, yet they all came to her aid when they had absolutely ZERO context of the truth. The argument being that Clark had done the same thing in a game to HVL, and that NEVER happened. Yet you have sports personalities across the globe even people like Jabbar, (who have a huge platform) making uninformed opinions supporting one side. Why did they all jump to that conclusion without first fact checking?