Sheryl Swoopes (and other Crazy Women) with some incredible takes

Look, I'm not arguing that people don't hate Caitlyn Clark. They do, and it's annoying, disappointing and petty. It's just a shame how quick everyone is to play the race card here. Do I think race and sexual identity play a part her? Maybe a tad, but not much.

The source of the hate is how underpaid and underexposed the old guard are, and how much they resent this brash, insanely confident girl who has achieved more at 22 than they have in a lifetime.

Everyone yelling racism! strips the conversation of it's nuance and reveals just how the insecure "anti-woke" movement has hijacked the national conversation by injecting race into literally every topic (without irony). It's disappointing.
Dude, the very premise of her statement is racist. Someone can’t be racist SOLEY BECAUSE OF THEIR SKIN TONE!!!??? Cmon…you’re better than this…
Okay, let's walk through the nuance of this statement. Why do you think a black person would choose to say this at the exact moment that they are saying that a particular action isn't racially motivated? What do you think are the thought processes of black people (and white people) who believe in this statement?
Okay, let's walk through the nuance of this statement. Why do you think a black person would choose to say this at the exact moment that they are saying that a particular action isn't racially motivated? What do you think are the thought processes of black people (and white people) who believe in this statement?
In her case, clearly to get a free pass to say whatever she wants. The fact remains, the statement is racist.
The problem many people have is they think just because someone was a good player in their day means they know everything about the game, but they don’t. Often times very talented players never learn the intricacies of the game because they didn’t need to, they just got by on physical ability. That’s why many good players don’t make very good coaches. Swoopes was a good player, but she obviously knows very little about the game and talent evaluation.
I'd agree on this most of the time, but disagree here. Swoopes knows alot about the game and how its played. She HATES Clark or at the very least the attention she has garnered as in Swoopes mind it is ONLY because Clark is a white woman. I'm convinced there is absolutely no other reason. It simply isn't possible that Swoopes could watch Clark play and how she has lifted her team and the league and then make the comments she does, or stay silent about her incredible growth in a few months. This is totally transparent racism and jealousy because the league has never been this electrified by ANY player in its history.
Coming from the guy that said the state of Indiana is racist. Yeesh
I mean, if you willfully don't want to have nuanced, double sided conversations with me, don't engage.

I posted an article outlining the history of racism in Indiana, including it being the birthplace of the Ku Klux Klan.

I would never "say" a state is racist. I'm not a moron.
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That was exactly what your implication was in your first post regarding it. But hey…no racism the other way, right? The hypocrisy just blows me away…
I already stated that racism is at play the other way, and you chose to ignore it. If you are going to continue to come at me with canned buzz words and ad hominem attacks, then don't waste your time.

Something tells me you are capable of an actual intellectual conversation if you chose to go there. If so, I'm here for you, buddy. Until then, adios.
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Just a question. WHAT exactly is Swoopes doing to "build bridges" when it comes to racial tension, and jealousy? She HAS a national platform unlike posters here. Is she being constructive, or destructive? I'll be interested in your response.
She's doing nothing. She is 100% the problem along with 80% of this board. Does that make all them - and you - racists? It does not.
  • Haha
She's doing nothing. She is 100% the problem along with 80% of this board. Does that make all them - and you - racists? It does not.
No it does not. Still its my thought, (maybe incorrect) that people who have a national platform (as Swoopes does) have a responcibility to use it factually, and without obvious bias. I don't hold Joe blow to the same expectation because he doesn't have the same audience. I'd agree that we should try to limit the racial overtones to all of this. Its not helpful in anyway. Still there is a major problem, and its seems split right down racial lines. Thats simply an observation by the way. Why do you think when Reese did her thing in 2023 championship game to Clark (when I believe this whole thing got kicked off), that pretty much every person of color came directly to Reese's defense? Anyone who is involved in sports could see just how bad sportsmanship that was, yet they all came to her aid when they had absolutely ZERO context of the truth. The argument being that Clark had done the same thing in a game to HVL, and that NEVER happened. Yet you have sports personalities across the globe even people like Jabbar, (who have a huge platform) making uninformed opinions supporting one side. Why did they all jump to that conclusion without first fact checking?
No it does not. Still its my thought, (maybe incorrect) that people who have a national platform (as Swoopes does) have a responcibility to use it factually, and without obvious bias. I don't hold Joe blow to the same expectation because he doesn't have the same audience. I'd agree that we should try to limit the racial overtones to all of this. Its not helpful in anyway. Still there is a major problem, and its seems split right down racial lines. Thats simply an observation by the way. Why do you think when Reese did her thing in 2023 championship game to Clark (when I believe this whole thing got kicked off), that pretty much every person of color came directly to Reese's defense? Anyone who is involved in sports could see just how bad sportsmanship that was, yet they all came to her aid when they had absolutely ZERO context of the truth. The argument being that Clark had done the same thing in a game to HVL, and that NEVER happened. Yet you have sports personalities across the globe even people like Jabbar, (who have a huge platform) making uninformed opinions supporting one side. Why did they all jump to that conclusion without first fact checking?
Almost all of your points are valid. I would argue that very few people came to Angel's defense, and that action was almost universally condemned. I would say that you are probably correct that the majority of black people who did come to her defense did so for racial motivations. I would also say that the racial question is far more nuanced for black people than it is for white people. To deny this is to deny generations of white oppression over black people, which, in my view, is akin to holocaust deniers.

Nonetheless, I personally found Angel Reese's actions distasteful and petty, but nothing I hadn't seen a hundred times from Jordan Bohannan. Likewise, I feel that anyone who would defend her lost the forest for the trees. There is no defense for her behavior in the 2023 national championship game.
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In medicine there is what is what is know as a "diagnosis by exclusion." Doctors eliminate all possible causes until only one is left.

Sherlock Holmes stated the same - "How often have I said to you that when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth?

Sure nobody can prove Swoopes is a racist, but there is no other explanation for her hatred of Caitlin. None.
Almost all of your points are valid. I would argue that very few people came to Angel's defense, and that action was almost universally condemned. I would say that you are probably correct that the majority of black people who did come to her defense did so for racial motivations. I would also say that the racial question is far more nuanced for black people than it is for white people. To deny this is to deny generations of white oppression over black people, which, in my view, is akin to holocaust deniers.

Nonetheless, I personally found Angel Reese's actions distasteful and petty, but nothing I hadn't seen a hundred times from Jordan Bohannan. Likewise, I feel that anyone who would defend her lost the forest for the trees. There is no defense for her behavior in the 2023 national championship game.
Very good. I also had a problem with much of JBO's schtick and said so when he pulled stuff like leaving his signed shoes at mid court at Hilton saying thanks for the memories. Some found it funny, and yet they'd have been incensed if an ISU player did that shit at Carver. You just can't have it both ways.
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In medicine there is what is what is know as a "diagnosis by exclusion." Doctors eliminate all possible causes until only one is left.

Sherlock Holmes stated the same - "How often have I said to you that when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth?

Sure nobody can prove Swoopes is a racist, but there is no other explanation for her hatred of Caitlin. None.
To some degree it as much about the jealousy that CC is getting all this love when her peers never did. Still it would be hard to make the argument that she's not making these observations through very dark tinted glasses. If not then why is she such an outspoken Reese supporter when the same thing could be said of her??
Juju is not Caitlin. But if it was Simone Biles or someone similarly brash and beloved, yes, I think the Sheryl Swoopes of the world would still have an issue with her.
Simone is not Caitlin either. Caitlin is one of a kind and Swoopes has gone ultra petty in her hatred for her. And yes…there is definitely some racial elements to her hatred.
I think her stupidity probably outweighs her racism. Not a great combo.

People who die on the hill of defending stupid people like Swoopes and Reese are going to end up looking pretty stupid themselves at some point
Agreed. Although that doesn't mean that Angel and Sheryl are completely bereft of redeemable qualities.
Look, I'm not arguing that people don't hate Caitlyn Clark. They do, and it's annoying, disappointing and petty. It's just a shame how quick everyone is to play the race card here. Do I think race and sexual identity play a part her? Maybe a tad, but not much.

The source of the hate is how underpaid and underexposed the old guard are, and how much they resent this brash, insanely confident girl who has achieved more at 22 than they have in a lifetime.

Everyone yelling racism! strips the conversation of it's nuance and reveals just how the insecure "anti-woke" movement has hijacked the national conversation by injecting race into literally every topic (without irony). It's disappointing.
She doesn’t seem to have a problem with a brash, insanely confident Angel Reese who makes way more money than she ever did.
I'd agree on this most of the time, but disagree here. Swoopes knows alot about the game and how its played. She HATES Clark or at the very least the attention she has garnered as in Swoopes mind it is ONLY because Clark is a white woman. I'm convinced there is absolutely no other reason. It simply isn't possible that Swoopes could watch Clark play and how she has lifted her team and the league and then make the comments she does, or stay silent about her incredible growth in a few months. This is totally transparent racism and jealousy because the league has never been this electrified by ANY player in its history.
What has she ever said that shows she knows a lot about basketball other than play it well and be a failed coach?
Swoopes may not be racist but she has repeatedly bashed and disrespected CC.
SS might be just extremely jealous and petty that more people watched CC in last year than her whole career and the same thing for earnings.
Me despising AR may seem racist, but then I tell you I love Boston for same reason against Angel. One is extremely selfish and plays the victim while the other is kind and sharing and humble.
Everything does not have to be about skin, but most people are aware enough to not be totally blatant so we can’t be 100% sure on SS.
What has she ever said that shows she knows a lot about basketball other than play it well and be a failed coach?
Your entitiled to think what you want. I'm figuring a person who was a college AA and pro HOF and then a coach knows a hell of a lot more about the game then some guy on a message board. You obviously. and some others obviously feel differently, which says a lot about the people who post on social media or websites. From my understanding her main failure as a coach was the way she dealt with people, which makes sense considering how she's handled herself during this last year in the media. That doesn't mean she doesn't know the game better then you or me. To think otherwise seems ignorant.