Shot Clock discussion. Thank God we have it for CBB. What about High School?

Remember when Dean Smith went into his 4 corners stall?

And in high school? Stuff like this has been happening way too often over the last several years.

Check this Out & Watch.

NOTE: they did this the entire 4th quarter, too.

I had the joy of being part of a game where it was 8-6 at halftime and both teams played at a fast pace. We ended up losing 31-26. You would think you would win a game only giving up 31 points.
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That is ridiculous. 1st of all. try to steal the ball if you are losing in a close game. 2nd, extend the damn 2 - 3 zone.

Now to the teams that do this crap offensively. What a chicken sh-t way to play the game of basketball.

This is Madrid's coach's tweet about the game. It should answer you're first comment...

2 things.

First, yes HS needs a shot clock.

Second, Madrid's coach is partly to blame and was happy the game ended as it did...23-17.

Note - It was 17-12 at half and neither team scored in the 3rd qtr
Thank you for pointing this out. When I saw the tweet the 1st thing I noticed is Madrid has 5 guys in the paint. Most people are ripping DMC but both coaches were comfortable with the style. We can sit here and blame both coaches but let’s just get a damn shot clock.
Lots of lulz all around.

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Just waiting for the can’t afford to do it crowd. Might as well have Bob Cousy out there playing. Terrible. Just do it.
Nah, as a coach myself, they really shouldn't do it. And they won't. Hope that helps! :D
Interesting. As a coach what’s your opinion on the situation? Madrid need to come out and defend? DMC need to shoot over the packed lane? Or are you okay with the style of play? I’m not trying to argue just want to hear your opinion on this topic since you’re not for a shot clock.
Remember when Dean Smith went into his 4 corners stall?

And in high school? Stuff like this has been happening way too often over the last several years.

Check this Out & Watch.

NOTE: they did this the entire 4th quarter, too.

Does the other team not care? Who would sit and watch that? Should tell their kid to steal or foul hard lol
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Madrid should not be proud to just sit and let a team hold the ball for an entire qtr. Can’t blame the other team for holding it with the lead. Make the other team come out and guard. Still sucks to watch either way. Be interested to hear why Monkey says no.
5 card stud, you blaming the team that’s winning? Go out and guard. News flash, the team sitting in a zone letting them hold the ball is losing. What am I missing?
If I’m ref, I’m not calling crap if the defense takes some aggressive action against obvious stalling beyond 69 seconds.

Good point. A fair and practical application of the rules. As long as you treat both teams the same that is just a reasonable application of an official's discretion.

Princeton proved you could successfully run a four corner style offensive with a play clock. Got a lot of backdoors.

Although the players are much longer these days.

HS definitely needs a shot clock. They should play the twenty minute halves as well.
Interesting. As a coach what’s your opinion on the situation? Madrid need to come out and defend? DMC need to shoot over the packed lane? Or are you okay with the style of play? I’m not trying to argue just want to hear your opinion on this topic since you’re not for a shot clock.
All of the above, actually. I can explain later though.
Good point. A fair and practical application of the rules. As long as you treat both teams the same that is just a reasonable application of an official's discretion.

Princeton proved you could successfully run a four corner style offensive with a play clock. Got a lot of backdoors.

Although the players are much longer these days.

HS definitely needs a shot clock. They should play the twenty minute halves as well.
The last part is the only point I disagree with. It definitely doesn't need a shot clock, and it is more likely that the NCAA moves to quarters (like the NBA......) than high school moves to halves.

However, I don't think I would complain if quarters changed to 10 minutes each.......okay well maybe in girls basketball, but that's another story.
Was just talking to a buddy of mine about this topic last night. He coaches boys and his team is often in the state tournament so it’s not like he’s bitter about something as his team usually wins anyway. Said they have played in South Dakota the last two years and he loves the shot clock and is in favor of it coming to Iowa. Last year the shot clock came into play a total of one time during the entire game in South Dakota. However, it prevented a four corner/foul fest the entire 4th quarter.
I just don't like the quarter breaks. Just another interruption in a game where continuity of play and momentum is important. The girls should get to play 20 minute halves just like the boys. Its been a couple of seasons I think but the Iowa girls were on like a 10-2 run in the final minute of the quarter, the other team was about to collapse and they were saved by the bell. Lisa B had a very disgusted look on her face when the horn sounded.
I’d like to see high school boys go to 16 minute halves. Agree about the continuity.
I remember Bobby Knight using the four corners against us in the 80's with 6 or 8 minutes to go when he had the lead. Drove me nuts! It isn't even the same game we play.
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Need a shot clock. No question. It’s not basketball when a team tries to play keep away for minutes at a time or quarters at a time.

And I officiated for years. I was also one to talk to the state years ago about girls needing a running clock in a blowout situation. I was told at that time it wasn’t ever going to happen. Two years later evidently the world stopped spinning because it happened.

Yes a shot clock adds some complexity to running a game, but football has managed to do it with a play clock. I think the schools will get by.
In the 60’s, my sister was involved in a similar game. Her team had won 1, maybe 2 games all season. The opponents had lost 1 or 2 games. The two teams had played twice on the season with our girls losing both times by 30 to 40 points. They met in tournaments and our team held the ball as much as possible. They ended up losing 27-25 in double OT. They only shot layups and free throws. When the other team came out, our girls (facing a big size disadvantage) were able to get layups. If they didn’t come out, we held the ball. As the game went on, you could see the other team tighten up.
I just don't like the quarter breaks. Just another interruption in a game where continuity of play and momentum is important. The girls should get to play 20 minute halves just like the boys. Its been a couple of seasons I think but the Iowa girls were on like a 10-2 run in the final minute of the quarter, the other team was about to collapse and they were saved by the bell. Lisa B had a very disgusted look on her face when the horn sounded.
NCAA Men’s basketball would be much smoother with quarters. Substitute a tv timeout each half for a more natural stoppage of play.