Should I work harder to lose weight or buy bigger pants?


HB King
Gold Member
This is my conundrum for the day. My work pants are getting too tight.

On the one hand, for my overall health and well-being, I should probably workout harder, eat better and sacrifice to drop a few LBs.

On the other hand, I'm now in my mid-40s and it is 1) much harder to lose weight and 2) much, much harder to really give a shit - so part of me wants to just say F-it and go shopping for a wider waistband.

Decisions, decisions.
I went up a size about two years ago. My wife says she wishes she only gained one size in our 37 years of marriage.
Ask yourself this- Which is easier; Working your ass off to drop a couple of lbs to appeal to your ego, or going to the store and buying a size bigger pant with the option to stop and pick up some of your favorite micro?

Quit making life so hard, and your wife told me she doesn't mind the extra baggage:)
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Ask yourself this- Which is easier; Working your ass off to drop a couple of lbs to appeal to your ego, or going to the store and buying a size bigger pant with the option to stop and pick up some of your favorite micro?

Quit making life so hard, and your wife told me she doesn't mind the extra baggage:)

I think she might actually be a chubby chaser. May have to stop by Chipotle after Banana Republic, it IS just across the street!
I think she might actually be a chubby chaser. May have to stop by Chipotle after Banana Republic, it IS just across the street!
Banana Republic is the best place to pick up slacks. Go ahead and get yourself a pair of 38's and don't think twice about it.
This is my conundrum for the day. My work pants are getting too tight.

On the one hand, for my overall health and well-being, I should probably workout harder, eat better and sacrifice to drop a few LBs.

On the other hand, I'm now in my mid-40s and it is 1) much harder to lose weight and 2) much, much harder to really give a shit - so part of me wants to just say F-it and go shopping for a wider waistband.

Decisions, decisions.

You should do both. I have a "fat guy wardrobe" and a "skinny guy wardrobe". You should go buy a "fat guy wardrobe" now. Then allow yourself to grow into the new, larger pants, suit coats, etc. But once those start getting tight, then you go on a diet until the skinny wardrobe fits again. Rinse, repeat.
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Also consider as craft beer drinkers we are now in IPA and lighter beer season. Not nearly as many high abv imperial stouts and such. Stick to single ipa's, pale ales, pilsners etc with a lower abv and that will help. I say this drinking a Ballast Point Sculpin watching the White Sox/Orioles game with nobody in the stands.
Lose the weight. If you decide to go up one pants size you'll be up two before you know it. Next stop will be a quadruple bypass.
Craft beers are loaded with carbs....carbs are the root of fatness....cut down on the carbs and exercise.
I'm sorry, but as I said, this is a non-starter.

It should be noted that I actually DO excercise a lot. At least an hour-and-a-half, 3 or 4 times a week. I do this so my heart won't explode. But I'm past the vanity/ego point of caring how I look in a swimsuit.
Masturbate more. Also make sure to alternate arms so you don't get lopsided.
I will support you in whatever decision you make Torbee. Just don't buy Levi's so people can read your waist size if you decide to buy pants. I agree, giving up the craft beer is not an option. Just remember, you can't out exercise a bad diet though!
Whats all the BS you always put online about riding your bike?

Are you Facebook lying?
After losing some weight (down 50 so far), I got rid of my fatter clothes. That way I have to force myself to keep losing or at least maintain the loss.

That said, one size up isn't a big deal. Just don't get too complacent.

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