Simone Biles

She is self promoting and put it out on multiple leotards in various forms to play to all the folks proclaiming her to be the GOAT. She was accepting and promoting the moniker when she decided to make it part of her uniform.

As far as me once where I supported his arrogant, pompous life style?
And then there is Tiger Woods and his self-promoting “TW” logo...and Arnold Palmer and his Japanese inspired multi-colored umbrella....and Jack Nicklaus and his “ Golden Bear”...and that damned Lee Trevino and his “sombrero”....and then, do I even dare mention my President, Donald Trump?
A picture is worth a thousand words.
Simone Biles Is The GOAT, And Her Explanation For Wearing Bedazzled Leotards  With The Icon Is Just As Legendary! | BET
Does this make you little mad or big mad?
we did. We're up to what the third reason now why she withdrew. First it was mental health, then Twisties then an unexpected death.

And my post was in direct response to your point that you can't get Twisties only doing forward tumbling. If that's the case then you can't use it as a reason for the poor preformance on the beam during qualifying.
You're right. After an unmatched career as the most dominant gymnast of all time and in, likely, her last Olympics ever, Biles chose to drop out of every event she has crushed for years just because...🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️

What do you win?
Someone has to be “ the greatest”....It is all subjective empty discussion. Was is Mohammed or Rocky? Was it Jack or Tiger...or Bobby? Is it LaBron or Micheal?
Ali, Nicklaus, Jordan, Ruth.

I threw that last one in as a bonus. Just FTR ;)
Keep telling me how upset Simone Biles doesnt make you
Upset? I'm having too much fun making her own her arrogance and bad karma from it to remember I'm supposed to be upset...but thank you for reminding me.
we did. We're up to what the third reason now why she withdrew. First it was mental health, then Twisties then an unexpected death.

And my post was in direct response to your point that you can't get Twisties only doing forward tumbling. If that's the case then you can't use it as a reason for the poor preformance on the beam during qualifying.
You are simply willfully ignorant now. She did not have her troubles in the beam, she withdrew after the vault. She did a beam routine with no twisting elements. It's all very consistent yet you want to make something else out of it. She's earned the benefit of the doubt. Your efforts to bash her make me wonder about your motivations.
This is just ESPN, but this is going to be all over the left leaning media landscape. It's exactly why conservatives are spending so much time on the topic.

The difference for ghost between Tiger, Ali, etc and Biles is that Biles is a woman.
That's it.
The difference for ghost between Tiger, Ali, etc and Biles is that Biles is a woman.
That's it.
Ha Ha! Differences. Tiger never called himself the greatest. Ali? He was a genius. He called himself the greatest and acted like he did to make the people with money (mostly white) show up or tune in hoping to see him take a whupping. People loved it when Frazier decked him with a left hook and Norton broke his jaw while Ali had his mouth open trash talking him.

Ali laughed all the way to the bank at his haters. I loved that.
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Ha Ha! Differences. Tiger never called himself the greatest. Ali? He was a genius. He called himself the greatest and acted like he did to make the people with money (mostly white) show up or tune in hoping to see him take a whupping. People loved it when Frazier decked him with a left hook and Norton broke his jaw while Ali had his mouth open trash talking him.

Ali laughed all the way to the bank at his haters. I loved that.
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Wow, I had no idea there were so many world-class former gymnasts / sports psychologists / sexual abuse survivors here.

As usual, HROT is full of opinionated folks who have no clue what they're talking about. Maybe this flow-chart will help:

Ha Ha! Differences. Tiger never called himself the greatest. Ali? He was a genius. He called himself the greatest and acted like he did to make the people with money (mostly white) show up or tune in hoping to see him take a whupping. People loved it when Frazier decked him with a left hook and Norton broke his jaw while Ali had his mouth open trash talking him.

Ali laughed all the way to the bank at his haters. I loved that.
Actually ghost, I found it pathetic. The fact remains, IF Ali had been allowed to box and not been exiled into "forced retirement", he would have (probably) fought Frazier as a younger man and whupped him a few times and hopefully been smart enough to retire before he was MediCare eligible. But, he was forced into an early retirement, was forced to come back and win his title, my thinking here is all speculation. But, Ali was a great one, no doubt.
Ali was black, he was proud, he was a great boxer and he was right (about "the draft", "the war" and racism in America).....and that pissed off a great percentage white guys.
I have not read this thread clear through so maybe this has been discussed.

After the 2016 Olympics Simone Biles was featured in a couple of television commercials and leading into these Olympics she also had another couple.

I wonder if she will still have the same marketability.
Actually ghost, I found it pathetic. The fact remains, IF Ali had been allowed to box and not been exiled into "forced retirement", he would have (probably) fought Frazier as a younger man and whupped him a few times and hopefully been smart enough to retire before he was MediCare eligible. But, he was forced into an early retirement, was forced to come back and win his title, my thinking here is all speculation. But, Ali was a great one, no doubt.
Ali was black, he was proud, he was a great boxer and he was right (about "the draft", "the war" and racism in America).....and that pissed off a great percentage white guys.
You are correct. His stance on the war made him further hated but Ali was hated before he was Ali.....back when he was Cassius Clay.

He did whup Frazier twice and the third match between them nearly killed him. When interviewed much later in a very serious tone he stated that was the closed to death he had ever been. Between that beating and the horrific rope a dope intentional beating he took against Foreman that is when he quit being an actual threat as a fighter (Foreman was also the last man he knocked out).

Ali's chin was too solid for his own good.
I will never understand holding her up for quitting. Not saying anything about anything she might be dealing with, but she quit. And great, she came back for one last thing and won. Good for her. But she did quit and that's nothing to be exalted for.
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I will never understand holding her up for quitting. Not saying anything about anything she might be dealing with, but she quit. And great, she came back for one last thing and won. Good for her. But she did quit and that's nothing to be exalted for.
Idolizing a quitter speaks volumes to where our society has fallen.

Ironic part is she did manage to earn a bronze but got an unearned silver participation award for the event she quit.
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Idolizing a quitter speaks volumes to where our society has fallen.

Ironic part is she did manage to earn a bronze but got an unearned silver participation award for the event she quit.
You are such dipshit it's amazing. The one person in this thread with actual experience has tried to set you straight but your misogyny just powers ahead full steam.
Idolizing a quitter speaks volumes to where our society has fallen.

Ironic part is she did manage to earn a bronze but got an unearned silver participation award for the event she quit.

Upset? I'm having too much fun making her own her arrogance and bad karma from it to remember I'm supposed to be upset...but thank you for reminding me.

Posters are wondering. Why is this such a burr under Ghost saddle?
I will never understand holding her up for quitting. Not saying anything about anything she might be dealing with, but she quit. And great, she came back for one last thing and won. Good for her. But she did quit and that's nothing to be exalted for.
And...again, since no one will address it...did Tiger "quit" when he skipped two successive Masters?

except that you know she admitted what I said months ago. She should have never been there in teh first place and she knew it.

But yeah I'm the one to admit I was wrong. Execpt its playing out exactly how I said. Just a minor detail I know.
except that you know she admitted what I said months ago. She should have never been there in teh first place and she knew it.

But yeah I'm the one to admit I was wrong. Execpt its playing out exactly how I said. Just a minor detail I know.
Talk about taking a quote out of context.

"If you looked at everything I've gone through for the past seven years, I should have never made another Olympic team," Biles told New York magazine.
"I should have quit way before Tokyo, when Larry Nassar was in the media for two years. It was too much. But I was not going to let him take something I've worked for since I was six years old.
"I wasn't going to let him take that joy away from me. So I pushed past that for as long as my mind and my body would let me."

She completely dominated the sport until this olympics. So much so that they were limiting her scores just to keep things close. But go on hating.
except that you know she admitted what I said months ago. She should have never been there in teh first place and she knew it.

But yeah I'm the one to admit I was wrong. Execpt its playing out exactly how I said. Just a minor detail I know.
Even more disingenuous fodder from you.
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except that you know she admitted what I said months ago. She should have never been there in teh first place and she knew it.

But yeah I'm the one to admit I was wrong. Execpt its playing out exactly how I said. Just a minor detail I know.
Bedshitters gotta shit.....nothing more to really say.

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