I don’t understand why many on this thread assume recruiting the inner city is automatically going to bring baggage. It’s not fair. Also don’t assume everyone currently on the roster is a choir boy. You would be mistaken.
Its not assuming the inner city kids are dirt bags. It does assume that the blue blood programs get the four and five star kids from poor/inner city schools that don't have academic or social problems. Remember, we're only talking about roughly 150 kids that are 4/5* players, and some of those are kids from suburban or small town schools with pretty much Opie Taylor backgrounds.
So we're, or at least I'm, only talking about maybe 25-50 players total, out of the tens of thousands that play HS basketball, that are both clearly superior as players
and academically or socially risky as college students. Iowa's most recent gambles on those kids (Pierre Pierce and Tyler Smith) deprive the coaches of much discretion in gambling on that small subgroup of players..
Of course the current roster aren't all choir boys. Most of us went to Iowa, plenty of hi jinx by varsity players, and pretty much any other subgroup of the University's population. But there's a big difference between stupid kid shit and kidnapping and rape (Pierre Pierce) and armed robbery (Tyler Smith, albeit only theft at Iowa-the guns didn't come out until Tennessee). If McC didn't know that when he got here then the Hubbard experiment, brief as it was, was illuminating about future recruits.
I don't like this policy; still have more than a pebble in my shoe over the double secret probation BS with Ray Thompson, and think we should gamble of some more marginal kids. Give 'em a chance to succeed as students and citizens and only drop them if they fail, socially (serious crimes) or academically. Unfortunately the people that run the U of Iowa don't agree.