Shouldn't you be taking out the missus tonight?
OBVIOUSLY you haven't been married for many MANY years!!!! In any case, we will head out AFTER Wrestling tournament. She understood from W A Y back. Coaching, TRAINING, Wrestling etc..... ALL takes priority!
Some will see it as a joke? It is NOT!!! Birthdays, holidays, anniversaries etc.... ALL get put on hold till the job/work is done!!!! Now do not get me wrong!!! FAMILY is utmost important!!! That being said, FAMILY understands that they may have to make some adjustments.
If you are scheduled to practice, get it in, then go out is what I am saying. I will always tell the kids I coach and train.
"You will make excuses, either excuses why you can not make it, or excuses why you HAVE TO make it!!!!" Once you reach that level where you are ALWAYS finding a way to get your work in. That is when you know you have arrived!!!
BRUCEY- you may be think of the NAVY or MARINE term used in the Maritime trade? Has the CONN or CON depending on who you talk to. that means that person is taking charge of the ships direction in most cases.
I, here on LAND am taking the COM-MAND, a slang term, meaning I got this one YO!!!