Skip Bayless

He's a D Bag and why people watch about him is beyond me. I could not care less what he thinks. I'd like him to spend 20 years in prison as Cowherd's roommate.

I would not watch the sex tapes. :p
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He's a professional antagonizer. Just in sports instead of politics.

He insisted for a long time, well longer then when it was sane that RG3 was a better QB then Andrew Luck.
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I don't understand how fans don't seem to realize that these analysts make "hot takes" to get people to watch / listen to their show. They are essentially paid trolls who love if a fan base gets upset and gives them the time of day as it means more viewership. Yet Hawkeye fans (I'm sure every other fan base as well) can't wait to be offended by Cowherd, etc.)
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I don't understand how fans don't seem to realize that these analysts make "hot takes" to get people to watch / listen to their show. They are essentially paid trolls who love if a fan base gets upset and gives them the time of day as it means more viewership. Yet Hawkeye fans (I'm sure every other fan base as well) can't wait to be offended by Cowherd, etc.)
sort of like trump vs. hysterical libs
I think he's funny. And I RARELY agree with anything he has to say. He's definitely what you could call a, "Professional Troll."
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