Sloppy Joes

Shut your whore mouth. My mother makes a sloppy Joe I would slit throats for.

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I'm a no on the cheese in Tator Tot. Just doesn't work.

Sloppy joes? How can one not love a sloppy joe? Don't ask the recipe, I don't make the ****ing things, the wife does. Loose meat best scooped with a Lays BBQ Chips.
I agree, cheese in TTC is a no for me too.

I once thought that there's not a sloppy joe out there that I wouldn't like. Then my wife's extended family served me their version where the sauce is derived from a can of condensed chicken with rice soup. Rice in sloppy joes? Chicken soup mixed with ground beef? WTF? No, just GTFO now.

My sloppy joe has to be made with a tomato based sauce, for me it's required and anything else really isn't a sloppy joe.
I agree, cheese in TTC is a no for me too.

I once thought that there's not a sloppy joe out there that I wouldn't like. Then my wife's extended family served me their version where the sauce is derived from a can of condensed chicken with rice soup. Rice in sloppy joes? Chicken soup mixed with ground beef? WTF? No, just GTFO now.

My sloppy joe has to be made with a tomato based sauce, for me it's required and anything else really isn't a sloppy joe.
Do you like Bud/Bud Light?
I have to be honest, my appetite has been shit for a couple of months. Very few things sound / smell good to me. If I didn't have a Chicago style pizza in the oven, I'd be breaking out some ground beef, can of chicken gumbo, a shit load of pepper, and some oats.

Sioux City tavern style.
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I prefer a maid rite to sloppy joes but both are excellent.
You're a disgusting fool from West High....wait.....tbw (no pics) uses Campbells Gumbo soup in her sloppys and it is excellent. maid rites is basically rat chow. Never understood the attraction for flavorless dry beef.
I agree, cheese in TTC is a no for me too.

I once thought that there's not a sloppy joe out there that I wouldn't like. Then my wife's extended family served me their version where the sauce is derived from a can of condensed chicken with rice soup. Rice in sloppy joes? Chicken soup mixed with ground beef? WTF? No, just GTFO now.

My sloppy joe has to be made with a tomato based sauce, for me it's required and anything else really isn't a sloppy joe.
My wife made some random ass "sloppy joe" one time, had a gumbo mix, rice, ground beef, and something else in it. It was fantastic, but it certainly wasn't a "sloppy joe"
Make your sloppy joes with Johnsonville hot Italian sausage rather than ground beef. King’s Hawaiian rolls, lightly toasted with garlic butter.

Trust me.
Are they really a staple? I'm 49 and I don't think I've had this Sammy 5x in my life.

We make grinders and serve over toasted hoagies and melted provolone.

1lb gr beef
1lb Italian sausage
Pizza sauce
Italian seasoning

Tastier than a sjoe or loose meat sammich for sure.
Are they really a staple? I'm 49 and I don't think I've had this Sammy 5x in my life.

We make grinders and serve over toasted hoagies and melted provolone.

1lb gr beef
1lb Italian sausage
Pizza sauce
Italian seasoning

Tastier than a sjoe or loose meat sammich for sure.
That looks pretty damn tasty.
My wife made some random ass "sloppy joe" one time, had a gumbo mix, rice, ground beef, and something else in it. It was fantastic, but it certainly wasn't a "sloppy joe"
That actually sounds decent with some spice involved. The version I got was bland, bland, bland.
I have to be honest, my appetite has been shit for a couple of months. Very few things sound / smell good to me. If I didn't have a Chicago style pizza in the oven, I'd be breaking out some ground beef, can of chicken gumbo, a shit load of pepper, and some oats.

Sioux City tavern style.
I grew up in the sewer. So Charlie Boys and Tastees are my jam (Mom even worked at the latter so have all the recipes). I assure you neither have chicken gumbo.

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