So, he has a damaged ear, small hands and bone spurs in his feet. Does that dis-qualify him?

I'd love to see him drop dead of a heart attack; I do not at all want to see him murdered. That said, the ongoing calls for thoughts and prayers for him are laughable - he got nicked on the ear in a fashion not much more severe than when you cut yourself shaving. And, of course, in true trump fashion, this was his quote today:

“The doctor at the hospital said he never saw anything like this, he called it a miracle,” he continued, adding the doctor told him he never saw anyone survive when hit by an AR-15. “By luck or by God, many people are saying it’s by God I’m still here,” he said.

Yeah, who hear believes that the doctor said anything of the sort?
Being a sack of human shit should disqualify him, but Republicans no longer have any morals.
I'd love to see him drop dead of a heart attack; I do not at all want to see him murdered. That said, the ongoing calls for thoughts and prayers for him are laughable - he got nicked on the ear in a fashion not much more severe than when you cut yourself shaving. And, of course, in true trump fashion, this was his quote today:

“The doctor at the hospital said he never saw anything like this, he called it a miracle,” he continued, adding the doctor told him he never saw anyone survive when hit by an AR-15. “By luck or by God, many people are saying it’s by God I’m still here,” he said.

Yeah, who hear believes that the doctor said anything of the sort?
I'm pretty sure that he also said that "Trump has Matrix-like reflexes which resulted in him avoiding the bullets. He's never seen anything quite like it."
I'd love to see him drop dead of a heart attack; I do not at all want to see him murdered. That said, the ongoing calls for thoughts and prayers for him are laughable - he got nicked on the ear in a fashion not much more severe than when you cut yourself shaving. And, of course, in true trump fashion, this was his quote today:

“The doctor at the hospital said he never saw anything like this, he called it a miracle,” he continued, adding the doctor told him he never saw anyone survive when hit by an AR-15. “By luck or by God, many people are saying it’s by God I’m still here,” he said.

Yeah, who hear believes that the doctor said anything of the sort?
Weird that God didn't save the innocent bystander.
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