So I guess I survived a tornado last night


HB King
Gold Member
My house is in the green line path. Two trees down and no power but Mrs Torbee, the two hounds and Mrs. McGillikitty rode it out in the basement.
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My house is in the green line path. Two teees down and no power but Mrs Torbee, the two hounds and Mrs. McGillikitty rode it out in the basement.
I thought you were going to tell us about a new sex position Mrs. Torbee tried out on you
thats crazy, i was telling my kid last nite we dont really get tornadoes in town

I haven't delved too much into the where's and what's with this one (details like above are just now beginning to come in...will take a few days to get all the facts from everywhere it hit) - but last night's storm seemed to not want to follow the rules so to speak about decent sized to big cities. I do know the Chicago metro had a helluva time when the line rolled into town.

While I don't believe this one had any one particular cell that re-arranged anything quite like for example Greenfield - but it was indeed a very powerful storm that left a huge path of "holy shit it could have been a LOT worse" across Iowa and Illinois in particular.

It wasn't at a 2020 derecho level...still, pretty damn big storm. I'd say the NWS/weather nerds got this one right.
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I haven't delved too much into the where's and what's with this one (details like above are just now beginning to come in...will take a few days to get all the facts from everywhere it hit) - but last night's storm seemed to not want to follow the rules so to speak about decent sized to big cities. I do know the Chicago metro had a helluva time when the line rolled into town.

While I don't believe this one had any one particular cell that re-arranged anything quite like for example Greenfield - but it was indeed a very powerful storm that left a huge path of "holy shit it could have been a LOT worse" across Iowa and Illinois in particular.

It wasn't at a 2020 derecho level...still, pretty damn big storm. I'd say the NWS/weather nerds got this one right.
Peak winds 100 mph. That’s not screwing around.

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They were talking about maybe a derecho in central iowa.

Glad you are safe, been a stormy past few months in Iowa
Peak winds 100 mph. That’s not screwing around.

Certainly. And that's tearing through a densely populated area in comparison to out in mostly farm fields. That's gonna re-decorate the immediate areas so to speak.

Like I say, could have been a LOT worse. Just bump that up to an EF2 and holy hell...
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