So If We Lose Next Two...?


Feb 9, 2011
Some of you guys who like to figure out these things, if we lose last 2 regular season games, what position do we likely end up?
I mentioned in another thread that I don't think the dreaded 8/9 line is out of the question. You can use the Hawkeye teams of the last two years as examples of the committee using the team's trend in maybe giving or taking away a seed here and there. Two years ago, most "experts" had us safely in at 9/10 seed, but the committe stuck us in the first 4 after our collapse. Last year, we were projected in the 9/10 slot again, but landed at a 7 since we finished strong. If we lose the last two, I have a feeling that's where we're going.
The way things are going, it should be "when Iowa loses the next two...".

Right now, I don't think they could beat Rutgers.
I am guessing if we lose the last 2 and lose first game of the Big Ten Tournament we will be in the 7-10 range. We are in the tournament based on our RPI and our "quality wins." We also have no "bad" losses, so I am thinking if we lose out we will be in the 8/9 game possible 7/10.

Just sucks because this team showed show much promise early, only to fall flat on their face. The glaring issue is other teams have scouted and made changes to defend Iowa. Iowa I think the SI cover got to their heads and they fell flat in terms of both defense and offense. Overall these last 3 games have been about as terrible defense I have seen them play. We give up 2nd chance points and all it takes is dribble penetration to collapse and leave a shooter open.

Fran has to do something different, his zone philosophy is not working.