So if we win next two do we get double Bye?

IOWA is not going to win both games. Too young of a team, not enough height.
I give Fran lots of credit for making the change putting Bohannan back at point, but you're not going to convince me that he couldn't prepare either Josh or Riley to back up Rebraca for 5 minutes of playing time against teams that tower over us. He had lots of games to play those 2, minutes in meaningless blowout games and didn't. You can't teach height, just ask Rebraca, the Murray brothers and even Connor.
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Both are true. Rutgers most likely the 4, but Iowa does control its destiny.

Agreed. If Iowa wins their last 2, they are the 4 without any "help" from other game outcomes. However, given the remaining schedules for both Iowa and Rutgers, this doesn't appear likely.

Win tonight, then it gets interesting, though.
God, that's the scenario we should all want.

OSU (maybe!) on Friday and (most likely) Wisconsin on Saturday.
unless we win out, we'll likely get the 8-9 matchup? (too many different scenarios), but I don't mind that given we still get shot at Wisconsin